The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 868: Yizhuang


The manor where the corpse-controlling family is located not only looks dilapidated from the outside, but also looks even more depressed from the inside.

Weeds grew everywhere on the ground, and some withered old trees fell crookedly, not only that, but there were also coffins and dead bones scattered around.

"Look over there!"

Ma Yuzhi gently tugged at the hem of my clothes. I followed Ma Yuzhi's line of sight and happened to see three corpse-controlling clansmen playing with a dry corpse in the distance.

They applied a dark green juice to the body, and they could smell a bloody and foul smell from a distance.

"Our corpse-controlling clan's living habits are a bit different from ordinary people. If you don't understand it, you can bring it up." The elder turned his head and glanced at me and said softly.

In order to prevent breaking the glass heart of the elder, I didn't answer my mouth, but cast my sights far away.

There is a dilapidated house in the distance, and a vermilion plaque is hung on the beam of the front entrance of the house. On the plaque, the word "Yi Zhuang" is written. In addition, you can see the scene inside the house through the door of the house. There are many red rags hanging in the house. A gust of overcast wind blows and the rags fly over, making the scene in Yizhuang look even more terrifying.

Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but think secretly, is it necessary to control the corpse, I have to make my living environment so eerie and terrifying.

"Please go in and sit down. I believe the patriarch should be back soon." The great elder made a please gesture to me, and then stepped into the Yizhuang first.

"The corpse-controlling justice village is similar to a living room. The environment inside is a bit bad, and I hope to overcome it."

"It's okay!" I smiled at the zombie, then took Ma Yuzhi's hand and walked into Yizhuang.

As soon as I walked into the Yizhuang, there was a stench rushing towards him. This stench is the smell formed after the body decays.

"Looking at the whole world, the living room of the corpse control clan is probably the most unique." Ma Yuzhi walked beside me and said in a low voice.

In the Yizhuang, there are several coffins. Some of these coffins seem to be old, and some seem to be newly built. Some coffins have the lid open, and some have coffin nails tightly nailed.

The great elder and others walked into the Yizhuang and sat on the coffin lid.

"The environment in which we control the corpse is a bit bad. There is no sofa here.

I hope you two will forgive me if I have good tea "The elder said while pointing to the coffin beside him.

Ma Yu and I greeted each other and sat on the coffin.

I don't know what material the coffin is made of, and there is a little bit of meat sitting on it.

"Tell me why you want to help us."

"First, Ding Yi and I met in the United States. The two of us are good friends. Second, the corpse-controlling family has contributed to China. This cannot be obliterated."

"The corpse-controlling family does contribute to China, but unfortunately, other people can't see this. Not only can they not see our contribution, they also treat us as aliens, wishing that we disappear forever in this world."

The elder seemed to be resentful. He snorted and then continued: "If we want us to disappear, we have to live tenaciously. We have withstood the test for more than a thousand years, and we have to reproduce for at least a thousand years."

After the great elder vented a bit, I interrupted and said in a low voice: "Can the great elder introduce the recent situation of the gate of hell."

"The gate of hell is the foundation for our corpse-controlling family to settle down, and we don't want to talk about it with outsiders."

"The gate of hell is indeed the foundation for the corpse-controlling family to settle down, so we have to talk about it today."

Seeing the big elder raised his brows, I hurriedly continued: "Everything has two sides. The gate of hell is within the controllable range, which can indeed benefit the entire corpse-controlling clan. But outside the controllable range, the gate of hell may make The corpse control clan disappears forever."

"The gate of hell has always been within a controllable range."

"That was before, now it's different, and it will be even more different in the future."

"Okay, we don't want to talk about this anymore. You gave us the poison, and we show you this love. Next, our corpse-controlling family can do three things for you in return."

"Okay," I stood up and said vigorously: "The first thing, I want you to gather the patriarch of the soul-canceling race and the sect master of the Guizi Sect. I have something important to tell. The second thing, I want you to recall All the tribesmen then earnestly prepare for war. The third thing, I want you to ask for help from the outside world in the name of Fengdu Ghost City."

"I said, don't talk about the gate of hell. We have signed an agreement with the seven kingdoms of the underworld, and the gate of hell will always be under our control."

"Ordinary people know that nonsense

, How can you still naively believe in the ghosts of the seven kingdoms of the underworld. "

Hearing my words, the elder stood up and shouted in a low voice: "The gate of hell has always existed for thousands of years. We have basically done nothing with the underworld for these thousands of years, so the safety of the gate of hell does not require you outsiders. Worry, we will be sure of everything."

"But I heard recently that the gate of hell is very abnormal."

"Abnormalities within the acceptable range are not called abnormalities but accidents. Accidents can't be eliminated by anyone, but they are not harmful."

"The Seven Kingdoms of the Underworld will invade Yangjian recently. The first stop for their invasion of Yangjian was Fengdu Ghost City. You bear the brunt. Now the time is getting shorter and shorter. If you don't make preparations, there will be an extinction next."

I’m free now. Without waiting for the great elder to speak, I went on to say: "You just said that Fengdu's corpse clan must be passed on. If you don’t change from the past, you will remain content with the status quo. It won’t take long for Fengdu to control the corpse clan. It will become history."

"Presumptuous," my voice fell, and the elder rushed towards me with a gust of wind.

The speed of the great elder was very fast, and he rushed in front of me in an instant, his five fingers clasped like lightning and leaned toward my neck.

The speed of the great elder is fast, and my speed is faster. After turning around and easily avoiding the attack of the great elder, my body swayed behind the great elder.

Pushing out with a palm, the back of the middle elder directly blasted the elder out, flew out more than ten meters, and finally hit a broken coffin heavily.

"What is your strength?" The elder stood up tremblingly and whispered to me.

"Don't care about my strength, it's no problem to defeat you anyway."

"You are not here to help us, you are here to kick the gym?"

"Huh, fortunately, you are considered to be an advanced age in the corpse control clan, and you don't even argue whether you are good or bad."

"Aren't you trying to meddle in the gate of hell?" The elder sneered.

I glared at the elder fiercely, and then sternly said: "If it weren't for the people of Fengdu Ghost City, even if the corpse-controlling clan invited me, I would not come. Besides, the gate of hell is a treasure in your eyes. It can provide you with yin and resources. But in my eyes it is a bomb, and it may blow people to pieces at any time."

(End of this chapter)