The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 28: Fort Tulip in blood


It was late at night, and after the barbecue party, the knights went to the town to rest.

Levi's and Rivera also entered their rooms. The old butler, Carter, took a glass of apple juice instead of red wine and walked into the study.

"Master, you look sober now, not drunk."

"Thank you." He took the apple juice and took a sip. It tasted fruity and fragrant. The alcohol content of beer can only fill the stomach and make it difficult to get drunk.

Under the candle light, Carter's face was unnatural.

Liszt discovered this during the day: "Mr. Carter, are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm well, sir."

"If you have a situation, you must speak up. Don't force it. Although the castle cannot be separated from the steward, your health is more important. Take care of yourself."

"Thank you." Old Carter was about to burst into tears.

"Tomorrow, when the elves complete their assimilation, I will follow the convoy to Coral City. I may leave the Coral Island for a few days, and you can arrange things in the castle."

"Master, please rest assured."

"Actually, there is nothing to worry about. Except for a few elves, Dou Sen and Li Long have to take good care of them. Black Tulip also needs to go to see it for me once a day. In addition, don't stop the construction of the racecourse outside the castle. I hope When I get back, the clover worms can be settled."

Tasks always come first.

We chatted briefly, went back to sleep, and the night passed like this.

The next morning, the eight tulip elves completed the assimilation of the black tulip, and the convoy set off immediately. Liszt rode on a dragon horse, accompanied by Marcus and Thomas. The castle was entrusted to Carter, the town was entrusted to Galtai, and four of his retinue knights cooperated.

"Mr. Gao Ertai, when I come back, I need to see the patrol from Thorn Ridge to the east coast."

"As you wish, I will train them well." Gao Ertai said relaxedly.

"So I'm off, um, with a couple of bottles of gin on my way back."

"Wow, this is awesome!"

Liszt turned back on the fire dragon's horse. At the gate of the castle, Butler Carter led a servant and watched him quietly. He didn't hesitate anymore, kicked the horse's belly lightly, and Huolongma rushed out immediately to keep up with the convoy.

I feel a little excited.

He was very familiar with Coral Island before, but strictly speaking, it was the first time for him to leave Huahua Town and see the outside world.

A medieval terroir wrapped in magic, an aristocratic system under the rule of knights.

After walking out of Thorn Ridge, most of the land that they set foot on was directly under the earl, only some small towns were the baronial territories entrusted by the earl, and a group of smaller villages and villages were the fiefdoms of the knights of the lords. There is only one viscount in the entire Coral Island, and that is the follower of the count when he started his career, Yunus Broken Stone.

However, besides Coral Island, there is another small island, which is another follower of the Earl's Viscount, Trick Humulus.

On Coral Island, there are a total of six large and five small cities—Coral City at the foot of Tulip Castle, which is the largest city; Chatan City, Baihua City, Yulin City, and Snake Spear City are all owned by the Earl; Crushed Stone City is owned by Viscount Yunus.

From Huahua Town to Coral City, you need to pass through Chatan City and Birch City.

However, the convoy did not stop at the two small cities. They only ate a simple meal in the castle courtyard of Chatan City, and then went straight to Coral City. At three o'clock in the afternoon, when the horseshoe stepped into a sea of flowers, Coral City had already arrived.

The flowers are all kinds of tulips.

Most of them are potions, and a few are ornamental flowers—the tulips grown by the Tulip family in the Grand Duchy of Sapphire are famous far and wide.

The sea of flowers undulates with the hillside.

To the left of the main road is the Coral City with towering walls. The city faces the sea and has a busy wharf. From a distance, Liszt could still see "advanced" two-masted sailing ships parked on the pier.

This world has slowly transitioned from the age of paddles to the age of sails.

It was by relying on sailing ships that the original conqueror of the Grand Duchy of Sapphire came to the islands from the mainland and established the country of the archipelago.

Shuttle across the sea, only sailing boats.

"Unfortunately, the sail is probably the end of the ship, but there is not so much steel, which gave birth to the age of the iron-clad ship, and even the age of the steam ship."

Liszt sighed softly, withdrew his gaze from a distance, and turned to the right side of the road.

On the right is the mountain range. On the side of the mountain range near the sea, there are steep cliffs, and on the other side is a gentle slope. Tulip Fort is built on the cliffs, a wide road paved with gravel, winding from the gate of the castle to Coral City at the foot of the mountain. The tall castle, like a flag, stands on the highest point of the coral island.

The pointed tower pierces the blue sky.

The thick rocks are connected with the mountains, and surrounded by flowers, they are solemn and solemn, showing the majestic momentum of the Buluo Fortress. Ten years, in Liszt's memory, the family came to Coral Island and built such a tall and strong Tulip Fort in only ten years. During the period, hundreds of serfs were even exhausted to death.

Today, the castle is still expanding sporadically.

The glory of nobles has always been built on blood—this is just the earl's castle. It is said that the castle of the Grand Duke Sapphire has been built for a hundred years. The corpses of serfs under the cliff of the castle are piled up tens of meters deep.

"It looks pale gray, but it's actually blood red. Instead of living here, I still like the small castle in Huahua Town, at least I live in peace of mind."

Liszt felt heavy.

Follow behind my brothers and sisters, and head towards this familiar yet unfamiliar castle.

On the way, I met a group of knights who came out of the castle. The leading knight saluted Levi's respectfully: "Master Levi's, your journey is smooth."

"The trip went smoothly, Captain Mickey." Levi returned the salute with a bow.

Captain Mickey saluted Li Weila again: "Miss Li Weila, your trip is smooth."

"Going well, Captain Mickey."

At this time, Captain Mickey looked at Liszt with the same impeccable etiquette: "Master Liszt, welcome home."

"Long time no see, Captain Mickey." Liszt bowed, and the knight in front of him was the Captain of the Cavaliers stationed in Tulip Fort, responsible for the security of Tulip Fort. Mickey himself is a baron, the fief is managed by his family, and he holds a position in Tulip Castle.

Under the leadership of the knight team, after a while, they came to the gate of the castle.

The butler, Louis, stood at the gate and greeted the three brothers and sisters, with a warm smile on his old face: "Oh, happiness is always seeing the master's heirs return to the castle like tired birds returning to their nests. "

"Grandpa Louis, long time no see, your body is still so strong." Liszt handed the reins of the fire dragon horse to the servant beside him, and said hello to Louis.

Louis is at least sixty years old this year, and he first followed Liszt's grandfather as a personal servant.

Now as the chief steward of Tulip Castle, even the earl would respect him a lot—this is the honor and status that a person who has dedicated his life to the Tulip family deserves.