The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 19: Long taro family on Red Crab Island


The milk produced by the dairy farm is a rare luxury in Huahua Town. Originally, the milk from the dairy farm was used to produce milk powder, which was paid to the Earl of Coral Island as a tax once every three months.

After Liszt came, the daily milk would be delivered to the castle.

There are ten cows in total.

Among them, three young cows under the age of two have not yet started to produce milk; two old cows can no longer produce milk; one male cow cannot produce milk; only four adult cows can produce some milk every day. I don't know if it's because of the poor breed of the cows, the food is not good enough, and the milk production is very low.

"Big flower is milking three times a day during the peak milk production period, and can squeeze out 20 kilograms of fresh milk; Xiaohua is in the evaporated milk period, and can only squeeze 4 kilograms a day; Dahei is also in the evaporated milk period, 5 kilograms a day; rhubarb is currently in the park. Breastfeeding." The old man in charge is not very old, but he is hunched over and looks very old.

Liszt approached a cow, the cow was very docile, grazing slowly.

"Do you want to continue raising cows that cannot produce milk?"

"Zhuang Zhuang needs to ensure that all cows are conceived and must be raised. Milk flower, milk black, and milk yellow are still young, and they will be able to conceive and produce milk next year. Lao Hua and Lao Hei are already old, and we have reported to the lord. You can come and kill cattle for meat." The old man in charge said respectfully.

Milk flower, milk black, and milk yellow are the names of underage cows.

Xiaohua and Xiaohei are the names of newly grown cows.

Dahua, Dahei, and Dahuang are the names of cows in their prime.

Laohua and Laohei are the names of old cows.

Zhuangzhuang is the name of a male cow.

Liszt remembered that a while ago, the housekeeper Carter mentioned to him that there were two old cows on the dairy farm, which could be killed for meat at any time. For cows that cannot produce milk, one extra day of feeding is equivalent to wasting one more day of food, and they are usually slaughtered immediately. It is ruthless to say that cows produce milk for a lifetime, and they have to contribute their own meat when they are old.

For the time being, the castle did not hold a large banquet, and the meat they brought was enough, so the two old cows continued to be raised on the dairy farm.

"Is the pasture on the farm enough for the cows?"

"Enough, my lord, we only have ten cows, but we have 150 acres of grassland."

"Old Steward, how many acres of grassland do you think is enough for ten cows to graze?"

"Returning to Lord Lord, a cow needs ten acres of grassland to feed, but we often take the cows to graze in the wild outside, so only eight acres of grassland is enough to feed them."

"Eight mu for a cow, ten cows need eighty mu, then, Mr. Gao Ertai, first eradicate the seventy mu of two-leaf clover and replace it with alfalfa."

"No problem, leave it to me." Gao Ertai assured, patting his chest.

In the census project, Liszt's vigorous attitude made Gao Ertai feel a sense of crisis, and his work attitude was finally quite correct. He has already seen that Liszt is not the kind of nobleman who exaggerates and enjoys pleasure, but a nobleman who does things down-to-earth. If he wants to gain power, he has to change his style.

Hi Dowson.

Check out the peanut worms.

Two days passed in a flash, and the third day was a rainy day.

Spring is coming, summer is not yet here, rain is as expensive as oil, and agricultural production in various villages is busy. The alfalfa seeds have been sown, and the cornfields have been drawn out from the fields, ready to be cultivated. The Thorn Forest has not yet been found. We need to wait for Marcus to come back and go to Thorn Ridge to find it.

fourth day.

After having lunch in the castle, the butler Carter hurried into the study: "Sir, Mr. Marcus is back and is waiting for your summons outside the castle."

"Invite him in quickly."

"Lord Baron, Marcus greets you!" The travel-stained Marcus brought the two middle-level battle qi cheat books that Liszt was looking forward to.

One is "Flame Wave" that Liszt is familiar with, and the other is "Fire Dragon Diamond" obtained from Tulip Fort.

After accepting the two cheat books, Liszt asked instead: "Mr. Marcus, I handed over my letter to the earl and baron. How did they reply?"

"This is the reply letter from the Earl and the Baron, as well as the ten Naldas obtained from selling the fur of the Violent Dog."

"Mr. Marcus, please sit down, let me read the letter first."

The first thing I opened was the reply letter from the Earl of Coral Island. Since there were not many words written on the thick parchment, the content of the letter was very small. Li William Tulip replied to Liszt, planning to send people to complete the assimilation of black tulips in the near future, and also discuss how to sell black tulips.

And promised to buy a batch of scarce supplies for Liszt as a deposit for the transaction.

The other letter was a reply from the Baron of Falcon Town. Li Weila replied to Liszt, congratulating him on discovering a new variety of tulips. She will come with the Earl and exchange materials for the qualification for assimilation.

All are official, polite replies.

There was not much family affection included. After the death of Liszt's mother, the Earl's first wife, the relationship between the three siblings who lacked maternal love gradually weakened. The count turned from hope to disappointment because of Liszt's appearance, and the relationship became even weaker.

"But it's okay, I can accept this kind of weak emotion more. You can't bear it if you talk about it." After reading the letter, Liszt felt a little emotional in his heart.

Put down the letter.

Liszt said gently: "Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Marcus, do you have any new knowledge during this trip?"

"The coral island is calm as usual, and there is no war in the Grand Duchy, but there is one thing, I don't know if it is new news, it is about the baron's mother clan."

"My mother clan?"

Liszt almost forgot that his mother was also of noble birth, and asked, "What happened to the Taro Castle?"

"The owner of the Taro Castle, the Marquis of Red Crab Island, has resigned from his position as the captain of the palace fleet and returned to Red Crab Island because of illness. The Earl is about to send someone to visit him. Perhaps when the envoy comes to assimilate the black tulip, he will meet with the baron. Let's discuss this, my lord."

"Maybe." Liszt searched the memory of his predecessor, and recalled the Fort of Long Taro in his memory.

The Grand Duchy of Sapphire is an archipelagic country, and many nobles are divided into large and small islands. Among them is a large island, Red Crab Island, which is owned by the Changyu family. The lord is Merlin Changyu, the hereditary Marquis of Red Crab Island in the Grand Duchy, who is Liszt's grandfather.

The surname of the long taro family comes from the great long taro elves they own.

The castle he lives in is the Taro Castle, which is a huge and luxurious fortress palace far larger than Tulip Castle, magnificent and magnificent, high above the mountains.

The Marquis of Merlin has one son and two daughters, the eldest son Messiro, the second daughter Melinda, and the third daughter Melissa.

Melissa Changyu is Liszt's mother.

When Lee William Tulip was still a viscount, Marquis Merlin saw his extraordinaryness, married his third daughter, Melissa, into the Tulip family, and gave birth to three children, Levi's, Rivera and Liszt. So far, Liszt has gone to the Fort of Long Taro every year to celebrate his grandfather's birthday.

However, since Li William remarried the new countess, the relationship between the Changyu family and the Tulip family has gradually become estranged.

But anyway, Marquis Merlin is Liszt's grandfather.

Grandpa is sick, and the younger generation should visit him.