The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 20: resentment


"Therefore, you must be a human being, and you must stay in the history. Only in this way can you avoid being quickly forgotten by others and live forever."

"Second Lord, I want to ask, Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong are still there? I like watching "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" so much, I especially like Zhao Yun."

"Before I was suppressed anyway, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei and Yu had all lived well in the underworld. In addition, I heard that they had become good friends with Luo Guanzhong. However, the times have changed and I don’t know how they are doing ."

"No!" The old ghost's voice fell, and Ma Yuzhi waved his hand and said, "No, there is a flaw in your words!"

"Flaws? What flaws can there be in my words?"

"You just said that the power of mind comes from the concern of the stranger. Even if the stranger just chants the name of the deceased, the deceased can get a trace of mind power?"

"Yes, just now the stinky boy talked about Qin Shihuang and Zhao Yun, and both of them gained a little bit of power."

"This happens to be what I think is wrong!" Ma Yuzhi looked at the old ghost with a cold smile, and said: "According to what you just said, if a dying ghost comes to me, let me keep chanting his name every day. Then can't he also continuously gain the power of mind?"

"A ghost comes to you and lets you keep chanting his name will not produce any effect. First of all, if you don’t understand what the ghost is doing in front of you, if you chant his name, there will be no Emotional fluctuations. Without emotional fluctuations, mind power cannot be formed."

Looking at me and Ma Yuzhi, the old ghost looked at me and asked, "Boy, when you talked about Qin Shihuang and Zhao Yun just now, what was in your mind?"

"I chanted the name Qin Shihuang, and a sense of awe was born in my heart. When I chanted Zhao Yun, in addition to liking, there was also admiration."

"Now you read the name Ma San again, and see what comes to your mind?"

"Ma San." I muttered softly, and said to the old ghost: "When I said this name, my mind was blank and there was nothing. After all, I don't even know who Ma San is."

"When chanting the name Ma San, the brat's mind is blank, so even if it is chanted 10,000 times, it won't produce the slightest power of thought."

"If Ma San comes to me and tells me the story before him in detail. For example, he had a miserable life before him. When I say his name, I will sympathize with him in my mind. I sympathize with him. It is accompanied by emotional fluctuations. In this way, will it not be able to generate a trace of thought power?"

Hearing Ma Yuzhi's words, the old ghost smiled and said, "Little Taoist priest, don't worry. I haven't finished what I just said."

Seeing Ma Yuzhi closed his mouth, the old ghost said, "There is a very important prerequisite for the ghost to come to the Yangjian through the vagina."

"What premise?" I asked curiously.



"Yes, if a ghost wants to come to the yang room through the yin mouth, there must be incense in the yang room to enshrine him. A ghost without an incense is a ghost without an identity. Once a ghost without an identity enters the underworld, it will never be able to leave."

Looking at Ma Yuzhi, the old ghost went on

Said: "The ghosts who come to the Yang room are offered incense. This is enough to show that there are still relatives talking about him. If you can get the power of thinking from your relatives, how can a ghost force a stranger to talk about his name?"

"No, I also found flaws in your words!"

The old ghost's voice fell, and I said: "I met a ghost not long ago. His name is Yang Zengcai. He has no children in front of him. He is a lonely man. I think it is impossible for someone to set incense for him. Without incense, he How did you come to Yangjian, and can you still find me?"

"People who have just died can stay in the sun for seven days. On the seventh day, they can return to their souls and see their relatives. After the first seven, they must go to the underworld to report. In addition, after the first seven, they can no longer be with the previous ones. Contact with relatives. Otherwise, there will be very serious consequences."

Smiling at me, the old ghost said: "As for the ghost named Yang Zengcai you mentioned, if he stays in the sun for more than seven days, then he must be a lonely wild ghost now."

"Lonely souls and wild ghosts only dare to hide in the coffin on weekdays, and they can't be worried all day long. Because if they dare to get out of the coffin and swim around, they will attack them as long as they encounter a bad or bad, and let them be dispelled."

After hearing the old ghost's words, I suddenly realized. No wonder Yang Zengcai asked me to help cut down three cypress trees because he was hiding in the coffin all the year round. The roots of the three cypress trees happened to pierce the lid of the coffin. If you ignore these three cypress trees, and if things go on like this, Yang Zengcai might even lose this small shelter.

"No!" Ma Yuzhi frowned and thought about it and said, "If it's like what you said, why can you live to this day, and are you not a lonely ghost?"

