The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 27: Jump off the building


"This is the poison that Erye taught me to prepare. Erye said that you only need to put this poison on the evil spirits to have an effect on the evil spirits."

"What does this do?"

"Slow down the speed of the evil spirit!" Seeing Ma Yuzhi curled his lips, I stood aside and added: "A total of three bottles of poison were prepared. We took one of them and immediately found a ghost to do the experiment. Very good. I think this time with the remaining two bottles of poison, it should be able to help you a lot."

"A big help for three meters? Do you want to sit down and start the price?"

"I don't mean it!"

Ma Yuzhi smiled at me and looked out the window.

Between me and Ma Yuzhi, we fell into embarrassment for a while.

Just when I was about to break this embarrassment, the door was gently pushed open.

I saw Min Chaohui walking into the room with a thick pile of materials.

"I heard Dean Feng say that you two are here, and I hope my presence will not disturb you."

"I don't want to go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Director Min, come to us at this time. I don't know what you can do?"

Hearing Ma Yuzhi's words, Min Chaohui helped his glasses and said, "I now know the true identities of the two."

"Really? Fortunately, Tang Song and I are not rapists."

"Miss Ma, you are so humorous."

"Director Min, don't call me Miss Ma, I'm not a miss. Please call me Ms. Ma, or just call me by my name."

"Sorry, I forgot. The current lady is not a lady, the current godfather is not a godfather, and the current ** is not a real **."

"Director Min, you are quite humorous."

"My place..."

Before Min Chaohui could finish speaking, Ma Yuzhi waved his hand and said, "Director Min, I have precious time with Tang and Song. Please tell me something."

Min Chaohui gave me a rather embarrassing look, put down the information on hand, took a deep breath, and said to Ma Yuzhi: "According to Ma Xiao, oh, no, according to the idea provided by Ms. Ma, I will pass through us when I go back. The internal network of the public security system focused on this woman named Tian Mei. What I found really surprised me."

"No, it should be shocked!"

Min Chaohui added a sentence and then opened the information. Pulling out a photo from the information, handed it to Ma Yuzhi's hands.

Ma Yuzhi took the photo, glanced roughly, and forwarded the photo to me.

"The person in the photo is Tian Mei?" I stared at the photo for a while, and added: "No, although the person in the photo looks exactly like Tian Mei, she has a sweet smile and a clean smile."

"According to our investigation, this person is Tian Mei. Tian Mei once studied at the Provincial Normal University. Three months ago, she died in a car accident."

At this point, Min Chaohui changed his face and preached: "It is a bit weird and coincident that she died in a car accident, which happened to be the place where we rescued her from abduction not long ago."

Looking at me and Ma Yuzhi again, Min Chaohui shook his head and said: "I have been working in the police school for nearly ten years since I graduated from the police academy. I am still a party member. I never thought that there are really ghosts in this world. And the ghost is by my side. Do you know

When I found out this result today, I felt that the whole person’s worldview was completely collapsed, and my mind was very confused. I am now..."

"Enough!" Ma Yuzhi glared at Min Chaohui and said, "Director Min, catching people is your ability, and catching ghosts is ours. Please stop talking about it, or if you are heard by ghosts, you will start to stun snakes. ."

Ma Yuzhi's intention was to send Min Chaohui away as soon as possible.

Who knows, after hearing Ma Yuzhi's words, Min Chaohui asked instead, "Could it be that the ghost is by our side? What I just said was heard by the ghost?"

"Yes, ghosts are everywhere, and the ears are very good. So I also ask Director Min to leave early. Remember, don't let the evil spirits see your face. Otherwise, she will come back and ask for you in the middle of the night. Life."

Hearing Ma Yuzhi's words, Min Chaohui hurriedly covered his face. However, although he was trembling a little, he did not intend to leave.

"Director Min, are you still going? Do you want to stay and watch the evil spirit tear off your head and then throw it under your feet?"

"I don't want to see evil spirits. It's all my duty to stay."

"It is Tang Song's and I's duty to catch ghosts."

"But it's my duty to find someone."

"Let him stay!" Seeing Ma Yuzhi still have to speak, I persuaded: "Let Director Min stay, maybe he can help us."

After taking a look at me, Ma Yuzhi hesitated for a while, then said to Min Chaohui: "Once, don't be scared to pee in your pants."

Time passed by, and by nine o'clock in the evening, most of the lights in the hospital went out.

By ten o'clock in the evening, the hospital was quiet.

By eleven o'clock in the evening, a strong wind blew outside the window. The trees and flowers swayed from side to side, and there was not even half a ghost on the road.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening, and there was a drizzle outside, making the whole world look depressed and deserted.

