The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 6: Water ghost


When the last cypress fell to the ground, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I left the grave and threw the machete beside the grave. I hurriedly held the flashlight, and ran away along the way I came.

After running for about two minutes, suddenly, another cloudy wind blew. I instinctively closed my eyes, the wind stopped, and I opened my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that the road under my feet had disappeared. A piece of weeds half a person's height stood in front of me.

"This...what's going on? The way?" I scratched my head blankly, and my heart was quickly filled with fear.

Standing in front of a patch of weeds, I hesitated for a moment before I stepped into the half-length grass.

It feels a bit strange to step on the ground, as if stepping on a sponge. In addition, the half-length weeds are constantly swaying from side to side, reminding me of some terrible monster hidden in the grass.

I held the flashlight and walked forward cautiously, not knowing how long I had been walking. When the weeds in front of me disappeared completely, I suddenly realized that I was back in front of Yang Zengcai's solitary grave again, and that dilapidated reservoir once again appeared in my sight.

"Hey..." Just when I was secretly frightened, another string of cries reached my ears.

This time the crying no longer came from the reservoir, but from behind me. When I heard the cry, I just felt the hair on my back stand up in an instant.

He gritted his teeth, summoned his courage, and looked behind him.

I just saw the little girl in white leaning against a cypress tree and standing behind me.

My eyes fell on the little girl, and I saw her slowly raising her head. She seemed to be seven or eight years old, and her fairly delicate face looked unusually pale.

When I was getting closer, I found out that there were continuous drops of water dripping down the little girl's body and hair. What makes people feel strange is that these water droplets keep dripping on the ground, but do not leave a trace on the ground, but disappear without a trace.

"My business is finished, so I won't be disturbed." After speaking, I wanted to go, but suddenly found that my feet seemed to be full of lead, so heavy that I couldn't lift my legs at all.

"where is my present?"

The little girl spoke suddenly, her voice looked abnormally hollow, and the five words seemed to be squeezed out of her teeth.

"Just now..."

"I didn't grab the thing just now, and I don't like it either."

"Then what do you like?" I shuddered, and whispered to the little girl in a mysterious manner.

"I like someone to play with me!" The little girl added another sentence when she said this. "I like someone playing with me in the water."

"Playing in the water?" I glanced at the cistern not far away, I smiled, and said to the little girl: "You let the uncle leave first. After the uncle leaves, you must go to Baitang town to buy two paper men tomorrow. Burn it to you."

"I like living people to play with me!"

"Living person?" After hearing the little girl's words, a hint of foreboding suddenly climbed into my heart.

Before I could speak, the little girl burst into tears and laughed, then jumped and rode directly on my shoulders.

The little girl's body was as light as a feather, and just as she rode on my shoulder, she let out a series of crisp laughs.

"It's been a long time since no one played with me. I want you to take me to the cistern to play."

As the little girl's voice fell, I couldn't help moving my legs, carrying the little girl, and walking towards the reservoir step by step.

"Yang Zengcai, are you in the lone tomb, if you are, come out and save me!"

Seeing that I was about to carry the little girl into the pool, I was anxious, and shouted at Yang Zengcai’s lonely grave: "Yang Zengcai, you old man, I came here this time because of you. Do something wrong. You can't escape to save me. When I die and become a ghost, I will definitely not let you go!"

On one side of the pool, there is a downward staircase for people to fetch water. My feet stepped on the stairs, unwilling to step down step by step, and after a while, my feet touched the green pool water.

Continuing down, the green stinking pool water gradually covered my knees, and finally covered my hips.

When the pool water covered my chest, I couldn't help but sigh in secret, I'm afraid I will be in disaster tonight.

However, the water covered my chest. Fortunately, there was not much water in the reservoir.

"Uncle, I want to see you sitting in the water."

Before I had time to be happy, the little girl's hollow voice came to my ears.

Then, I involuntarily bent my legs and watched the water slowly pass over my neck.

When my nose was submerged by the pool water, I couldn't help but shiver. At this time, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my uncontrolled body suddenly recovered a bit of strength.

