The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 83: A chance to change your destiny


Why does milk tea taste better every day

Liszt discovered this problem more than half a month ago. At first, he thought it was the increase in the craftsmanship of Mosen Paddy's field, but it is impossible to feel the increase in craftsmanship every day.

"Actually, sir." Carter said, "Recently, the taste of desserts made with cream has also improved. Mrs. Mawson and Mrs. Abby think that this may have something to do with the cows on the farm. Both Dahei and Rhubarb are pregnant. For calves, the milk production is increasing and the quality is also improving.”

"Being pregnant with a calf can also improve the quality of milk?"

"Probably because the dairy farm cultivated alfalfa. Compared with the previous two-leaf clover, alfalfa is more nutritious. I went to the dairy farm to see that the condition of the eight cows was very good, especially the three young cows. It is very fast, and it is about to enter the milking period."

"Very good, when the calf grows up, the castle won't be short of milk." Liszt drank the milk tea in his cup, "This time, the little cow in the cow's belly must be fed .”

The pregnancy period of dairy cows is about nine months. In order to maintain milk production, after giving birth to calves, they must start to conceive.

Therefore, a cow can basically give birth to a calf a year.

However, limited by nutrition, sanitation, disease, etc., it is not possible for a calf to grow into a cow, and it is very likely that it will die halfway. In this era, even when human beings give birth, there is a great risk of premature death. Even if the nobles have a strong body and doctors provide treatment, there is no guarantee that the baby will survive 100%.

The dairy farm has been breeding for more than ten years, but only ten cows have been raised.

Now two old cows have been eaten by the invisible dragon, and there are only eight cows left. The pasture is enough to support a few more cows. Milk is an indispensable food for nobles, just as important as bread and beer.

Liszt cannot do without milk.

He likes to drink milk tea very much. He gets up a glass of fresh milk in the morning, a cup of brewed milk for lunch and dinner, and another cup of milk tea before going to bed. The nutrition provided by the four cups of milk made up for the consumption of his fighting spirit every day. The knight's fighting energy came from the body, and there was no fighting energy without nutrition.

Wipe the milk tea froth from the corners of her lips with a handkerchief.

Liszt suddenly wanted to make bubble tea.

However, there are no purple sweet potatoes or pumpkins on Coral Island, so "pearls" cannot be produced. So he can only continue to drink milk tea without any additives—when he first came to the castle, the milk tea made by Mrs. Mawson is not just a mixture of milk and black tea, but also minced meat, eggs, salt, sugar cubes, salad, etc. , which was later forcibly removed by Liszt.

Restore the original taste of milk tea.

After drinking the milk tea in the cup, he said cheerfully, "When the income of the castle increases, I plan to raise a batch of cows, so that the servants and followers of the castle can drink a cup of fresh milk every day."

Carter responded with a smile: "You're always so generous."

Only a little kindness can make the servant always loyal, and the main reason is that he wants to improve the nutritional treatment of the knight team.

Early the next morning.

He continued to come to the racecourse to practice "Multiple Arrows" without Marcus' guidance. Marcus is not far away, and he is still training the knight squad. The three subordinate knights, Rom Barrel, Gray Scythe, and Alden Insole, are also training with the knight squad.

Only Carl Iron Hammer stopped training with the team and returned to Liszt - he has successfully cultivated his fighting spirit and became an apprentice knight.

His grudge was very weak, and Marcus judged that he had no potential to tap.

But Karl is already very satisfied. He has been so happy these days that he can't close his mouth. Possessing a grudge means being strong and being reused.

"Carl, it's too late to develop your fighting spirit talent, so it stops here. After the knight squad has passed the training, you will stay as my subordinate knight. It will be difficult to get a chance to improve, so I plan to let you work in the town." Liszt communicated with Karl while practicing archery.

Karl is not young, and has already married a wife and had children in Coral City.

He said solemnly: "My lord, Karl is willing to follow you all the time!"

"I know your loyalty, but the position of squire is not suitable for you. With your strength, it will be very disadvantageous to compete with the youngsters of the knight squad."

"My lord, I..." Karl also understood that he was no match for the teenagers in the Cavaliers.

Because there are two teenagers, Philip Wool and Xavier Cow Dung, who have cultivated fighting energy earlier than him, and their fighting energy and recovery speed are faster than him; the remaining ten teenagers have also cultivated the sense of breathing, You will get fighting spirit at any time, and you will have enough time to march towards the knights of the earth.

He was flustered.

Not a very smart person, so he became confused about his future for a while.

Liszt sighed slightly in his heart. He is not unkind and cruel, but the knights are not the place to talk about human feelings. They need to protect their own safety, and they must not be sloppy at all: "Go to the patrol team, the patrol team are ordinary people , The security work needs an apprentice knight to take care of it.”

"Yes, my lord." Carl was a little disappointed.

Patrols are nothing compared to the lord's retinue knights.

Liszt could see Carl's loss, and he just said lightly: "I will grant you the status of a free citizen, and appoint you as the defense officer of Huahua Town, to assist Gao Ertai in managing the town's security, and the patrol team will be your direct subordinate. This Position is important, don't let me down, Carl."

The expression on his face changed from disappointment to surprise in an instant.

Karna bowed his head: "Thank you for your promotion, Karl is willing to serve you for the rest of your life!"

In the afternoon, the news that Carl was promoted as a freeman and served as the defense officer of Huahua Town spread throughout the racecourse. Marcus took advantage of the gap between the training of the Cavaliers and came over to instruct Liszt to practice arrows.

By the way chat.

"My lord, Carl's story made the training of the Cavaliers team more serious, especially the three of Rom, Gray, and Oden, who worked hard to train themselves."

"Battle spirit can change destiny. In the past, it was more like a slogan. But give them a living example, which will make them realize that this is not a slogan, but a real opportunity." Liszt flicked his sore wrist , Even he himself is working hard to become stronger.

Marcus said, "You are the one who gave them the chance to change their destiny."

There is nothing wrong with this, and Liszt agreed.

Then I stopped talking about this topic, but pulled out four arrows, and practiced the "spiral shadow arrow" in the multiple arrows, so that the four arrows showed a spiral trajectory-this is the pre-movement of the ultimate profound multi-phantom arrow, the key point The trick is how to create the phantom effect of the arrow.

Hold two between the index fingers and two between the middle fingers.

Draw the hard bow, and the bowstring is full of the moon.

Aiming at the archery target not far ahead, he suddenly let go, and the four arrows were shot out one after the other, and the magic power attached to the air spread out, driving the four arrows to rotate.


When the magical power of one arrow spread out, it went in the wrong direction, destroying the entire formation of arrows. The airflow was shredded, and the other three arrows were also affected, causing all four arrows to miss their targets.

"It's still almost meaningless." Liszt put down the bow and arrow, recalling what he did wrong before - he had too much knowledge about archery, he had to control the strength of the bowstring, the direction of the arrow, the balance of magic power, how to break the wind resistance, and acceleration of gravity.

Marcus looked at the trajectory of the arrow, his eyes sparkled.

"My lord, your archery talent has already surpassed many others. I started to learn archery at your age, but it took three full years before I was able to get started with "Basic Archery". With your current level of archery, you are almost catching up."