The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 896: doubt


I don't know if it should be said that Longhushan's work efficiency is fast, or that Fang Cunzi and Hongyu are fast. Ma Yuzhicai and I rested on Tianmen Mountain for two days, and Fang Cunzi and Hong Yu came to the Tianshi Mansion.

"Leihuo has already informed us of the situation. I have discussed it with Hon Yu. We feel that the information you have obtained during the Tang and Song dynasties may not be accurate. Blind risks may cost us."

Fang Cunzi sat beside Leihuo. He glanced at me and said, "You care about the Chinese people, and we also care about the Chinese people. It is also because we care about the Chinese people, so we have to think about the Chinese people. You know. The troubled times are about to come, and now the power in our hands no longer simply belongs to us. Our power still belongs to the entire China. Every action we take must be for the sake of the overall situation, and we must not act recklessly."

Hearing Fang Cunzi's words, I sneered and asked: "So according to Fang Cunzi's head, when can the power you have in your hands be used? When is the best time. Wait until the people of China are slaughtered. Wait until Jiang Beichuan borrows Yin De to resurrect? Or wait until Ouyang Zhetian succeeds in immortality."

I took a deep look at Fang Cunzi, and then said: "Or the leader of Fang Cunzi is fishing for big fish in a long line, and he is ready to wait until Jiang Beichuan is about to succeed. In that way, if the leader of Fang Cunzi can do it. Easily kill Jiang Beichuan, Jiang Beichuan's yin virtue will definitely be transferred to Fang Cunzi's head teacher. In this way, Fang Cunzi's head teacher can obtain a lot of yin virtue, and maybe finally he can easily replace Ouyang Zhetian and live forever. "

"You... You are too much, you are nonsense."

Seeing Fang Cunzi blowing his beard and staring at an unusually angry look, I couldn't help but froze, feeling telling me that Fang Cunzi might actually have an exam in this area.

Immortality is a great temptation for everyone. Confused.

"Tang and Song, don’t be quick to talk. We were actually interested in you when we came to Tianmen Mountain today. I didn’t expect you to be promoted to a ninth-level Taoist priest in a short period of time. I am a little curious now, curious about you. How did it do it?"

Real Hongyu glanced at me, and then said, "As far as I know, in just over a year,

In a short while, the promotion from a sixth-level Taoist priest to a ninth-level Taoist priest has never happened before in history. You have rewrote history, and now I want to know if you have practiced some sorcery, or if you have received help from some forces. "

I frowned when I heard the words of Hon Yu.

"Does Hongyu really suspect me, suspect that I have taken refuge in the Seven Kingdoms of the Underworld, accepted their help, and suspect that I and the Seven Kingdoms of the Underworld have united to deceive you?"

"At the beginning, you altogether ten people went to the underworld to participate in the Huangquan Dao experience. Later, more than a year later, you came to Wanfu Palace to tell Fang Cunzi, saying that a move, mayfly and others were taken away by evil spirits. Nowadays, mayfly and others do not I don’t know if you have anything to say in Tang and Song Dynasties."

"What Nian Youyu said is true. At the beginning, Wumu Village was attacked by evil spirits. One move was to wait for people to stand with evil spirits. This can be proved by the evil people who escaped from Wumu Village. In addition, Senior Qiu Chuji must have seen it too. The clues came out."

"The key is where is Qiu Chuji now?"

"Senior Qiu Chuji was in Wumu Village when he was attacked by the evil spirits Qin Hui and Pan **. The juniors don't know whether Senior Qiu Chuji is dead or alive. Where is he alive?"

My voice fell, and the real Hongyu continued to speak: "After Nian Youyu had submitted the letter, the whole person completely disappeared. We once sent someone to investigate. Not only did Nian Youyu disappear, but Xuanming, Feibo, and waiting. She Xue has all disappeared. The ten people who participated in the Huangquan Dao experience at the time were you alone in the Huaxia event. So we have too many doubts in our hearts. There are too many doubts in our hearts, so we hope you can help explain. "

Hearing the words of real Hongyu, I looked at everyone and said: "So you suspect, suspect that I cooperated with the Seven Kingdoms of the Underworld to kill a move and Fei Bo and others, and controlled them for more than a year. Doubt that I can be promoted to a ninth-level Taoist priest. It’s also because the Seven Kingdoms of the Underworld are helping secretly. In addition, you suspect that I came to you this time and asked you to follow me to the orphan’s village. It was also because I was deliberately directing and acting in a bitter drama, with the purpose of setting up a deception. you guys?"

"Tang Song, we just have some doubts in our hearts, we want to understand, if you don't have a ghost in your heart, you don't need to be so excited."


If you have any doubts, you will send someone to follow me and Yuzhi? "I gave a blank look at the talking point, then took out a kitchen knife and held it in my hand.

"Tang Song, what do you want to do? Do you still want to be presumptuous in front of the three of us."

I ignored the real person Hongyu, but made a heavy cut in my arm while holding a kitchen knife.

"Come and take a look. My blood is red. You can also come and taste it. My blood still has the taste and temperature."

"I repeat, we are just wondering, you don't need to be so aggressive." Fang Cunzi stood up, glanced at me and then said: "Jiang Beichuan's whereabouts have always been erratic. It is impossible for you to easily know that he will appear. In the orphan village, we have reason to suspect that this is a trap. Since we suspect that this is a trap, it is definitely not a wise move to pierce it."

"Let me explain first, why I got promoted so fast."

"First of all, my blood is not weak!"

"Bloodline?" Fang Cunzi, Lei Huo and Hong Yu looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

"My grandfather is the master of Tianmen Sect. Although Tianmen Sect has been destroyed for many years, I still have some impressions of you." Before the three of Fang Cunzi could speak, I continued: "My grandfather's name is Ouyang Tongtian. He is The sect master of Sisheng Ghost Doctor's line. Presumably, you are not unfamiliar with Shisheng Ghost Doctor.

"You should also know that the blood of the Ouyang family is a bit special, and their blood has a strong inheritance ability. So since my birth, I have successfully inherited the powerful talents of the Ouyang family."

"I said that the Ouyang family has powerful talents and abilities. You should not disagree. You know that the Ouyang family now has two ninth-level Taoists."

"We didn't expect that you turned out to be Ouyang Tongtian's nephew, but this does not explain why your promotion rate is so fast."

When the voice of the real man Hongyu fell, six groups of demon fire spurted out of my body. Each of the six groups of demon fires dragged their long tails of fire, flew around in the conference hall, and finally landed on my side, and began to continuously turn around my body.

"Demon Fire, this is the biggest secret for my promotion."

(End of this chapter)