The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 41: If you want to get rich, build roads first


Looking at the problem calmly and objectively, Liszt was freed from his unrealistic fantasies about dragons, and felt that the information about the so-called invisible dragon might not be a good reward.

According to the previous inference.

One, the smog task is doing science popularization - but it makes no sense at all. As a cheat, it shouldn't be so boring.

Second, there are invisible dragons nearby that can be captured—if it is true, it is definitely breaking news, but Liszt has no power to capture dragons at all. Many of the countries that have dragons start to capture small dragons, and adult dragons can't stand it. But even if it is a small dragon, all the knights in the entire coral island can't beat it.

Third, the invisible dragon came all the way to deliver equipment—Liszt didn't think his dragon fate was so good.

Fourth, I am afraid that there are invisible dragons who want to attack Huahua Town.

The fourth inference is undoubtedly the most likely. It is no big news that dragons attack human villages and towns, otherwise there would be no such profession as "dragon slaying warrior". In the major knight novels, the dragon slaying warrior is the most popular protagonist, second only to the dragon knight.

Basically, in a qualified knight novel, the protagonist must become a dragon knight, or slay a dragon, and then marry a beautiful princess.

"So, the rewards of these two quests tell me that I want to resist a dragon and strive to become the protagonist of knight novels, Dragon Slayer Liszt?"

Liszt looked in the mirror and smiled: "Then, the dragon is dead, where is the princess?"

The mood is a bit complicated. I am worried that the result of the speculation will come true, but I also feel that it is impossible for this to happen. After thinking about it over and over, he felt that he didn't need to be unfounded. He completed the task first, and saw what kind of clues the final task reward would give before making a decision.

If an invisible dragon really invaded, and he couldn't resist it, it didn't mean he couldn't ask for help.

Once this news is sent to the Sapphire family, I believe that it should not be difficult to exchange for a Marquis title—this is the highest title that can be granted by the Principality.

Calling Galtai, he immediately handed over the task: "This corngrass will not appear suddenly, it must be a bird or the wind blows the seeds. Mr. Galtai, mobilize all the farmers who are not in farming, and spread them in various villages. Search between now and be sure to find more corngrass."

Galtai didn't quite understand the task: "Liszt, is this corngrass important?"

"Of course, it is a kind of forage with very high nutritional value. It is even more suitable than alfalfa as feed for horse farms and dairy farms... In any case, the livestock can grow faster with more different types of forage."

"Since it is so valuable, I will immediately arrange manpower to find it, and I will not let go of every corner."

While talking, Liszt suddenly saw outside the castle, a group of people walked by the door in neat steps, walking towards the direction of Thorn Ridge in the south.

"Mr. Gao Ertai, is that the new patrol team?"

"Yes, your subordinate knights were of great help. The bastards on the patrol team didn't obey the order of me, the political officer, at first, but after a few fights, their temper quickly calmed down."

"Well done, discipline is the first priority of the patrol team, Mr. Gao Ertai, the management of the patrol team must continue to be strengthened. I have a few ideas that need to be realized... The patrol team needs to take on the security management of the town and each village , pay by the town, uniform clothing, uniform code of conduct.”

Liszt talked about some rough ideas. He planned to build the patrol team into a police station, which was only responsible for security for the time being, and would also manage household registration management in the future.

Only in this way can we have a thorough insight into everything in the town, and no one with a suspicious identity can gain a foothold in Huahua Town.

"But there are not many Nardas in the town. Isaiah has complained to me more than once. Without Nardas, he can't do anything."

There are not many gold coins in Liszt's castle. The steward reported to him before that there are about 150 gold coins left.

But the castle is very "fat" now. Just one of Liszt's red blood swords is worth one or two thousand gold coins, as well as the annual profits of the black tulip industry, and a large amount of materials exchanged for assimilation.

"I will allocate fifty gold coins from the castle to maintain the town's development, and this part of the gold coins will be deducted from the town's own taxes every year."

"Fifty Nardas, that's too much, Liszt, I checked, the annual tax in the town is only a pitiful fifteen Nardas."

"Fifty coins are not many, Mr. Gao Ertai, told Isaiah and Blair that the next flower town will enter a busy period, and they must be prepared."

"as you wish!"

Liszt is really not just talking about the development of Flower Town.

He is already working on a map of the town, a very abstract topographical map. Basically, Huahua Town is like a right triangle.

The two right-angled sides are Thorn Ridge, and the hypotenuse is the east coast.

The town is located in the center of the triangle, the castle is located near the right angle, and the dairy farm and Damaitun occupy the other two corners.

"If you want to get rich, build roads first." Holding a quill, he focused on drawing the dirt road from Thorn Ridge to the town. "I need to build this main road into a gravel road. There is no cement, but there is a lot of sand. There is a lot of sea sand, which can be pulled to pave the road."

Then there are dirt roads between the villages, which can be paved with sand.

However, it is not a good choice to pave the road with sand alone. The accumulated water is difficult to drain, and it will be poured into the shoes, making sand everywhere. But it is a pity that there are not many stones near Huahua Town, and they cannot be mixed with sand and stones, so they can only make sand roads, which is more convenient than mud roads that cannot be walked when it rains.

Building roads is one big thing, and another big thing is farming.

The elves can affect the growth of crops, but they can't rely entirely on elves. When there were no elves in Huahua Town, farmers in the small town still had to farm.

"Scientific farming, at present, only completes the first step, letting the people know that they need to fertilize the crops. But this is not enough, a batch of farm tools need to be built to improve the productivity of farmers, so that more wasteland can be cultivated to grow crops. From tulips Fort and Falcon Town have exchanged a pile of iron, you can contact the blacksmith."

These two things need to be done urgently, but the results cannot be seen now.

But there is another thing that can get results quickly - rushing to the sea.

On the back of the fire dragon horse, Liszt looked at the endless sea in front of him, and the sea water was mixed with a unique salty smell, which came to his nostrils. The waves hit the beach, reflecting the sunshine, and the eyes were full of little stars for a while.

Thomas took Dowson by the hand and let him have fun on the beach.

Dou Sen is developing very fast, and he can be seen growing up almost every day, and now he is as big as a rural dog. I don't know if it's because the food is too good. There are already traces of magic power flowing on this guy, and it may not need to be an adult to release magic.

Liszt is going to train it as soon as possible to prevent it from being too wild and hurting people.

"My lord, is there anything worth paying attention to on the east coast? There is no deep-water bay here, so it's not suitable for a pier." Marcus looked at the waves, but still didn't think the sea had any wealth.

Liszt pointed to the reefs that can be seen from time to time under the waves: "Mr. Marcus, have you seen those reefs? There are food on them. After the tide ebbs, farmers can pick up these foods... Compared with what we usually eat Those freshwater fish, these are the seafood.”