The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 112: A tribute to the maid


The telescope is still grinding.

Nightshade is still half dead.

The fragrant coconut tree elves are still gestating.

The fast-growing poisonous thorns of the Cordyceps brambles bushes are pumping out new seedlings every day.

The houses in each village are still being built sporadically, and the four districts of the town are also building houses. The construction of the road has not been completed, and the Dousen Avenue of the castle is still under construction every day.

Shoot archery and practice guns.

People and horses unite to charge.

Liszt’s life is very fulfilling every day. Mrs. Abbie’s cooking skills have evolved rapidly. Not only can she make pineapple buns, but she also learned a few new dishes—the thorn caravan travels to and from Chatan City every day to purchase the materials needed for the castle. , as long as you have gold coins, you can do whatever you want.

"Moisturize things silently... I have been in this world for almost half a year. I haven't done any big things vigorously, and I haven't done any drastic construction. However, under my guidance, Huahua Town is still on the road of rapid development. The territory may still be barren, at least it looks the same. new."

Once by his side, there were only two assistants, Gortai and Marcus.

Now Galtai serves as the political officer, Marcus temporarily serves as the knight captain, Isaiah serves as the financial officer, Blair serves as the legal officer, Carl Hammer serves as the defense officer; the old Grandet serves as the captain of the flower caravan, and Abagon serves as the Deputy captain, Sherlock served as the captain of the Thorn Caravan; Costo served as the captain of the Flower.

A team has been initially drawn up.

The elf worms have grown from four, tulip worms, corn worms, alfalfa worms, and thorn worms; to seven, newly added tomato worms, wheat worms, and peanut worms; there are two more to be produced, coconut worms and nightshade worms.

The number of horses in the town, including the horses of the new officials and their families, has grown from fifteen at the beginning to seven pregnant mares, two foals, and eight suckers. There are also twelve carriages, allotted to caravans. There is not enough pasture on the horse farm, so we have to buy fodder from outside.


Potions, smoked herbs, fruit-stealing monkeys, seafood...

Only the population has grown slowly, from the initial population of 1991 to the present 2074, only an increase of 83 people. However, by the end of September, 500 serfs will be transported over to supplement the labor force.

"Actually, the biggest harvest is all on me." Liszt leaned back in the chair, leisurely sipping a cup of milk tea without any additives.

Behind him is a fruit tree outside the castle, a green apple tree, which yields very little, and the fruit is not large and tastes sour.

At least a piece of greenery can be sprinkled.

Feel good.

Perhaps Mrs. Mawson's technology has improved, or the quality of milk produced by cows during pregnancy has improved. Anyway, milk tea is getting better and better. Even after drinking the milk tea, he could feel that the nutrition in the milk tea made his body feel extra comfortable, and even his spirit became uplifted.

Sweep away the laziness of the hot summer.

"Dou Sen is my good guard. Rock thorns are very powerful. Curly blessing can probably be kept for eating meat. Space gems are the most priceless treasures. Mithril mines, jade, crystals, and black pearls should be worth dragon coins. Calculate, the Red Blood Sword is a gem weapon, and the drift bottle of the Son of the Sun."

His personal wealth, if measured by valuation, is probably already second to none on Coral Island.

"I also learned the secret skill of fighting qi - the magic eye. Although I don't know why Stephen the vulture knight hides the magic eye in a book, I should thank him. This auxiliary fighting qi secret skill is far better than any A powerful fighting qi secret technique."

Dou Sen is having fun all over the place.


Thomas followed it, holding the rope, sweating profusely from running. With Dou Sen's current strength, Thomas, an ordinary person, really couldn't hold it.

Liszt looked away from Dowson.

I looked at the small garden next to the castle.

A maid was cleaning up the dried meat that was drying in the small garden. The black and white maid uniform looked very seductive.

"That's Lily, right?" Liszt was a little far away and couldn't see the maid's facial expression clearly, but he could tell by looking at her figure.

Little Lily, the kitchen maid, is the tallest maid in the castle, about 1.7 meters tall.

I remember the first time I saw Little Lili, this seventeen-year-old girl, still with a dry and thin bamboo pole figure. I don't know if it's because she ate well, lived well, and felt relaxed in the castle. Now it can be seen that she already has breasts and her buttocks are a little more upturned than before.

"The girl is blooming, the scene of the maid busy is really pleasing to the eye."

After sighing, he withdrew his gaze and began to circulate the battle energy in his body—just now, his body was a little restless, as if he wanted to pay respect to the maid.

His body is also developing rapidly.

It has already jumped in size, and it is estimated that it should be 1.83 meters tall now. The height of Marcus the Earth Knight is a standard 1.86 meters. Standing with him, Liszt is not far behind.

The earl was about 1.81 meters tall, and his deceased mother, Melissa, was said to be a tall beauty.

So Liszt infers that he can probably continue to grow taller, surpassing Marcus is not a problem, maybe he can eventually reach 1.9 meters

Restlessness is hard to calm down.

Liszt simply stood up, drew the red blood sword hanging from his waist, and began to practice "Fire Dragon Diamond".

Fast forward to September.

The Earl has returned from Blue Dragon Island and summoned all his followers to gather in Tulip Fort. As the Baron of Flower Town who has already been entrusted, Liszt naturally needs to go.

Coral islands are not huge.

A total of two viscounts, sixteen barons, eighty-two knights, and one viscount for life (Levi's) and several barons for life.

Lifetime jazz is a kind of title outside the system, which enjoys the same treatment as a title, but has no territory and cannot be hereditary.

Some countries have it and some don't.

In the Grand Duchy of Sapphire, lifelong jazz is generally awarded to the grown-up heirs of big families—they have grown up, but their father is not dead yet, so it is not their turn to inherit the title. Some are even in their forties and have not yet inherited the title, which is a bit embarrassing.

Thus, the lifetime knighthood came into being.

Of course, some magicians, contributing craftsmen, and even wealthy businessmen may also be conferred lifetime knighthoods.

"The Grand Duke has issued a development order, and we will act after autumn to cooperate with the Iron Ridge Kingdom and attack the coast of the Eagle Kingdom." After seeing Liszt, Levi told him the accurate news, "Father has decided to accept the development order. Take part in this war."

"Are you going too?" Liszt asked.

"Of course, I have to go. This is a test for me. I need to prove that I can inherit my father's will and be favored by the knight's glory." Levi's was not nervous, only excited, "The Grand Duke arranged for his father to cooperate with Marquis Roderick, and As a liaison officer, I will coordinate the actions of the two knight orders."

"Marquis Roderick?" Liszt remembered that Mrs. Penelope said that Levi's was pursuing the other's daughter. "What's the name of the Marquis' daughter?"

Levi's eyes burst into spring light: "Lou Lia, Luo Lia, Golden Ear of Wheat!"