The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 238: Shirayuki


The battle is still in full swing.

The five evil spirits continued to attack without fear, and Yan Feixue also became angry under the attack of the five evil spirits. Therefore, the war between the two sides no longer puts the three of us in the eyes at all.

We walked slowly towards the stone ladder, came to the edge of the stone ladder, and glanced at the battlefield again. I winked at Ma Yuzhi and the big pillar, and ran out along the stone ladder.

Regardless of physical exhaustion, we went all the way up the stone ladder. It took us nearly ten minutes before we walked along the cave and returned to the stone temple.

"Huh! I finally came out." The big pillar exhaled a long breath, and sat down on the ground.

"Get up!" Ma Yuzhi glared at the big pillar and shouted in a low voice: "If you don't want to die, get up quickly, get up and leave Shamen Village. You can rest whatever you want."

Amidst Ma Yuzhi's yelling, the big pillar stood up with difficulty, followed behind us, and ran out of the stone temple.

The white fog that had filled the entire Shamen Village had disappeared, and a red sunrise appeared in the sky to the west in the distance. It seems that the whole world is about to turn into night when the sun goes down.

"According to the direction of the nearby mountains, the entrance of Shamen Village should be in that direction." I stretched out my hand and pointed towards the distance, and ran towards the distance without looking back.

Along the way, we ran forward frantically without looking back. After running for about ten minutes, the three of us finally saw the entrance of Shamen Village from a distance.

With a rush, we rushed out of Shamen Village, and the three of us breathed a sigh of relief.

With a sigh of relief, the three of us sat down on the ground. After a while, Ma Yuzhi whispered to me: "Tang and Song, if the big demon really leaves Shamen Village, what should I do if he goes out to harm the villagers around here? ?"

Hearing Ma Yuzhi's words, I was silent for a moment and said: "If five evil spirits can severely inflict Yan Feixue, the injured Yan Feixue will not be able to leave Shamen Village for the time being because of taboos. Yan Feixue cannot leave Shamen Village for the time being. , We have time to continue to think of ways."

"Two, thank you for saving me." The big pillar tremblingly stood up from the ground, and after a while, the big pillar said to us.

"The four of our brothers went out hunting before and found some good things, in order to thank you for your life-saving grace. I want to give you these good things."

"You should save your animal furs and sell them. We are not interested in them."

When Ma Yuzhi's words fell, I waved my hand and said, "Yuzhi is right. Four of your brothers died this time. Three of your brothers died. These furs were taken back and sold. Try to help the three of your brothers' family members. ."

"The good thing I'm talking about is not animal fur."

"What else? Is it possible that you can still gather herbs, and you have found some kind of herbs with magical functions."

"It's not a herbal medicine, it's a white cub." The big pillar looked at us and said: "The fox is also called the fox fairy. According to the people in the mountains, the white wolf is the fairy among the immortals. This thing has spirituality and is a good pet. When it is raised, it will be able to gather treasures in the town house."

"Pets?" After hearing the words of the big pillar, Ma Yuzhi gently shook his head and said, "Our house is too small and there is no time, so it is not convenient to keep pets."

"But this white *** is not an ordinary animal, it is hidden by us not far away. You might as well follow me to take a look."

"That little thing is covered with white fluff. It looks very cute. I'm sure you will like it."

Seeing that the big pillar was so convincing, Ma Yuzhi and I looked at each other, and finally nodded softly because of curiosity.

Following the big pillar, we walked towards the col, and after a while, we came to a small cave.

The big pillar bent down and got into the cave. After a while, he walked out with a few furs and a cage.

"You don't need these furs. I will take them back and sell them for the money. The little things in this cage are the little white foxes I said. If the female Taoists like them, they will be given to the female Taoists."

As soon as the big pillar came out of the cave with the cage, Ma Yuzhi's eyes fell on the cage without blinking.

There was a small white fox in the cage. The furry looked like a small cute puppy.

When I first saw Ma Yuzhi, this white little

The fox raised his head at Ma Yuzhi, and kept licking his wet head, his appearance looked really cute.

It is said that women have no power at all with white furry things. This is really reasonable.

Just by looking at Ma Yuzhi's eyes, I knew that she fell in love with the little white fox the first time she saw it.

"This little thing is really cute. It's so small and fluffy, so it left its mother. It's really pitiful."

"When we caught the little fox, the big fox died beside the little fox. The big fox didn't seem to have any wounds on his body, and he didn't know what he died because of." Da Zhuzi smiled at Ma Yu, and then said "The little fox is indeed a bit pitiful, so you should accept it even more, and then raise it well."

"Okay, then I will reluctantly hand it over." Ma Yu chuckled, bending over to lift the little fox out of the cage.

This little fox was really a little psychic. He was just taken out by Ma Yuzhi and slept in Ma Yuzhi's arms. It looked like a child who had eaten and drank enough.

"What does it usually eat?"

"Little fox is psychic and easy to raise. You just raise him like a dog."

"As a dog?" Ma Yuzhi nodded gently, smiled and then asked: "By the way, is it called a male or a female?"

"Mother, this little fox is a female fox."

"Mother, then I will give it a name, called Baixue."

"Bai Xue, that's a good name." I nodded gently, stood up and said: "Now I have almost rested, Dazhuzi, we are going back to Yeyou Town, don't spend it here."

"Okay, okay, this time I really thank the two Taoist masters."

Da Zhuzi said a few more words to us, then turned and walked away. But after only a few steps, the big pillar fell to the ground with a sway.

Seeing the big pillar fell to the ground, I thought the big pillar accidentally slipped because of fatigue. But when I walked to the side of the big pillar, I was surprised to find that after falling to the ground, there was a strange smile on the face of the big pillar.

(End of this chapter)