The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 27: A barbecue party


"Human trafficking is not impossible. The family's fleet goes to sea for trade every year. However, it is not worth the risk with dozens or hundreds of people."

"Five thousand."


"I need five thousand people."

"Five thousand people, are you sure you can eat it?"


Levi's eyes narrowed: "I'll go back and think about it."

Back in the living room, no one mentioned the matter of human trafficking again. The atmosphere of the afternoon tea was very lively under the activeness of Gao Ertai.

The convoy will live in Huahua Town for one night, and most of the knights and followers will live in the town. Levi's and Rivera will live in the castle with their personal servants.

The housekeeper, Old Carter, is extremely busy today.

"Tom, where is Jesse, I need his help!" His legs and feet were sore from going up and down the stairs repeatedly. He wiped the sweat from his head and went into the kitchen, "Jesse is not helping in the kitchen." ?"

"Jesse should be delivering horse hay. There are dozens of horses in the castle, and we don't have enough hay to feed the horses." Tom carefully placed a sack of flour beside the stove.

"When he comes back, ask him to find me in the warehouse. I need someone to transport the food that was brought into the castle today to the cellar for storage."

"Yes, Mr. Carter."

Irene, the kitchen maid, looked up while washing the vegetables: "Mr. Carter, do you need my help?"

Before Carter could answer, Abby, the cook, scolded: "You can't finish the work in the kitchen, and you still have time to help. Why, Irene, do you want to change jobs!"

Carter spread his hands: "Irene, you probably can't help."

"I see...God knows how long I'll be in the kitchen today, it's hot and stuffy, I'm soaking wet, and Mrs Abbie's burning the stove burner too hot."

"Oh, that's right! Are you the chef or am I the chef? Do you want to cook the master's dinner for honored guests!"

"You are the chef."

"Then shut your little mouth and work quietly!"

The chatter in the kitchen couldn't stop for a moment. Carter had already walked out. The kitchen was too hot, and he felt a dullness in his chest. He didn't know if it was heatstroke—it wasn't summer yet, but the weather was getting hotter and hotter. He took out a handkerchief, wiped it on his face, leaned half against the wall, and took a breath.

Mosen Paddy, who was walking towards him with a bucket, saw Carter's appearance and asked with concern, "Are you feeling unwell, Mr. Carter?"

"Why is it uncomfortable, it's just a little hot."

"Really, but your complexion is a little pale, are you too nervous? There are too many guests in the castle today, and you need to work hard everywhere."

"Why would I be nervous, Mrs. Mawson, I have seen more lively scenes in the earl's other courtyard, and I can handle this." Carter put away the handkerchief, "Master Levi's, Miss Rivera's room, Is everything packed?"

"Miss Li Weila's personal maid has been complaining about the dust falling off the walls, or complaining that the sheets are worn out."

"It's not up to us to decide whether the utensils are good or bad. Don't be rude in the details of the work, and let the rest go. The real nobles will not feel resentful because of this."

"The Tulip family are real nobles." Mrs. Mawson nodded, "Mr. Carter, don't you really need to take a break?"

"Don't worry about me."

"The old man is very nice, he must not want to see you overworked."

"I'm not overworked. In fact, I'm enjoying it now. The castle doesn't have many visitors. It's a rare opportunity for me to show off. Well, I'm going to tidy up the warehouse. Yesterday I was complaining about the lack of food. Today There is so much food that the warehouses can’t fit it.”

The castle is small and there is little entertainment.

After afternoon tea, some knights were going to hunt in Thorn Ridge. In this regard, Liszt readily agreed, and he also invited Levi's and Rivera to hunt together.

"There are so many land knights, it's best to catch all the monsters in Thorn Ridge." He had this idea in his heart, "Even if you can't kill the monsters, it's good to get familiar with the terrain of Thorn Ridge."

Dress neatly.

Turning on the horse, this time he was riding the fire dragon horse, and the running-in with the Lilong horse was not enough, which affected his strength.

Did not let Thomas follow him, only brought Marcus and four retinue knights: "Thomas, take care of my Lilong, and don't forget to feed Dou Sen, it is growing, it can't be hungry .”

"What is Dou Sen?" Li Weila asked.

"a dog."

"Do you still have a dog? What breed?"

"A raging dog."

"Riot dog? Warcraft?"

"Yes, a bulldog cub, Mr. Marcus caught it in Thorn Ridge." Liszt said casually.

"Earth Knight, Black Tulip, Peanut Bug, Rat Dog Cub, and a magnificent wild horse, Liszt, have you been favored by the god of luck? I am a little envious of you."

"I can only say that life in the country is very colorful."

"Falcon Town is also a countryside, but not as colorful as Huahua Town."

"That's because my sister often lives in Tulip Castle, ignoring life in the country."

"If you want, you can continue to live in Tulip Castle. Father doesn't mean to drive you away." Levi rode over and interjected.

Liszt thought it was just a polite expression: "I like Huahua Town, it is very free here, and I can do whatever I want."

"Including planting grass at the gate of the castle." Levi pointed to the serfs who were plowing alfalfa, and joked, "In the future, your castle can be called the castle of the horse farm."

It is impossible to name such a small castle.

Liszt raised his whip: "Let's go, the sun has already slanted to the west, and we can't get into the depths of Thorn Ridge. I guess we have to go back." The fire dragon horse ran according to his intention.

If he wanted to bring these knights into Thorn Ridge, he would at least hunt down a few monsters—sooner or later, he would conquer Thorn Ridge and bring this hill and forest into the territory of Huahua Town. If he killed one more monster now, there would be less danger in the future.


On this hunting trip, only ordinary wild animals were hunted.

The monsters are much smarter than wild beasts, and they sensed the fighting spirit in the knights of the earth, so they hid early.

Even so, the hunted prey is enough to have a grand barbecue party. The nobles, knights, and servants gathered together, laughing in beer and cream.

"Wow, Mr. BBQ, give me another rabbit leg." The big tulip elf flew around cheerfully. The elf doesn't need to eat or drink, but eating can also digest.

Thomas, who was busy grilling, quickly handed the elf a rabbit leg that was roasted and sprinkled with seasonings.

The two elves next to them took two pieces of barbecue without saying hello.

"Xiangxiang, you eat too fast, chew more to appreciate the deliciousness of the food." Liszt said with a smile as he tore the rabbit's head in his hand.

The elves are so rare. Looking at the elves will make you feel better.

What's more, he also eats the barbecue that he likes very much-the only food in this world is barbecue, which suits his appetite.

"I like to eat in big mouthfuls."

Xiangxiang ate until her body was covered in oil, and then she shook her body lightly, like a puppy throwing water, all the oil on her body flew out, clean, without any stains left.