The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 200: The Bitter Family Courtyard


At first glance, there was nothing in the red wooden coffin, not to mention the burial objects, not even the bones of the tomb owner.

"Could it be that such a large cemetery is actually just a burial mound?"

Hearing Ma Yuzhi's words, I continued to look into the red wooden coffin. I found that the inside of the coffin was not empty. In fact, there was a layer of rags on the bottom of the coffin. This was originally a very bright cloth. Now because of the color drop, it looks almost exactly the same as the bottom of the coffin.

I bent down and tore away the rags. As soon as the rag was torn apart by me, a palm-sized bronze medal appeared in my sight.

Seeing this bronze medal, I was slightly happy, and I was about to reach out to pick it up, but Ma Yuzhi took a step ahead.

"It seems that the brand should not be simple. After so many years, the surface of the brand still looks like a brand new one." Ma Yuzhi took the brand, looked at it carefully, and said, "Hey, there are still words engraved on it. ."

"What is engraved? Is it engraved with the order of General XX."

"No!" Ma Yuzhi shook his head, brought the bronze medal to the flashlight, and after a while she said: "There are four words written on it-Kujia Compound. I don't know what it means?"

"Bitter Family Courtyard?" When I heard Ma Yuzhi's words, my head wrinkled slightly, feeling that these four words sounded strangely familiar.

With a hint of doubt, I took the bronze medal from Ma Yuzhi's hand. After carefully examining it for a while, I suddenly remembered, remembering the memory of Shuang Jianping in my mind before.

In Shuang Jianping’s memory, the scroll with Huo Jue was in the Ku’s family compound in Nanmen Town.

On the bronze medal are engraved with the words "Ku Family Courtyard". I think the "Ku Family Courtyard" shown on the bronze medal should be the "Ku Family Courtyard" I am looking for. There must be a great relationship between the two.

"This bronze medal belongs to me!"

"The bronze medal belongs to you? These rags belong to me?"

"Do you want this bronze medal too?"

"Take you fun!" After a white glance, Ma Yuzhi walked toward the outside of the tomb and said to me without looking back, "Why don't you have any humorous cells in your brain?"

Ma Yuzhi and I walked through the long passage and just walked down the hole and returned to the ground. on

Seeing Bao boldly strode forward, he rushed towards us.

Seeing his huge body rolling towards us, Ma Yu and I raised our brows and stepped back.

Fortunately, Bao Daudao is a flexible fat man, and finally managed to stop a huge body a few meters away from us.

"Brother Tang and Song, Miss Ma, I just worshipped a Bodhisattva, prayed to the Buddha, and prayed to God. Now that I see you two walk out unscathed, I can finally rest assured."

Before we could speak, Bao Daudao took out a silver card and stuffed it into my hand. He smiled and said, "The code of this card is six and eight, and the money in it is yours."

Hearing Bao's bold words, Ma Yuzhi smiled slightly and said: "You gave the money without asking clearly, why do you trust us so much. Don't you fear that we lie to you? We didn't actually kill the evil spirits in the tomb."

"Seeing that you are safe and sound, I know that the evil spirits in the tomb must be eradicated by you."

Bao boldly smiled at us and then said: "Besides, we are friends, how can you lie to me."

Bao Bold is a typical smiling tiger. On the surface, he looks simple and honest, and he doesn't feel a little scheming with anyone who can be called a brother. In fact, this guy is definitely a beast that eats people without spitting out bones. After all, this guy has been in the arena for many years.

"By the way, President Bao, how much money is in this card?"

Ma Yuzhi's voice fell, and I moved my ears up. If there is a million in this card, I decide to go to see the house and buy a house with Ma Yuzhi in the afternoon.

"I just won this piece of land recently, and the funds on hand are a bit in short supply, so the money in this card is not much, only 30,000 yuan." Before I talk to Ma Yuzhi, Bao Baobao added: "I don't want to talk with Ma Yuzhi. Don’t treat me badly, don’t worry, when this building is completed, I will pay you a big red envelope again."

"President Bao, you're welcome. Thirty thousand yuan is enough for our remuneration for this trip. In addition, Mr. Bao has a wide network of people in the provinces and cities. If Mr. Bao can encounter similar transactions in the future, please remember to introduce it to us."

"Don't worry, you are Bao Dao’s friends, and I will definitely lift you to the sky." Bao Dao smiled at me and Ma Yu, and said: "I will do it tonight.

Dong, please have a good meal. "

"No, Mr. Bao, we have to go back now, there is still something to do in the evening."

"Then I will drive you home now."

There are free rides, and Ma Yuzhi and I will naturally not refuse.

So more than half an hour later, Bao Daudao took me and Ma Yuzhi back to the eighth clinic.

As soon as we returned to Clinic No.8, Ma Yuzhi and I had not got off the car, and we saw seven or eight young boys gathered outside Clinic No.8. With steel pipes in their hands or wrenches in their hands, they babbled at the No. 8 Clinic and verbally abused it, as if they were going to smash the No. 8 Clinic.

"Brother Tang and Song, it looks like you are in trouble."

"Yeah, I don't know what happened?" I frowned and got out of the bold car.

As soon as I left the Baodar car, a familiar voice reached my ears.

"No. 8 Changyi Street, this is my shop. I want to increase the rent. This is a matter of course. You old guy dare to scold me, be careful I will take your bones apart in a while."

"It's the landlord of Clinic No. 8!" I took a bold look at Ma Yuzhi and Bao and then said: "In the beginning, Clinic No. 8 was called a ghost shop. In order to rent out the shop, the rent was only half of the market price. Now half a year. After that, he guessed that he saw that there was no problem with Clinic No. 8, so he was thinking about increasing the rent. The reason for the quarrel was that the second master had a bad temper, and he probably shot the landlord."

"Brother Tang and Song, did you sign a contract when you rented the house?"

"Signed for a year."

"As long as there is reason and evidence, it will be easy, brother, leave this to me, and I will help you settle it. You must know that in this three-centre acre of land in the provincial capital, no one dares not give me face."

Bao Boldly chuckled at me and Ma Yu, then raised his head and walked towards the crowd.

"It's all the fucking evacuated for me. Whoever dares to continue to mess around on my brother's ground, I'm going to be rude, Lord Bao."

"Where are you the green onions!" As I approached the No. 8 clinic, I saw the skinny landlord rush out of the crowd, rushed to Bao Dan's side, directly raised my slap and slapped it. Pack a bold face.

(End of this chapter)