The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 171: Agent


“If you put two and a half faces together, can’t you form a complete face? Young people don’t always complain about problems when they encounter problems. You have to learn to use your brain and learn to overcome what you encounter in life. difficult."

"Only three photos captured the other's face, one of which only captured the forehead, the other only captured the mouth, and the other only captured half of the ear. Even if the three photos are combined together, it’s impossible to see Know what the other person looks like."

"Then don't look at the photos, go directly to the scene, don't forget, Xiao Qin is still waiting for you outside the Rongcheng Hotel."

An hour later, Ma Yuzhi and I arrived outside the Rongcheng Hotel. The two of us came outside the Rongcheng Hotel and searched for most of the day, but we did not find the old lady Qin. Just when the two of us were at a loss, the old lady Qin finally appeared in our sight, carrying a large bag of things.

"Oh, it's really time for the two of you to come here. The supermarket over there is on sale now, and the ribs are only nine yuan a catty. You two should also hurry over and buy something your second master likes to eat!"

Hearing what the old lady Qin said, a black line appeared on the faces of Ma Yuzhi and I involuntarily.

"Aunt Qin, the second master let you watch..."

"Oh, don't worry!" Before I could finish speaking, Old Lady Qin waved her hand and said, "I will take care of what your second uncle confessed."

"Where is that Japanese now?"

"Of course rest in the hotel!"

"Resting in the hotel?" Ma Yuzhi glanced at me, then turned to the old lady Qin and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

"Look at the pink car in front of the hotel. The owner of that car is a woman, and it should be a woman who is engaged in an improper occupation."

Seeing Ma Yuzhi and I frowned, Old Lady Qin said, "The Japanese took the woman's waist and went upstairs. Now the woman's car is still parked outside the hotel. This shows that the woman has not left yet, and the women are still staying in the hotel. Inside, how could that Japanese leave?"

"It makes sense!" I nodded gently, then looked at the old lady Qin and said: "Aunt Qin, your logical reasoning ability is very good, if you have

Conditions should be able to become a detective. "

"Go go! Don't laugh at me!" Old lady Qin smiled at me, and then said: "It's almost noon now, you are here, I should go back to cook too."

"Wait!" Seeing that Old Lady Qin was about to leave after speaking, Ma Yuzhi took two steps before she stopped in front of Old Lady Qin and said in a low voice, "Aunt Qin, you can't go now. We don't know what the Japanese grow up. Looks like, if you leave, even if the Japanese passes in front of us, we will definitely not recognize him."

"But it's almost time for dinner, I have to go home and cook."

"Two hundred, I'll give the aunt two hundred yuan in a while, and ask the aunt to have a good meal outside."

"It's pretty much the same!" The old lady Qin hesitated when she said this, then she leaned in front of me and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Tang, I ask you one thing, you have to honestly tell me."

"Aunt Qin, please feel free to ask, as long as it is what I know, I will tell the truth."

"When your second uncle was young, was it 007 from China?"


"Yeah, I think your second uncle's status is unusual. He drives well, dances well, and fights. In addition, he also asked me to monitor this Japanese. I guess he must be China's 007. A very powerful old agent."

"He's not 007!" Ma Yuzhi smiled at the old lady Qin and said: "The British agents are ranked seventh, so they are called 007. Our Chinese agents are ranked first, so the second uncle of Tang and Song dynasties is our China's 001. In addition, the identity of the second uncle of the Tang and Song dynasties cannot be revealed. This is a very important secret. Aunt Qin, you must keep it secret!"

"Don't worry, my mouth is so strict, even if someone uses a knife to pry my mouth, I won't reveal a word."

"No, my second uncle..."

Before I could finish speaking, Old Lady Qin stretched out her hand and pointed to the distance and whispered: "Look, the woman with exposed shoulders is the coquettish woman I just mentioned."

"We are not interested in women, Aunt Qin, hurry up and see where the Japanese are?"


Old lady Qin was taken aback for a moment, turned her head to look around, and pointed at the door of the hotel, and said: "Over there, the little black short-sleeved guy over there is the Japanese that your second uncle asked me to watch. ."

The dwarf that the old lady Qin said was not a dwarf, but a middle-aged man who seemed to be only a few meters away. This middle-aged man wore black short sleeves and looked very wretched.

"Are you sure he is Bugawa Yoshio?"

"Of course I am sure, there are not many men who are so short and with such wicked eyebrows in China. Even if he walks in the vegetable market now, I can pull him out."

"Okay, it's ok, now you can go home and cook."

"Didn't you just say that you want to give me two hundred yuan to let me eat out?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" I nodded, took out two hundred yuan from my pocket, and stuffed it into the hands of the old lady Qin.

After the old lady Qin took the money and walked away with a smile, I and Ma Yuzhi looked at each other, quietly followed behind Bukawa Yoshio, and walked towards a restaurant not far away.

"This guy walked into the restaurant to eat, why don't we follow up?"

Hearing Ma Yuzhi's words, I shook my head gently and said, "I can't follow up. We two men and women, if we show up in front of Bugawa Yoshio prematurely, if he remembers it, think about it later. It’s difficult to keep following him."

"It makes sense!" Ma Yuzhi nodded, and led me into the cold drink shop opposite the hotel.

I ordered two cold drinks in the cold drink shop. Just after sitting down, Ma Yuzhi said to me: "Your second uncle really trusts the two of us and rushes to take care of both of us. Just take this one. In terms of tasks, it’s not as easy to track one person without being discovered by the other person as it is on TV."

"Er Ye guessed it was also to test and exercise us. Besides, 100,000 yuan is really not a small amount. Even if the two of us were on the scene at the time, we would definitely not refuse this sale."

"Hmph, the higher the price, the more difficult the task. I am only worried that if the task fails, a few more Li Rengao will pop up and kill us by surprise."

(End of this chapter)