The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 116: Demolish your hut


Da da da.

The sound of horseshoes running over the gravel road, the Lilong horse held its head high, its black mane fluttering in the wind.

This main road has been built for more than two months, and basically maintains 180 civilian workers every day, each of whom is paid one copper coin a day. In other words, this road costs 180 copper plates a day, and for two months, it costs a total of more than 10,000 copper plates, about 1 gold coin.

Sometimes manpower is just so damn cheap.

The stones transported from all over the place were smashed into fingernail-sized gravel, which were spread flat on the ground, mixed with the sea sand from the east coast, making the whole road look very clean and tidy.

Without cement, if you step on gravel and sea sand, you will always get a little bit of it and fall into your shoes without knowing it.

"It's a pity that Thorn Ridge is just a rocky mound, and the stones are so small that they can't even cut the stone slabs. Otherwise, it would be more beautiful to build the main road into a stone road." Liszt felt a little regretful, the town is too big It is barren and the surrounding resources are extremely scarce.

He has sold black pearls twice now, and his wallet is full, with more than 500 gold coins in his savings.

However, it cannot be immediately converted into resources—there is no way to buy more livestock and less pasture; more buildings cannot be built, and manpower is insufficient; roads cannot be repaired frequently, and stones are not enough; barren fields cannot be diversified, and tools are scarce.

Just like today, the whole town began to repair wooden houses.

There are no workers on the road.

Under the supervision of patrols and clerks, the civilians began to check whether their wooden houses were solid or not. Cracked beams and columns should be reported for replacement, damaged roofs should be reported for hole repair, loose windows should be reported for reinforcement, and rotten corners should be reported for repair—the civilians were very enthusiastic.

Because the lord provided repair materials.

This makes the civilians feel that they have taken advantage of it, and if they don't report it, they will suffer a big loss!

"Perhaps, I should start burning bricks. The stones are not enough to make up the bricks." Liszt thought to himself when he saw the vigorous wooden house renovation battle.

Stonemasons and carpenters are construction workers in another world, commoners live in wooden houses, and nobles live in stone castles.

In Huahua Town, there is only Liszt's castle, which is built with rocks and uses glutinous rice as a gel material. The value of glutinous rice is very precious, and the elves bred by glutinous rice are called "wall elves". Its value is not that it can be eaten, but that it has a strong bonding effect.

There is no cement, and the condensation of the wall is either made of soil or glutinous rice.

Fortunately, the Tulip family has a glutinous rice elf, so the castle built by the earl is extravagantly made of glutinous rice.

Such a castle is many times stronger than a castle made of condensed mud, and it can be built very high.

For example, Liszt's castle.

Pushing away the steeple-shaped roof of the roof, it can continue to increase several floors.

"The firing of the turning head has almost no technical content. If you find the clay suitable for firing bricks, you can fire qualified bricks... However, if you want to build a brick kiln for firing bricks, you must use coal. If there is no coal, you must at least have Charcoal. I'm afraid you won't be able to burn qualified bricks without fumbling."

Liszt, who likes to read books and think about nothing, knows a lot.

He knows how to make ice with saltpeter, burn clay bricks, hand-made paper, black powder formula, local cement, distilled liquor, pancreas formula, telescope, fired glass, etc. Black powder can be successfully configured and even hand grenades can be made. In addition, waterwheels, plows, and windmills can also tell a general principle by tinkering.

But it is by no means a simple matter to transform knowledge into real objects.

The biggest constraints are materials and labor.

Saltpeter is needed to make ice. If you don’t find an ultra-small saltpeter mine, making ice is just an empty slogan; the same is true for firing glass, you need quartz sand and soda ash. Quartz sand probably needs to find quartz veins. transparent stone.

But what is soda ash, soda

He remembered that when making porridge, some alkali was needed, and there might be a small amount of alkali in plant ashes, but where did you get the soda ash for burning glass

In addition to saltpeter, black powder also needs sulfur.

Cement needs limestone.

"Strictly speaking, I don't seem to know what sulfur and limestone look like?" Liszt suddenly remembered a very serious question.

He only knows that saltpeter can make ice, quartz can burn glass, limestone can make cement, and sulfur can make explosives.

But what does limestone, sulfur, look like

Before that, he only knew that saltpeter was white, and it was mentioned in many books that it grew on toilets and corners. Later, he successfully discovered saltpeter after being reminded of a super-small saltpeter mine by the smog mission.

If he really wanted to find the saltpeter mine by himself, he might not be able to find it all.

"The name limestone is quite vulgar. It is probably a common stone. Is it related to marble and granite? As for sulfur, do you have to look for it from the crater? It is said that the crater smells like sulfur."

Liszt felt at this moment.

The real self is far more ignorant than the imagined self: "This is a bit embarrassing...but I must know where to find the soil for burning bricks!"

Theoretically, clay should be used to burn bricks, which is the kind of soil that can be fired into red bricks.

But if you don’t pursue high quality, most of the soil can be used to burn bricks, and slightly sticky soil is considered a good material.

There are still many such soils in Huahua Town.

"When the task is completed, I will call a group of serfs to burn bricks for me. I will use the turning head to build a house." Build a flame mushroom greenhouse, build a toilet, build a pig, horse, cattle and sheep pen, and build a factory building. Build another football field and basketball field, raise a group of professional players, and come to play games if you have nothing to do.

"It still takes time to find quartz, limestone and soda ash. Cement and glass are very versatile."

Then he suddenly thought: "Actually, I am a nobleman, and enjoying life is what I should do. Why do I think about inventions and research all day long?"

He used to be a liberal arts student.

Not a science student.

The university studies information management.

"Life is so good, I don't want to be a magician."

While he was riding a horse, his thoughts were flying.

Not far from the street, with a bang, a wooden house collapsed.

Liszt raised his hand to block the sun and looked over there. A group of people were watching the excitement in a mess, so he ordered the knights to follow: "What's going on, go and ask."

The retinue knight quickly brought over a patrol member who supervised the scene.

The patrol member knelt on the ground and answered Liszt's question: "My lord, it was Hunter with a loud voice who demolished his wooden house."

"Demolish your own wooden house?"

"Yes, we saw with our own eyes that Hunter took a stick and beat his wooden house hard, breaking several supporting pillars, and then the wooden house fell down, and Hunter was buried in it. But he was not killed, just Broke an arm."

"Why did he tear down his cabin?"

"Um, Hunter heard that Lord Lord's castle will provide materials for the repair of the wooden house, so he wants to replace his wooden house..."