The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 228: hunter


When Ma Yuzhi and I walked into Shamen Village, the first feeling was the shade. The entire Shamen Village was like a huge air conditioner, and the temperature was several degrees lower than the outside.

The second feeling is quiet, and it's so quiet that it's a little scary, not only can you hear the needle drop, but it's even so quiet that it feels unreal.

The third feeling is somewhat contrary to the second. I clearly feel quiet, but at the same time I feel that in the dark, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at us unblinking, making us involuntarily feel the scalp numb.

It is precisely because of these three weird feelings that Ma Yuzhi and I began to become cautious. We walked forward slowly, carefully searching every stone house.

Searching for stone houses, one is to find the stone temple, and the other is to eliminate possible danger.

The two of us got into the first stone house. The stone house had no roof, and the ground was covered with weeds. In a corner of the stone house, there are still some broken pieces of wood scattered. These broken pieces of wood should have been wooden tables and wooden chairs.

Nothing was found in the first stone house. We, Ma Yuzhi, turned around and walked into the second stone house. In this room, Ma Yuzhi and I found a skeleton.

Skeleton bones have begun to turn black, which should be the traces formed after being beaten by wind and rain all year round. In addition, there was a short knife beside the skull bone. The short knife was completely rusted. As soon as Ma Yuzhi picked it up, the short knife broke into two pieces.

"We Huaxia people have great respect for the dead, and always value the four words for security. Although the people in Shamen Village walk a bit hastily, they will not let their relatives and neighbors go into the wilderness, so I'm sure, this skeleton The bone must not have been a villager in Shamen Village before his death."

Hearing what I said, Ma Yuzhi nodded gently and added: “This person is holding a short knife in his hand, and it doesn’t look like he has strayed into Shamen Village. So I think the purpose of this person’s coming to Shamen Village may be the same. We are the same."

What Ma Yuzhi said has a certain truth, so after seeing this skeleton, the two of us became more vigilant.

Next, we entered the third room

In the house, the third stone house looked like a mess on the surface. But when we took a closer look, Ma Yuzhi and I discovered that the remaining stone wall of the third stone house had faint traces left by the fire. Although this trace is not particularly obvious, it can be judged from this that a large fire has been lit in this stone house many years ago.

The fire should not have been set off by the villagers, because when the villagers of Shamen Village left their homes, they definitely kept a little thought, and thought that it would not take long to return home.

If my guess is correct, the fire in this room may be related to the corpse beside it. Perhaps the other party was also a Taoist priest, and he had fought a ghost battle before he died. The aftermath of the battle ignited the room and left marks on the walls of the room.

"Don't worry, the traces left in the room are from many years ago. Now there may be no evil spirits in Shamen Village." I smiled at Mayu, who looked worried, turned and walked out of the room, and walked there. In the fourth stone house.

The fourth stone house is relatively intact. Although the walls are covered with vines like other rooms, half of the roof of this house has not collapsed. So half of the room is relatively dry.

There is one thing on this relatively dry ground. It firmly attracted the eyes of Ma Yuzhi and I.

There was a pile of ashes on the ground. The ashes had not been completely burned. While bursts of smoke were blowing, some heat was also emitted.

"This should be the bone of a pheasant. Someone has made a fire here, and even roasted a pheasant!"

I bent down and picked up the bones on the ground and looked at it. I was about to continue talking. Suddenly, two footsteps reached my ears.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Ma Yuzhi and I reacted and were about to leave Shimen, but we saw two sturdy men walking towards us.

These two big men are probably in their thirties. When they first saw me and Ma Yuzhi, they quickly took off the shotguns on their backs and pointed their guns at me and Ma Yuzhi.

The hero doesn't suffer, so Ma Yu and I raised our hands when we met.

"Yeah, our brothers are lucky, actually

However, we met such a beautiful chick in this deserted village. "

One of them looked at Ma Yuzhi** and laughed, then picked up the shotgun and walked towards me and Ma Yuzhi slowly.

The two came in front of us and saw that they were all smiles. I raised my brows and shouted at them in a low voice: "Two brothers, we met in this wilderness, it's fate, I hope everyone To be able to live in peace."

"We have fate with beautiful women. We only want to live in peace with beautiful women. If you don't want to die, you can go as far as you can."

The other party's voice fell, and I was about to speak. But when I heard Ma Yuzhi snorted and said, "In broad daylight, do you still want to do bad things."

"Beauty, our brothers are not doing bad things. They just want to play with you. You have to know that the yellow-faced lady in our house is not half as beautiful as you, and not as hot as you."

"Beauty, my elder brother is right. The four of our brothers came out to hunt. It has been a week. We all held back for a week and saved a week's surplus. Later, we will give you all the surplus, which will definitely satisfy you. Unprecedented happiness."

Hearing the vulgar words of the two of them, Ma Yuzhi was not afraid at all, smiled and then said: "I just asked you, in broad daylight, do you dare to do bad things?"

"Hahaha..." The two looked at each other, smiled together, and then continued: "There is no half-person figure in this place for dozens of miles. Even if we kill you, no one will take care of it. So you guys. If you two don't want to die, you'd better cooperate with us obediently."

"That's right!" Another sturdy man smiled and said, "Doesn't beautiful women like to do this kind of thing during the day?"

"Hahahaha, you really underestimated me, I also like doing it during the day." Ma Yuzhi smiled at the two of them, and before they could speak out, Ma Yuzhi added: "I also like doing bad things during the day!"

When the voice fell, Ma Yuzhi shook his body and disappeared in place. Before the two big guys could react, when Ma Yuzhi reappeared, he had already come behind one of the big guys, and put the water source dagger in his hand on the big guy's neck.

(End of this chapter)