The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 47: A revolution in clothing


"Lily Bathtub, Wendy Big Toe, Jim Cow Dung, Parker Red Nose, John Doorknob, after selection, the five of you will have the opportunity to work in the castle."

After three days of trial training, the butler Carter finally announced that three men and two women who met his criteria for selecting servants would be the new servants and maids of the castle.

The remaining seven or eight trial trainees asked unwillingly: "Mr. Carter, please give me another chance, I will definitely do better!"

"I'm sorry, once a decision is made, it cannot be changed. But you don't have to be nervous. During the three-day trial training, each of you will be paid 3 copper coins according to the standard of kitchen maids. And your excellence has already Keep it in my mind, if the castle still needs to recruit servants next time, I will definitely give you priority."

Strictly speaking, the castle servants belonged to Liszt.

But it’s not like driving servants for free, they also need to be paid. The servants can save it by themselves, buy food, drink, buy clothes, or send it back home.

The salary of the castle is 1 copper coin per day for the kitchen maid and assistant manservant; 2 copper coins per day for the maid and manservant; 3 copper coins per day for the first manservant and cook; 4 copper coins per day for the male and female housekeepers.

Except for Carter and Mawson, who were alone, the other servants in the castle chose to return the mail to subsidize their families.

Moreover, once the servant is tired from working, he can also apply to buy out himself, that is, to return to freedom—of course, the decision to agree to buy out is in the hands of the nobles.

The young men and women who were screened out left the castle disappointed. For them, losing the opportunity to work in the beautiful castle was a major blow.

The five selected were overwhelmed with excitement.

"My God, I've been chosen!"

"Did I... did I stay in the castle?"

"Mom, I did it!"

Carter looked at the five newcomers with a smile, and recalled that when he was young, from a difficult serf family, he was selected by the castle of the viscount family and became a servant.

Starting from the lowest servant assistant, he gradually became an excellent servant, and the Tulip family also ushered in a leapfrog development. He was sent by the earl to manage the family's other castles in other towns.

Until Liszt became an adult, he followed and became a housekeeper.

The years have left many marks on his face, and he can hardly remember how he cheered when he became a servant. In the past few decades, he has been working in the castle, and his relatives have passed away for many years. He has regrets and happiness.

The greatest wish now is to be by Liszt's side. When the red sun no longer rises one day, he chooses to sleep forever.

"Young gentlemen and ladies, please be quiet." He stretched out his hand and pressed down, signaling the newcomers not to be too excited. "Next, I will announce your jobs."

Lily and the others quickly calmed down.

"Lily Bathtub, Mrs. Abbie admires you very much. Your job is a kitchen maid. Well, Ms. Irene will guide you to get acquainted for a while, and help Mrs. Abbie as soon as possible."

Little Lily immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "I will get familiar with the work in the kitchen as soon as possible."

"That's good, but don't put too much pressure on yourself, Mrs. Abby... is outspoken, but once you get to know her well, she is a good person." Carter was a little worried for the little girl, and Abby Tangshao's loud hair dryer, I don't know if she can take it.

He continued to announce: "Wendy Big Toe, Mrs. Mawson will walk you through what a maid needs to do."

"Yes, Mr. Carter."

"Then next, Jim Cow Dung, Parker Rednose, John Doorknob." Carter looked at the three young men with disheveled faces.

"Mr. Carter." All three puffed up their chests, trying to make themselves look more elegant.

Carter was satisfied with the attitudes of the three of them. Compared with the thorny Thomas, he was still an obedient young man, and he liked it more: "In the next time, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the work of the servants as soon as possible. Soon, you will be busy. Arise, not only in the castle, but also outside the castle."

He looked up at each of the new servants: "You are not only yourself, but also represent the image of the castle, with decent clothes and civilized behavior, you must get familiar with noble etiquette as soon as possible, and say goodbye to the lazy appearance of serfs in the past, understand? ,Ladies and gentlemen?"

"Understood, Mr. Carter!"

"Then, each of you has half a day off, go back and share the good news with your family. From tomorrow onwards, you will live in the castle."

"Mr. Carter, congratulations, you are about to become a big housekeeper." Mrs. Mawson chatted with Carter after the new servants couldn't wait to go home to report the good news.

"Well, it feels good." Carter rarely gave a playful smile. "I have to live longer to prevent Thomas from taking over. I don't want to see him enjoy this feeling."

"I think Thomas would rather be with the master. He's certainly smarter than Tom and Jesse."

Carter said with a hint of god, "The master has inherited the courage of the Tulip family and the shrewdness of the Changyu family. Sometimes, it may be better to be stupid in front of the master than to be smart."

Speaking of this, he suddenly listened carefully, and then said: "The sound of horseshoes, it means that the master is back, and I am going to meet the master."

"Go, stupid but clever Butler Carter."

Carter tilted his neck.

He has already formed a tacit understanding with Mo Sen. Only the two housekeepers who have a tacit understanding will keep the castle in order.

Walking to the door, riding on the back of a fire dragon horse, the tall and handsome Liszt came galloping with the sun behind his back. The golden light sprinkled on his pale golden slightly curly hair, as if countless gold were flowing.

"The master is like a born nobleman, he has all the temperament of a nobleman." Carter thought to himself.

The body bowed slightly: "Welcome home, sir."

"Mr. Carter, has the new servant been selected?" Liszt handed the reins to Thomas, and untied the tie around his neck. Summer is coming, and the clothes of nobles are a bit stuffy, and he doesn't like this kind of attire.

The aristocratic clothing of the Grand Duchy is a style that originated from the mainland.

Female nobles mainly wear long skirts with panniers inside and cushions on their buttocks, so that the whole long skirt can be propped up like a pyramid.

Li Weila never wore this kind of clothes, she liked to wear the clothes of male nobles.

The full set of clothes for male nobles is called "Flac Abier", which includes a tuxedo-shaped coat "Flac", a small vest "Kilai" worn inside, and a pair of tight half trousers "Best ". Of course, also with the boots and stockings.

Another one is that the male aristocrats need to be decorated with clothes that symbolize the authority of the nobility around their necks.

Ordinary home, you can wear a bow tie; when you go out to do business, you need to wear a "crabat" similar to a tie, which Liszt calls a scarf; at grand ceremonies, you need to wear a "raff", a large disc around the neck, which Liszt calls a scarf. For the ruffled collar.

After untying the tie, he suddenly felt the heat in the clothes coming out along his neck. Liszt couldn't help complaining: "I need to start a revolution in clothing!"