The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 5: The Beast of Thorn Ridge


The location of Huahua Town is located in the northeast corner of Coral Island, and its area is not small. But how big it is, Liszt is at a loss. As a remote town on Coral Island, it is simply divided in the northeast of Thorn Ridge, and the specific range is not marked at all.

In other words, as long as there is no collision with the town to the southwest of Thorn Ridge, Liszt can draw the size of Flower Town at will.

Even if Thorn Ridge is included, probably no one can blame him—after all, there is no division of Thorn Ridge's subordination on Coral Island.

Coral Island has been reclaimed by the Tulip family for more than 20 years. In fact, less than two-thirds of the coral islands have actually been turned into farmland and settled in places with population.

The remaining one-third is wild land.

Thorn Ridge is such a barren land. The lord's knights need to fight abroad. These barren lands need to be reclaimed by serfs and civilians.

Thorn Ridge is extremely barren and uneven, and its development value is not high.

Moreover, in the face of monsters, ordinary people are just a delicious food, and even hunters dare not easily test the depth of monsters. Of course, there are some adventurers who will still hunt monsters. Every monster, every piece of meat, every inch of fur and every piece of meat can be exchanged for gold coins.

Liszt rode on the fire dragon horse and was full of enthusiasm for this inspection.

It is the natural instinct of every nobleman to run a horse and enclose the land. The size of Huahua Town depends on where his horseshoe can go. At this time, the horseshoe was walking on the streets of the town. The streets were dirt roads, very dirty, and livestock and human excrement could be seen everywhere-only nobles would build toilets.

"Hygiene, we must make changes." Liszt turned around and said to Marcus.

Marcus couldn't deny it, he was not a political officer, and he was not interested in these things. What he was passionate about was the authority of the nobles, especially the serfs and commoners who kept saluting to Liszt on both sides of the street. These people, with their disheveled faces, have envy and fear of the nobles.

The body will tremble.

Those who kneel are serfs, and those who bow are freemen.

The serfs accounted for the vast majority, and they had sold themselves to nobles, and they were Liszt's private property, and Liszt was in charge of weddings and funerals. Even if Liszt wanted to exercise the right of first night, these serfs had to obediently abide by it, and washed their daughter and daughter-in-law and sent them to the castle.

There are very few free people, and most of them are handicraftsmen, such as hunters and tailors.

The town is very small and dilapidated, and there are not many residents. Even though all the residents have come to both sides of the street to salute, there is still no warm atmosphere.

Looking around, Liszt felt that there might only be a few hundred people in the town... not as many students as a school.

The low-slung mud and thatched houses stretched across a large area. Most of the town's area was supported by these dilapidated houses. Even two-story buildings were rare, only a few or two households.

This time, he really felt the poverty of civilian life.

My heart is full of emotions.

I am even more fortunate that I am a nobleman who can live in a castle and eat white bread made of fine wheat flour.

The Huolongma quickly carried Liszt through the only street in the town that runs through the north and south. With a slightly heavy heart, he followed the safe route planned by Marcus and headed towards Thorn Ridge.

Riding all the way, surrounding the town is a patch of farmland, and most of the crops in the farmland cannot be named by Liszt. These crops are not gratifying, they are all sick, and there are many weeds growing with the crops, obviously without any scientific management.

Although there are incredible creatures such as dragons and elves in this era, and incredible powers such as fighting spirit and magic, the development is relatively backward.

The industrial revolution is impossible, but it is still very interesting to introduce some scientific development methods.

Liszt has full confidence in governing the territory and leading the development of Huahua Town.

After walking for a while, the town was far away, leaving the flat land and entering a hilly area with sparse woods, which was already the edge of Thorn Ridge.

"Lord Baron, monsters often appear on the edge of Thorn Ridge. I hope you will follow me closely and don't rush in." When he got here, Marcus began to lead the way and told the four knights, "Protect Lord Baron, unless you become a corpse." , otherwise the Warcraft will never be allowed to move forward, can it be done!"

"It can be done!" Karl and others responded loudly.

They come from civilians. Here, civilians don't have to go to war. Only nobles and knights use war. However, although the retinue knights are civilians, they also need to go to the battlefield - as a logistics soldier, to get better treatment, they have the responsibility to die for the nobles.

In order to avoid the monsters, a group of knights can only circle around the edge of Thorn Ridge.

The forest is fairly lush, and you can occasionally see wild animals, such as rabbits and foxes. There is not much food on the edge of Thorn Ridge, so it is difficult to see big wild animals.

"In spring, summer and autumn, the food in Thorn Ridge can meet the needs of monsters, so Flower Town does not often encounter monsters. But in winter, there are often hungry monsters that invade Flower Town. Every year, there are a few unlucky ones, Treated by monsters as food for a full stomach."

No matter how bad Marcus was in his mood, he was still meticulous in his work. The information from Thorn Ridge came one by one.

"Warcraft, I don't know if I can meet one today." Liszt searched the memory of his predecessor and saw several kinds of monsters. Compared with ordinary beasts, the biggest difference between monsters is that they have magic power and can release some powerful magic.

There was also a small monster in Tulip Castle—the Fire Rabbit.

The fire rabbit, which can release small fireballs, is delicious and has bright fur. The nobles like to eat fire rabbit meat, and the ladies like the leather clothes made of fire rabbit fur.

He has also seen a powerful monster—the fur of a giant bear. The Earl of Coral Island's most beloved chair is covered with the fur of a giant bear.

It is said that in order to hunt and kill the giant bear, the Knights of Coral Island killed eight Earth Knights.

Eight earth knights are enough to hurt the knights. Even if it is a territorial battle, so many earth knights may not be killed.

What's more, there are more trainee knights killed in battle.

Along the way, Liszt kept recording the topography of Thorn Ridge, including where is suitable for building fortifications, where is suitable for building water conservancy, where is suitable for building fortresses, and where is suitable for opening up farmland. These are the obligations that a landed lord needs to fulfill.

"It's lunch time, Auden, prepare lunch here."

"Yes, sir!" Alden Insole got off his horse immediately, found a flat place, laid a carpet on it, and placed dry food on it one by one.

Simple lunch with bread, caviar, fruit salad and milk tea.

And special goat jerky for Lister.

I thought it was just a simple lunch, but after swallowing a piece of bread, Marcus' expression suddenly changed: "Master Baron, there is something wrong, it's the breath of a monster!"