Feeling the change in my body, I emerged from the water.

When I emerged from the water, I found out strangely that I was suddenly in the middle of an endless sea.

There was silence and darkness all around, and only the waves were constantly beating my body.

"What the hell is going on? Why did I suddenly come into the sea?"

I yelled at the surroundings, but no one responded to me. The little girl who was riding on my shoulders suddenly disappeared without a trace at this time.

"Calm down! Be calm!"

"What happened before me must be an illusion. I must still be standing in the cistern now."

I took a deep breath and waited until my brain calmed down a bit, then I said to myself: "I should turn around now, turn around and find the stairs first, and then follow the stairs, I should be able to get out of the reservoir."

Thinking of this, I slowly turned around and swam behind me. Unexpectedly, I swam in the endless ocean for nearly ten minutes. Not only did he not touch the edge of the reservoir, but felt that he was swimming farther and farther, already swimming into the depths of the sea.

"Calm down! Be sure to calm down! Don't mess yourself up this time."

I slapped myself with my hand and waited until my brain was a little clearer. I followed to myself and said: "I remember my grandfather said before that ghosts are best at deceiving people's hearts. I must be bewildered by them now, and everything I see now must be an illusion."

"I can't move now. The most important thing I should do now is to maintain my strength. I believe that as long as I survive tonight and wait till dawn, everything will be fine."

Next, I tried my best to control the balance of my body, so that my body was suspended on the surface of the sea.

In this way, after about ten minutes passed, a gust of wind suddenly began to blow on the surface of the sea that was still calm. A terrifying roar suddenly sounded in front of me.

I quickly followed the sound and saw a sturdy great white shark approaching me quickly.

The scene that happened before my eyes seemed to be happening right beside me. Out of instinctive reaction, the moment I saw the great white shark, I quickly paddled the sea and swam towards the distance.

However, I soon discovered the trickyness. The great white shark appeared in the sea. Although it looked extremely ferocious and fast, it kept a small distance from me from beginning to end.

It's more like driving me out, not like chasing me down.

After trying to understand the key, I slowly stopped. Turning around and shouting at the great white shark: "Your uncle, you have the ability to bite me!"

This time, the great white shark rushed in front of me in an instant, and then under my gaze, it opened its blood basin.

The blood basin full of sharp teeth came straight to my head. I held down the fear in my heart and closed my eyes tightly.

About a minute later, I felt that nothing happened, and I slowly opened my eyes. Opening his eyes, the great white shark disappeared. I returned to the tranquil sea again.

"The great white shark disappeared and did not pose the slightest threat to me. It seems that everything that happened just now was indeed the little girl playing tricks. What happened in front of me was an illusion."

"She deliberately confuses my mind, I am afraid that the purpose is to make me swim around, and finally run out of energy and die. This also shows that the little girl can't directly deal with me."

"If this is the case, then I have a chance to stay till dawn!"

Thinking of this in my heart, my brain finally recovered a trace of clarity, and the heart that was hopping around was finally comforted.

At this moment, a huge wave suddenly appeared on the sea. The wave was like a high wall, whizzing straight towards me.

I tried my best to suppress the control in my heart, standing motionless in the water, watching the waves rushing towards me quickly.

Ten meters or five meters, when the waves came to me, suddenly, it turned into a white mist and quickly disappeared into the air.

"Don't you want to play? What else can you take out!" Seeing through the other side's tricks, I was quite proud of shouting to the surroundings.

"You are not fun at all!"

As soon as my voice fell, the little girl's voice suddenly rang in my ears.

Hearing the sound, I shivered violently. Turning his head and looking around, the sea disappeared. I found myself standing alone in the middle of the cistern.

After reacting, I swam towards the stairs not far away. After a while, I stepped on the stairs and left the reservoir.

"You are not fun at all!" The little girl's hollow voice sounded behind me again, and I subconsciously turned my head to follow the sound and saw the little girl standing in the middle of the reservoir, her thin body slowly Sink into the water.

When the green pool water passed the little girl's head, I shuddered again and hurriedly ran away.

(End of this chapter)