The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 66: Brainstorming at dinner party


dinner party.

It seems that dinner parties are held in the castle every day-for nobles, eating and drinking is normal life.

"Little Papa Island has encountered pirates, Mr. Marcus, are pirates very popular in the Grand Duchy of Sapphire?" Liszt asked while eating barbecue.

Marcus pondered and replied: "If we only look at the pirate news, almost many small islands have been baptized by pirates, but there may be another reason."

"what reason?"

"These pirates are probably in disguise. Not every noble family can manage a lucrative business. When they are on the verge of bankruptcy, taking risks will become a shortcut for their self-salvation. Especially those who have hatred Among the nobles, they will even use their identities as pirates to loot each other's wealth."

Hear these bloody messages.

If it was the sixteen-year-old boy in his predecessor, he would probably feel uncomfortable and unwilling to accept it—it is unbelievable that a nobleman who claims to be noble in blood and possesses countless qualities should work as a pirate part-time.

But now Liszt only frowned slightly, and soon opened it: "Fortunately, Coral Island has a powerful knight order, and Huahua Town is not in danger of pirates for the time being. But we have to be prepared for danger in times of peace, Mr. Marcus, the knight team You must train well."

"Please rest assured, my lord, I will go all out to train the knight squad, and train each of them into a qualified battlefield knight."

Liszt turned to ask Gao Ertai: "Mr. Gao Ertai, let's report the information about the new serfs now. I think it is best to talk about official business during dinner."

"If you like, let's talk now." Galtai signaled a servant to bring over his coat, took out a piece of thick paper from his pocket, and opened it, "There are fifty serfs in total. In fact, they were all Free people, so after the pirates attacked, it was very wise to choose to escape."

There is a Little Papa City on Little Papa Island. These fifty people are the citizens of the city and own their own property.

The relationship between free people and lords is more like the relationship between tenants and landlords, while serfs are slaves. For the nobles, the serfs were "insiders", while the free people were "outsiders". Once a war between lords occurs, the lords will choose to protect their serfs, which are their wealth.

There is no such protection for free people, and they deserve to die, just as the lord can earn some extra money.

Therefore, being a free citizen has advantages and disadvantages, and not everyone wants to be a free citizen.

Some free people in Little Papa City saw that Viscount Little Papa was defeated, and that they and others would be killed by "pirates" at any time and robbed of their property, so they hurriedly fled. They wisely chose to seize the ship, and captured a sailing ship while the pirates were still fighting in the castle.

It's a pity that there is only a captain who can steer, but no skilled crew, and eventually loses control in the storm.

"Therefore, none of them know how to farm, and they are all free citizens with crafts." Liszt is very satisfied with this. For the development of the territory, craftsmen are more important than simple farmers.

Farmers waited to sell slaves in the future, and they could get as much as they wanted, but craftsmen were hard to get.

"Blacksmiths, coopers, embroiderers, tailors, bakers, brewers, shoe shiners, carpenters, dyers, soapmakers, tanners, sugar workers, salt workers, locksmiths, cooks, and their families, oh, There are also hotel owners and horse dealers, as well as a few small traders walking around the streets."

"What is Bunier's occupation?" Liszt remembered the old man who talked to him during the day.

"He was a soap maker and made all sorts of flower-scented soaps."

"Very good, I've had enough of using soap locust powder to bathe, it's better to let him quickly make soap locust powder into soap." As a clean person who takes a bath every day, Liszt has a great demand for soap, However, there are not so many soaps in the castle, only some saponins powder—the powder made from the fruit of the saponins tree.

The soap locust powder can indeed be washed clean, but it is very troublesome, and it does not feel good when washed.

In fact, Liszt knew of a simpler cleaning item - soap.

It is a kind of soap made by mixing pig's pancreas and plant ash. It is very simple to make. You can make the simplest soap by mashing pig's pancreas and mixing with plant ash. However, no one in Huahua Town feeds pigs...

He sliced a piece of roast, forked it, and dipped it in tomato sauce.

The grilled meat with tomato sauce tastes good.

After swallowing it, he took another sip of the seafood soup, and then wiped his mouth with a napkin in satisfaction: "Mr. Carter and Mr. Gao Ertai will discuss the work arrangement of the new serfs. Those who are suitable can be arranged in the town to help them set up a shop." , specifically for the castle's manufacturing needs."

There are too few residents in the small town, so obviously there is not much demand. As the lord, he has to enjoy it all.

Only in this way can this group of craftsmen play a role in a short period of time.

Carter bowed and said, "Yes, sir, I will ask Mr. Galtai for advice."

Finish talking about the new serfs.

Liszt talked about another official business: "The work efficiency of the logging team still needs to be improved, but now new problems come, and there are often other things that will distract me and Teacher Marcus. At that time, the protection force of the logging team , it’s like nothing, it’s dangerous.”

"But we really can't find any more power to protect the monsters in Thorn Ridge."

"Therefore, I think there needs to be a way for the logging team to be able to protect themselves even if they encounter monsters." Liszt said lightly.

No one answered right away, they were all thinking.

Liszt was not in a hurry, and continued to eat his dinner.

In fact, he is testing the few present here. He already has an idea, and this idea has a high possibility of being able to deal with Warcraft.

This method is derived from the smoke task.

After the sea ship rescued him in the morning, he completed his mission.

"Complete the task and reward fifty people."

"Mission: Dangers may occur in the depths of Thorn Ridge at any time. The logging team is in a precarious situation. As the lord who owns a piece of smoked grass, he should use resources reasonably to protect the personal safety of the people. Please resist an attack from a monster. Reward: Ultra-small mineral."

The task has been clearly indicated that smoked grass can be used to resist monsters.

Liszt felt the smell of smoky grass very deeply, and the monsters might not be able to bear it, especially some monsters have very sensitive noses.

Therefore, he plans to make a simple "Warcraft Mosquito Coil" with smoked grass, and when he encounters a monster, he will light a little.

For "ultra-small mineral deposits", he is determined to win.

But he didn't directly talk about the plan, but hoped that someone would come up with this trick, otherwise there would always be a feeling of raising a group of waste wood who eat and drink for nothing.

After a while, no one came up with a good idea.

This disappointed Liszt, and when he was about to announce his plan, Isaiah suddenly said: "My lord, maybe we can use fire! Beasts are afraid of fire, and among the felled trees are pine trees, which are very easy to burn. We You can keep burning the cut branches and leaves, so that the monsters will be afraid!"