The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 58: The seven kingdoms of the underworld


"So complicated?" After hearing the old ghost's explanation, Ma Yu raised his brows and said: "I originally thought that you only need to write Li Rengao's birthday horoscope on the rune paper, and then burn the rune paper to make Li Rengao appear. ."

"This is spiritualism. If it works smoothly, you can even summon Li Rengao from thousands of miles away. Think about it, how can such a powerful spell be simple."

White Ma Yu gave a glance, and the old ghost said: "Don't you say that you are always smart? If you are really smart and I will explain to the side, I think, I will give you three hours, you will be able to relax. Get this thing done."

"That's right, my Ma Yuzhi is destined to be called a legend in the future, and my mere spiritualism will definitely not help me."

Next. Taking advantage of the gap between the old ghost teaching Ma Yuzhi, Lu Zhishen hesitated for a moment. Pulling me aside, he whispered, "Brother Tang and Song, the Sa family has something to discuss with you."

"Monk Flower, what do you want but it's okay to say it!"

"The Sajia is now the yin body. It is inconvenient to move in the Yang world. Besides, the Sajia can't do anything at will." Lu Zhishen glanced at me and added: "Brother Tang and Song, don’t get me wrong. Doesn't it mean that Sajia won't make a move."

"Oh, let's put it simply, the Sajia wants to deal with that servant and needs to be attached to someone."

"I understand you are talking about ghost possession."

"Brother Tang and Song, if you know that ghosts are possessed, the Sajia will be relieved."

"At that time you can cling to me, but I don't know what I need to do in this process?"

"Brother Tang and Song, you don't have to do anything, you just need to relax your mind at that time."

"Relax your mind?" I murmured, thinking about it and then asking: "By the way, do you have any weapons at hand? For example, the Zen stick you used in front of you."

"Sajia's weapons were placed in the underworld, and they were not carried with them."

"So today..."

Before I could finish speaking, Lu Zhishen waved his hand and said, "When dealing with an ordinary ghost, the Sajia can easily kill him even with his bare hands.

Knowing that in the underworld full of talents, the Sajia can barely be regarded as a master. "

"Many talents?" I rolled my eyes when I heard Lu Zhishen's words, and then asked: "Monk Flower, I am very curious about the underworld. Taking advantage of the fact that Erye and Ma Yuzhi still need some time, I don't know if you can talk to me. Tell me about the underworld."

"Brother Tang and Song, what do you want to hear?"

"I heard the second master talk before, he said that the underworld has been fighting for years, and I don't know if it is true or not."

"The underworld has indeed fought for years. According to the calculation of 365 days in a year, there are at least 300 days in the underworld where there are external wars or internal wars."

"There is a distinction between external and internal warfare?"

"Of course!" Lu Zhishen raised his brows and said, "We Huaxia people have established seven powerful countries. The battle between these seven powerful countries is called internal war. Except for the seven countries established by our Huaxia people. , There are many countries established by foreigners, such as Rome and Persia. The battle between us Chinese and Roman Persia is more than an external war."

Lu Zhishen's words are like opening a brand new window in my heart. When Lu Zhishen's voice fell, I couldn't wait to continue asking: "Monk Flower, the seven countries that our Chinese have established are those countries, are they strong? Will our Chinese people be bullied by foreigners in the underworld?"

"The seven countries are the Qin Dynasty established by Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the Han Dynasty established by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che, the Tang Dynasty established by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin, the Great Song Dynasty established by the Emperor Zhao Kuangyin of the Song Dynasty, the Dayuan established by Genghis Khan, and the Ming Dynasty established by the Ming Emperor Zhu Di , And the Qing Dynasty established by Kangxi."

"Each of these seven countries is extremely powerful. Speaking of which, the land of the underworld and the land of the sun are about the same size, but there is no sea in the underworld, only streams and rivers. For that matter, we Chinese people also occupy almost half of the land. In the underworld. In the past few years, we have initiated almost 90% of the foreign wars we have launched. Therefore, in the underworld, we Chinese are proud, and all the foreigners may not necessarily be our opponents together."

"The old saying is good. If you are not of my race, your heart will be different. Listen to you.

We Chinese people can dominate the underworld, so I can rest assured. "

"Brother Tang and Song, you have so many yin virtues, you can live for another eight to nine years if you don't say it. When your yang life expires that day, when you arrive in the underworld, we may have wiped out all the foreigners in China."

"It should be difficult to do this, after all, there are a lot of foreigners."

"Of course it's difficult, I just talk about it casually."

"By the way, Monk Flower, I still want to ask you, will Yin Jiang have cars and airplanes?"

"No, not only are there no cars and airplanes in the underworld, there are no guns."

"No way!" Hearing Lu Zhishen's words, I shook my head and said, "It is reasonable that after the scientists died, they went to the underworld. They could invent these things in the yangjian, and when they came to the yin general. It is impossible to forget all the skills of the Yangjian. "

"The ability must be there, but the Yin will lack resources. There is no oil or coal in the Underworld. Apart from a few special flowers, plants, trees and water, there is only one resource, that is iron. Iron is not many resources, it is all. We dug up and made armor and weapons."

"But. In terms of words, the Sajia thinks that in the underworld, cars and other things are useless, because we can float around and drive on the road. It won't take much time."

"That's true!" I nodded lightly, and after thinking about it, I asked: "By the way, Monk Flower, can you bring back the things from the yangjian?"

"We can use the things in the yang room, but even a drop of water can't be taken to the yang room. But on the contrary, things from the yin general can be brought to the yang room. However. The yang room is rich in material, and people in the yang room shouldn’t be rare in it s things."

"Brother Tang and Song, if the Sajia didn’t look away, there should be a newly developed vagina in your room. After a while, the obstacles in the vagina are completely removed. If you are curious, you can provide the Sajia with some yin virtues. , Sajia can take you to the underworld."

"Can the living go to the underworld?"

"Of course, there is also air in the underworld. Generally speaking, there is not much difference between it and the yang." Lu Zhishen said here, after thinking about it, he added: "However, when a living person goes to the underworld, unacceptable water and soil may be a little serious."

(End of this chapter)