The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 89: Can afford a foal


"Mrs. Abbie, Lily and I are going to the town to watch a funny show, do you want to go with me?" Irene moved the large pieces of giant clams in the basket to dry outside the castle.

Dou Sen ate a large piece of giant clam meat yesterday, and he was not only fine, but also alive and well.

So giant clam meat is edible.

"Oh, my God! Why is the master so generous and let you have a vacation." Mrs. Abby was busy arranging all kinds of seasonings on the stove, "If you like the job of a maid, you should stay in the kitchen obediently, every day There’s a lot of things to do.”

"Mr. Carter said that the master explained that we only need a fried steak for lunch, and our servants can eat beans and bread, so it doesn't require much work." Little Lily was also carrying giant clam meat.

A giant clam weighs more than 500 catties, and after removing the shell of 300 catties, there are still more than 200 catties of meat.

"Mr. Carter, like the master, always indulges you young servants who don't work hard. This is not the kindness that a qualified housekeeper should have. When I was young, the kitchen was busy all day long, and I was never idle for a moment. That's the attitude a kitchen maid should have."

"Cough cough."

Carter coughed at the door, he did not know when, he had come over: "Although I can understand Mrs. Abbie's serious attitude towards work, don't always tense up, let's go to the town with young people , a rare caravan arrives."

"Sorry, Mr. Carter, I didn't mean to offend you." Mrs. Abbey felt a little embarrassed, and she was caught saying bad things behind her back just now.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, you said that I was kind, and I took it as a compliment to me. Go, go to the funny show in the town with Irene and Lily. Those clowns make me laugh when I think of them."

"That's not right, I have to make lunch for the master."

"Then come back before eleven o'clock. It's nine o'clock now, and you can go shopping for two hours."

"I… "

Before Mrs. Abbie could refuse, Carter interrupted her: "Just treat it as a work task I gave you, and have fun for two hours."

"Haha, Mr. Carter, you are doing well." Irene happily took Abby's arm, "Let's go, Mrs. Abby, I can't wait to see the clown."

Little Lili took Abby's other arm: "Yes, yes, let's go!"

Mrs. Abby had no choice but to half-push and go out: "I don't want to go shopping, but I'd better watch you two, in case you go crazy and don't know how to come back to work... Also, wait a minute, I'm going to change clothes, wear You can’t go out like this, and you will lose the dignity of the castle.”

Carter looked at the noisy appearance of the big and the young, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Compared with working in the earl's other castle, the castle in this small town is a bit more busy at work, but life is more lively. The vigor of the young man made him feel inexplicable motivation in his body, as if he was younger than last year.

Hear footsteps.

He turned his head to see that it was Mrs. Motsen: "Maggie and the others have already gone shopping in the town?"

"Yes, and Tom and Thomas went together. Mr. Carter, don't you go with us?"

"Mrs. Abbey and Irene and Lily are changing, and I'm going to the town to see a burlesque, and I think you should go with them. As for the castle, I'll stay and wait on the master, you know, even Thomas has left, If the master wants to drink water, there will always be a servant to serve him."

"Then I'll stay too, and you can call me if you have anything to do."

"Are you sure you don't want to join in the fun?"

"It's a lot of age, and it's too late to hide from the excitement, so why would you want to join in?"

"Don't say that, Mrs. Mawson, I think I'm getting younger and younger now." Carter puffed out his chest, making himself look more energetic.

"Yes, young Carter."

"Annie, have more than half of the tomatoes been sold?" John Jiandan walked to his booth.

The stall is in the southwest of the town, and a large flat place has been cleared out. The caravans that come to the town are arranged here to buy, sell and trade.

There are also several wooden toilets outside.

The patrol team and the town's clerks yelled over and over again: "The lord stipulates that everyone is not allowed to defecate in the open, and offenders will be fined and whipped! If you want to go to the toilet, follow the arrows and go to the toilet outside. The circle is below , the one with the arrow pointing up (♂) is the sign of the men's restroom, and the one with the circle on top and the cross down (♀) is the sign of the women's restroom, don't get it wrong!"

John was used to this instruction.

He hasn't defecated on the street for a long time, and the family has prepared a feces bucket to store all the excrement and urine. After composting, it can be directly used to compost the tomato field - this is the farming magic taught by the lord. Farmers who use this magic to fertilize the field can increase their harvest by 20 to 30% compared to before!

In the past, town officials organized the collection of feces.

It is no longer possible to collect it, and every household keeps the manure to plant their own farmland. After the harvest, the benevolent and generous noble lord only collected taxes in proportion, unlike the previous tax knights who wished to take away all the serfs' harvest.

Since the arrival of the lord, John felt that not only himself, but also the neighbors around him had undergone an earth-shaking improvement.

Of course, he is the luckiest one.

Because the lord gave birth to tomato worms because of the tomatoes he took care of, reward him with a Narda!

"John, aren't you going to work in the house building team today?" Annie asked her husband curiously. There is not much farm work now, and her husband works part-time in the house building team, with a wage of one copper coin a day.

"The building team is on vacation. No one wants to work today. They all come here... the business district." John pointed not far away, "Look, that's Wenger, and he's shopping with his son."

"Okay, let's go and watch the funny show. I've sold out the tomatoes, so I want to go see the funny show too. I haven't seen it for a long time."

John didn't leave, but said: "By the way, Annie, when I came over there just now, I saw someone selling kittens, and I wanted to buy one. You know, the family has food now, and there are more mice. Arise, dirty thieves, they are always stealing our food!"

"Really, is there anyone selling kittens? Then wait for me here first. I've sold out the tomatoes. Let's go buy kittens together. We must choose a kitten that can catch mice the best."

After hesitating for a moment, John said again: "Actually, I still want to buy a pony. I want little Jack to learn how to ride a horse from an early age, so that he can join the lord's retinue knight earlier."

"Oh my God, John, do you know how much a foal costs!"

"Fifty silver coins, but Annie, that's a pony!" John explained hopefully, "I miss this opportunity, I don't know when we will have a horse. I hope to grow tomatoes for the Lord for the rest of my life, but little Jack doesn't like it, he wants to be a retinue knight."

"But John, you need to understand that we can afford fifty silver coins, but the foal needs to eat a lot every day. A horse has to eat at least several people's food. Can we afford it?"

"I can!"

John said with firm eyes: "The tomato field at home is the best, and it can always bring us a stable income. I can also work part-time. I asked the steward of the building team, he is the assistant of Master Isaiah. He Tell me, the town will have more and more jobs in the future, and the lord has great ambitions to make the town look brand new. As long as I can continue to work, we can afford to raise a pony!"

"Are you serious, John?"

"Of course, trust me, Anne."

Anne looked at her husband's determined eyes, and finally couldn't bear to refuse: "Okay then, but you have to promise me that we won't be dragged down by the pony, right?"

"I promise!"