The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 74: The limelight of ice cream


"Ice cream, what kind of dessert is that?"

As expected of a girl, when the ice cream came out of Carter's mouth, Li Weila immediately noticed it and asked, "Is it a dessert made of ice?"

Carter signaled the servant to go to the kitchen to serve ice cream, and then explained to everyone: "Ice cream is a very delicious frozen delicacy, a specialty of the castle kitchen in Huahua Town, and a unique recipe to cool off the summer heat and serve as an excellent after-dinner dessert. By What a great idea the master thought of."

"Sounds like some kind of frozen cheese." Mrs. Penelope was a little disgusted, "I don't like cheese, it will make me sick all afternoon."

Levi shrugged: "I don't like cheese either, maybe give me a glass of frozen juice."

"Ice cream is not cheese, try it later, I believe you will like the charm of ice cream, this very tempting delicacy." Liszt said lightly.

"Do you still have research on food?" Madam Marie asked with a smile, "I have to taste the dessert made by a nobleman himself."

Originally, the earl was just eating the barbecue on his own plate.

Hearing Mrs. Marie's words, her face suddenly became gloomy, and her tone became serious: "Liszt, you have grown up and been entrusted, and developing Flower Town and obtaining the honor of knights is what you should do. Instead of focusing on food, this It is against the etiquette of nobles, the kitchen is the place where servants should go!"

Nobles would never enter the kitchen, because that's where the lower class stayed.

Liszt took a sip of the cold beer lightly, and didn't care about the earl's scolding: "Father, ice cream is just an idea. Mrs. Abby made ice cream based on this idea. And I, as a nobleman, just need to taste it , to make suggestions on the taste."

As he said that, he smiled at Mrs. Mary: "If you like later, you can praise Mrs. Abby, she is a diligent and hardworking cook."

"I'd love to." Marie smiled.

Then he lowered his head and cut the seafood on the plate, and his smile quickly faded away.

In just a few words, the servants had already placed cups of colorful ice cream on the plate, and came behind the nobles one by one, and put the ice cream on the table.

Cups are precious crystal cups. Crystals are often the associated mines of dragon gems. Some are of good quality and have magic power, which can be used to make lamps. A symbol of power and wealth.

There are twenty crystal goblets in the castle.

It was originally used to serve red wine at banquets, but now it is used to serve ice cream.

"Well, is this ice cream? It looks very good and tastes delicious." Li Weila picked up the ice cream cup and looked through it carefully. There were three round balls in the cup.

One pink, one light yellow, one light green.

There are also two small purple wild fruits on top.

She looked at the Levi's cup next to her. There were also three balls inside, but the colors were light yellow, pink and dark brown.

Basically, there are only four colors: pink, light yellow, light green and dark brown.

It's just that the color combination of the balls in each person's cup is different.

Carter said gracefully: "My lords, ladies, masters and misses, there are four flavors of ice cream, the pink one is strawberry, the light yellow one is banana, the light green one is matcha, and the dark brown one is chocolate. Choose different ice creams according to your own taste."

"It's very cold." Captain Mickey held the cup, not in a hurry to taste it, but asked curiously, "Liszt, are they made of ice? If I remember correctly, there is no ice cellar in Flower Town. Forgive my curiosity." , I don’t understand how ice cream is made.”

"Flower Town does not have an ice cellar, but it does not mean that there is no ice." Liszt looked at the curious eyes of everyone, and did not hide anything, "I found a very small saltpeter mine in the town, and I remember seeing it once. In this knight novel, saltpeter can make ice, so there is ice in Huahua Town."

"Saltpeter? Ice making?" Looking at the increasingly unfamiliar Liszt, the count couldn't help asking, "Is this the method of a magician?"

"Magicians can make ice directly, but making ice with saltpeter is a...natural phenomenon. Saltpeter dissolves in water, absorbs heat, and turns water into ice."

"The miraculous saltpeter, can I see it?"

"Of course, but I'm afraid it won't work today. The saltpeter has been used up. It takes too much saltpeter to turn a little water into ice. There is only one ultra-small saltpeter mine in Huahua Town. If you use all the saltpeter, you can't make two buckets of water a day." ice."

Captain Mickey sighed, "That's a pity."

Li Weila said directly: "Liszt, give me a bucket of water and saltpeter, and I'll give you gold coins!"

"Try to see if the ice cream suits your taste, sister." Liszt changed the subject bluntly. This sister has been addicted to snatching his toys since she was a child, and she wants everything good.

Li Weila glared at Liszt.

This younger brother, who could be bullied since childhood, has grown to the point where he can ignore her.

"Even if you can only make two buckets of ice a day, it's amazing. Tulip Castle can't open an ice cellar to get ice every day. Ice in summer is more expensive than gold coins." Marie turned to look at the earl, "Honey, saltpeter may be able to develop Become an industry, you know, those nobles are always watching our ice cellars in the summer."

The count dug out a scoop of ice cream with a spoon, and said without raising his head, "Saltpeter is certainly miraculous, but two buckets of ice a day are only enough for Liszt himself, and are of little value."

As he spoke, he took a sip of the chocolate-flavored ice cream, and his eyes lit up: "It's a very unique taste."

Levi's said, "It's really delicious. It's called ice cream, right? I like this strawberry-flavored ice cream. Compared with frozen cheese, it has a full milky flavor, but it's not so sweet and greasy. It's softer and melts in your mouth."

"I prefer the matcha flavor." Li Weila had already eaten the light green matcha-flavored ice cream ball.

"It's a good dessert, especially after a summer banquet." Captain Mickey commented.

Delicious ice cream conquers everyone's taste buds in an instant.

Only one person on the table shook his head, and it was Mrs. Penelope: "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not used to this taste, it doesn't look like a food at all, Mr. Carter, replace it with a glass of rock sugar water for me."

"Don't grandma like it? I like it, Mr. Carter. Bring me another cup of ice cream. I want chocolate and banana flavored ice cream." Litton had already eaten up a cup of ice cream.

Ice cream is just one dessert.

Liszt "invented" it just to get ice cream to cool off in summer - it is impossible to drink cold beer all day long, but to eat ice cream all day long.

But at today's banquet, the ice cream stole the limelight.

Except for Mrs. Penelope, as well as Captain Mickey and the Earl who were not very keen, everyone else was conquered by ice cream.

The four servings of ice cream made by Mrs. Abbie were eaten up immediately.

Finally, the luncheon ended with the delicacy of ice cream.

Busy ordering the servants to clean up the mess, Carter straightened his chest and completely relieved the tension. He met the deputy housekeeper Silva in the aisle, and he smiled brightly: "Mr. Silva, thank you for the food brought by the Earl, The gentlemen had a great time at the luncheon."