"Director Min, you seem to be nervous!" Seeing Min Chaohui shivering, I hesitated for a moment and asked him.

"Our previous investigation and evidence collection showed that the disappearance of the three patients was probably between twelve o'clock in the morning and three o'clock in the morning. It is almost twelve o'clock, that is to say, the evil spirit is about to appear. "

"It's okay!" I gently patted Min Chaohui on the shoulder, smiled at him and said: "Actually, ghosts are not scary at all, they look like ordinary people. For example, you will see the evil ghost Tianmei later , Her appearance will not change much from the daytime."

"Really?" Min Chaohui smiled at me awkwardly, and said, "I also kept hinting at myself like this in my heart, but when I think of the identity of the other party, my heart still feels a little hairy."

"Don't worry, Ma Yuzhi is here, and Ma Yuzhi will protect us."

Seeing Min Chaohui still trembling, Ma Yuzhi waved at me, and she said to Min Chaohui: "Director Min, may I ask if you have a gun on your mission this time?"

"Take it."

"Can't the gun be bold?"

"Are guns useful to ghosts?"

"The bullets fired by the gun are naturally useless to ghosts, but guns can boost people's courage, and ghosts are most afraid of bold people." Looking at Min Chaohui, Ma Yu smiled and said, "It is said that people are afraid of ghosts. , Ghosts are afraid of people.

This is the truth. "

"Listening to what Ms. Ma said, I don't feel as nervous as before."

"That's right, you are a policeman, the psychological quality of the police..."

"Quiet, stop talking, I can feel her coming!"

"Here?" Hearing Ma Yuzhi's words, Min Chaohui asked in a low voice: "She is here, where is she now?"

Almost at the same time that Min Chaohui's voice fell, a string of melodious songs reached our ears.

The singing voice is very soft, but also very ethereal. It feels like a small bridge and flowing water.

Hearing the singing, a faint dizziness suddenly appeared in my mind, as if I had entered a state of asleep but not asleep.

"Wake up!" Ma Yuzhi's voice sounded like a thunder, which rang in my ears. I opened my eyes and said to her: "I felt like I was going to fall asleep just now. I couldn't control my sleepiness at all."

At this moment, the singing stopped in the distance. There was a slight snoring sound in my ears.

"You are not about to fall asleep, but you are already asleep!" Ma Yuzhi finished speaking, and then whispered into Min Chaohui's ear. Hearing the sound, Min Chaohui opened his eyes reflexively.

"Ghost! Is the ghost coming? Where is the ghost now?"

"Quiet!" Ma Yuzhi snarled at Min Chaohui and raised his head not far away. When Min Chaohui and I saw this, we followed Ma Yuzhi's line of sight.

Soon the two of us saw two figures appearing next to the windows on the second floor of Building A.

"That woman is Tian Mei, and the person standing next to Tian Mei is Li Baoyi!"

"Who is Li Baoyi?"

Seeing Ma Yuzhi frowned, I hurriedly said in a low voice, "Don't you remember? The first mental patient we met in the hospital this morning was Li Baoyi. I heard from the dean that Li Baoyi was a taxi driver before he became ill."

"Oh, listening to you say that, it seems a bit impressed."

"Look at them, they are going to jump off the building!"

Min Chaohui's voice reached the ears of Ma Yuzhi and I. We reacted and looked at the two of them. We saw Tian Mei holding Li Baoyi's arm and climbing onto the window sill on the second floor.

Then, under the gaze of the three of us, the two stood on the windowsill and jumped, and in the blink of an eye they landed firmly on the ground.

"The two fell on the concrete floor and there was no sound at all. This completely violates the common sense of mechanics. If Newton in the coffin sees this scene, it is estimated that even the coffin board will fly."

"Newton? Haha, Newton has become a ghost now!" Ma Yuzhi finished speaking and ran outside the door.

Upon seeing this, Min Chaohui and I looked at each other, followed closely behind Ma Yuzhi, and rushed out of the room.

We rushed out of the room and saw Tian Mei and Li Baoyi walking under the three-meter high wall.

Next, the two jumped, climbed over the high wall easily, and disappeared from our sight.

"Ma Yuzhi, this wall is three meters high, how do we get there?"

My voice fell without waiting for Ma Yuzhi to speak. Min Chaohui helped his glasses and said, "Fortunately, I was prepared."

After Min Chaohui finished speaking, he rushed to the grass on the side, bent down and pulled out a wooden ladder about three meters long from the grass, and neatly put the wooden ladder on the three-meter high wall.

(End of this chapter)