The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 255: The hero slays the dragon


Ma Yuzhi and I hid in a dark alley, watching seven or eight monks holding Zen sticks and rushing down the stone ladder.

We hibernated quietly. After a group of monks searched and left without results, we removed our disguise in the dark and quickly took a taxi back to the hotel.

"When it's dawn tomorrow, let's find a time, put on our hats and sunglasses, and then go around the Yufu Temple to see if the temple has changed compared to yesterday."

"We were not well prepared last night, and we have already stunned the snake, so today's temple must be much more heavily guarded than yesterday."

"If it doesn't work, come hard."

Hearing Ma Yuzhi’s words, I was slightly startled and waved at him and said, “You can’t have such an idea. You must know that the two of us are barely capable of being a second-level Taoist priest. We are in Japan and The Japanese will go head-to-head, and they will definitely not be able to eat."

"I'm just talking, don't take it seriously." Ma Yuzhi smiled at me, bent over to hug Bai Xue and said, "Okay, I'm going to rest. You can clean up the floor by yourself."

I lay on the floor, putting my hands behind my head. While thinking about how to rescue Du Shilin, he slowly entered his dream.

Not knowing what was going on recently, Yan Feixue suddenly became quiet. At night, there was no interruption by Yan Feixue, and I slept till dawn as soon as I slept.

At dawn, after having breakfast with the group in the lobby of the hotel, the tour guide began to arrange today's travel plan.

According to the guide's arrangement, we first went to a seaside park to play after dinner, and then went to visit a temple called Shenwei.

Ma Yuzhi and I are not interested in the seaside park. However, Ma Yu and I are very interested in the Shenwei Temple.

Both Shinao Temple and Yufu Temple are in Wakkanai. Maybe you can learn some information about Yufu Temple from the side through Shino Temple.

The waterfront park is not big and there are people everywhere. I really don't understand why the tour guide regards this place as a scene.

In the entire park, 70% of the tourists are Chinese. I can’t figure it out again. There are so many great rivers and mountains in the motherland, why are so many people admiring foreigners and wanting to spend money.

Qian came to Wakkanai, a cold and small place.

I was bored and sat on the cold bench in the park all morning. After lunch, the tour bus finally drove us to the gate of Shenwei Temple.

The Shrine Temple is open to tourists. Perhaps for this reason, the scale of the Shrine Temple seems to be much larger than that of the Yufu Temple.

Ma Yuzhi and I followed the tour guide, listening to the tour guide talking about the history and allusions of Shenwei Temple, while constantly looking around.

There are only six buildings in Yufu Temple, and nine buildings in Shenwei Temple. The number of monks in Shenwei Temple is also far from that of Yufu Temple in many countries, with nearly 30 monks.

"According to legend, a long, long time ago, an evil dragon came from the sea. The evil dragon came to Wakkanai, spitting flames, and burned many innocent people alive. Just when the evil dragon was raging wildly, in people’s expectations. , The three heroes stood up."

"The three heroes are Gangmen Hengyang, Takeshita Ikura, and Yamaguchi Chemical Farm."

Hearing what the tour guide said, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then everyone reacted one after another, and they couldn't help laughing.

"Don't laugh!" The tour guide glared at us and said: "There is a gap between Chinese and Japanese cultures. Don't laugh at the names of these three heroes. They are the great heroes in the hearts of Wakkanai. If the locals here know about you Being disrespectful to heroes, they may make you unable to eat."

After everyone was holding back their laughter, the tour guide continued, "The three heroes fought with the dragon. After a bitter battle, they finally cut off the dragon's head. The dragon's head was cut off, Wakkanai's. The people thought that the evil dragon had fallen down, so they rushed to celebrate. However, an unexpected scene happened."

"On the night of the heavy rain, the dragon came alive beyond everyone's expectation, and the chopped head was reconnected to the body."

"After the resurrection, the evil dragon began to worsen the harm to the people. After learning about the situation, the three heroes went to Sapporo together and visited a worldly expert. After the worldly expert's guidance, the three heroes returned to Wakkanai. Motivated the people of Wakkanai and built three temples in Wakkanai."

"After the three temples were built, the three heroes once again found the evil dragon and fought with them for three days and three nights. They successfully chopped off the dragon's head and tail."

"The three heroes suppressed the dragon head, dragon body, and dragon tail in the three temples according to the points raised by the world's experts."

"The shrine where we are now suppresses the dragon body of the evil dragon, the Golden Temple not far from here suppresses the dragon's tail, and the third temple in Wakkanai, Yufu Temple, suppresses the dragon. The leader."

When the tour guide's voice fell, a fat man in the tour group stood up and asked: "There is a tail in the Shentail Temple. How can the body of the evil dragon be suppressed here? Shouldn't it be the tail of the evil dragon?"

"The name of the temple has nothing to do with the body of the suppressed dragon. When the temple was named, the names of the three temples were deliberately confused with the body of the suppressed dragon, in order to confuse the audience and prevent People with ulterior motives use the body of the evil dragon. Because in ancient Japan, there were powerful onmyojis who could use the body of the evil dragon as a sacrifice material and then summon the devil.

Hearing what the tour guide said, Ma Yuzhi and I looked at each other. Afterwards, I asked the tour guide: "I heard from a friend before that the body of the evil dragon was suppressed in three ancient wells. I wonder if this is true or not?"

Taking a look at me, the tour guide nodded and said: "Yes, every temple has an ancient well. The body of the evil dragon is suppressed in the ancient well. As for why the body of the evil dragon is suppressed in the ancient well, it seems It’s because it has something to do with water. Of course, I’m not quite sure about the specifics."

When the tour guide's voice fell, Ma Yuzhi thought about it and asked, "If someone opens the ancient well and destroys the seal on the ancient well, what will happen."

"Beauty, this question of yours stopped me, but I think the evil dragon has been suppressed for so many years and can no longer be resurrected. If the seal on the ancient well is broken, it will only cause a panic at best, not too much. Big impact."

Having said that, the tour guide waved his hand at us, and then said: "Okay, let's go inside together to see and admire the dignity of the three heroes."

(End of this chapter)