"Not only can I live to the present, if no accident, I can live forever! In addition, I am not a lonely ghost, because there will definitely be younger generations who have been enshrining me with incense for hundreds of years, I'm afraid it has never been broken."

"Bring it!"

"Little Taoist, don't believe me, I think back then, I was also a famous person!"

"Famous?" Ma Yuzhi curled his lips and said, "I am destined to become a legend in the future!"

"By the way, second master, I would like to ask one more question, is there any restriction when the ghost comes to the Yangjian through the vagina?"

"Of course there are restrictions. As far as I know back then, looking at the entire China, there are only dozens of yin openings that penetrate the two realms of Yin and Yang, and the number of ghosts in the underworld far exceeds the number of people in the Yang. Most of the ghosts want to pass through Yin. Mouth, come to the yang room to let you breathe. After they come to the yang room, if there are no restrictions, wouldn't the world be completely messed up?"

"First, there is a time limit. Ghosts come to the sun through the yin mouth, and they can stay for no more than seven days at a time. After seven days, they will become lone ghosts and wild ghosts, and will be chased and killed by the evil spirits from now on. There are restrictions on behavior. The evil spirits who come to the Yang through the Yin mouth cannot visit their family members, and cannot appear in front of relatives and friends in any form. In addition, they cannot easily harm the lives of strangers. Violating these three points will lead to Subject to very severe sanctions."

"The restrictions I knew before were these two points. After so many years, I don't know if there will be new regulations."

Write down what the old ghost said, I thought about it

I want to ask again: "People may die in accidents, such as car accidents or wars. I wonder if ghosts may die in accidents?"

"Of course!" The old ghost nodded uncontrollably and said: "You must know that the underworld itself is not peaceful. After so many emperors died, all of them wanted to bring their famous generals to stand on their own hills and continue to rule the king. In the underworld. The war has almost never stopped. After many ordinary people who have no skill died, they became cannon fodder in the underworld, but they did not live for three years."

"In addition, the underworld will also be threatened from outside. Among them, the biggest threat in the underworld of China is from the underworld in the west. I remember that there is a bastard in the underworld in the west named Alexander. This guy has a very powerful formation. He used to fight against Bai Qi. A tie was made."


Ignoring me, the old ghost went on to say to himself: "In addition, the ghosts who come to the Yang room through the vagina may encounter accidents at any time. These accidents mainly come from people like the little Taoist.

"The ghosts I kill are all evil ghosts that are harmful to people."

"I didn't say that you are a servant, why are you busy clarifying." Ma Yu gave a glance, and the old ghost continued: "All these people chanted slogans to remove demons and defend the way, but in fact there are quite a few people. I have done all the things that hurt the truth behind my back."

"Old ghost, you can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense."

"I didn't talk nonsense. In our age, there were quite a few Taoists on the surface, and they were engaged in raising ghosts behind their backs."

"What's the use of raising ghosts?" I was a little curious when I heard what the old ghost said.

"Tang Song, you shut up, there is nothing to do with you now." After glaring at me, Ma Yuzhi said to the old ghost: "Your thinking is still a few hundred years ago. Hundreds of years ago, maybe someone raised a ghost to do bad things. . But now that the world is in a state of affairs, no one will do such a bad thing again."

"Little Taoist, you are still too young. You don't know the words sinister heart."

"The world has changed, and the world now is no longer the world it used to be. So you can no longer look at things now with the eyes of the past. In addition, as a Taoist, I have the right to defend the glory of the Taoist. I You are not allowed to slander us casually."

"The glory of fart, ghosts can also be good or bad. Are you sure you haven't hurt good ghosts by mistake?"

Seeing that the quarrel between Ma Yuzhi and the old ghost got worse, I stood up and said to them, "You two, please stay calm."

When the two of them closed their mouths, I said to the old ghost: "Second Lord, you only talked about mind power, you haven't talked about grievances yet, how did you get grievances?"

"What the little Taoist said just now made me very uncomfortable. Because of this, I got a lot of grievances just now."

Glancing at me again, the old ghost followed and said: "It is easy for ghosts to have grievances, especially those lonely wild ghosts. As long as you disobey them, they will have grievances in their hearts. The grievances cannot be resolved. They will attack strangers frantically. Over time, if the grievances are not resolved, these lonely wild ghosts will become evil ghosts and horrible ghosts."

"So when you are all right, you'd better follow what I mean, and don't be angry with me, otherwise, after I become a ghost, the first gangsters!"

(End of this chapter)