The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 94: The last entry in the diary


"119th year of the Grand Duchy, February 15th."

This is the start time of the first entry in The Diary of Philip Descendant of the Sun.

"This year is the 151st year of the Grand Duchy of Sapphire, that is to say, this diary started thirty-two years ago?" Liszt simply calculated.

The Grand Duchy of Sapphire does not have an exact official calendar, but neither does it use the calendar of the Kingdom of Iron Ridge. The concept of history is not popular in other worlds. Generally speaking, people don't have any ideas about what happened in the past—they don't have the idea of learning from history.

Therefore, the Grand Duchy of Sapphire doesn't even have a National Day.

The Sea Festival and the New Year's Day are the most important festivals. Sometimes the founding anniversary celebration will be held on the Sea Festival, sometimes it will be arranged on the New Year's Day, and sometimes it will be celebrated on a random day. This has to be done according to the wishes of Grand Duke Sapphire. Liszt's analysis of this is that the concept of "patriotism" has not been spread.

The ingenuity of the aristocratic system is reflected in the enfeoffment structure of knights. The biggest connotation is-my minister's minister is not my minister, and my lord's lord is not my lord.

For example, the owner of Liszt is the Earl of Coral Island, but not the Grand Duke of Sapphire.

Therefore, as a subject of the earl, he doesn't need to pay attention to Grand Duke Sapphire at all, and the Sapphire family can't order him. For him, his real country is Coral Island, not the Grand Duchy of Sapphire. If he wants to love Coral Island, he doesn't need to love Sapphire Grand Duchy.

All nobles are lords, even the king is only a bigger lord.

Naturally, a broad patriotic sentiment cannot be formed.

This is why only the nobles commemorate the Sea Festival, and the common people simply don't want to pay attention to it. In Huahua Town, Liszt's birthday celebration is definitely more important than going to sea in the minds of the people. Lord Lord, grant me the land, just like my parents. Who is Dagong, can it be eaten, steamed and braised in brown sauce

Thoughts break.

Liszt continued browsing the diary.

"Qing, climb a tree to pick fruit, ten human skull fruits, cut down three trees, dig the foundation, and prepare to build a house. Grandpa Tiao taught me knowledge, the 'X' in the sun text means 'I', I am a descendant of the sun, the ancestors said Sun Wen."

This "X" indicates a very distorted text.

It's very complicated, it looks like a painting, like a small person with wings, holding some kind of utensil in his hand, dancing there.

"A word is a picture. Which country's characters are so weird? I can guarantee that with such characters, even if you are a hundred years old, you won't be able to learn 500 characters!" Liszt sighed. Of course it is an exaggeration, but it is true that this so-called "Sun Culture" is very complicated.

The following pages of the diary are all insignificant life records-picking fruit, chopping wood, building a house, exchanging something with so-and-so, and seeing some beasts.

But behind each diary entry, there will be a Sun Wen.

I, dad, mom, grandpa, grandma, big, rice, earth, sky, earth, horse, flower, individual, ten, painting, upper... There are some words that Philip specially explained, for example, rice refers to a certain kind of grain, The horse refers to the unicorn, and the flower refers to the sunflower. He has never seen it before, but he just heard from his grandfather that they are common things among ancestors.

"Unicorn? Is there really such a legendary animal?" Liszt expressed doubts.

He even expressed doubts about these sun characters, which are all kinds of villain paintings. He doesn't think these paintings represent some kind of characters—maybe Philip's grandfather figured them out on his own when he was idle and bored, and fooled his stupid grandson.

A thick diary.

It's almost all Philip's boring daily life on Dodo Island, as well as Sun Wen's teaching.

Occasionally, he would recall his working life in the outer islands—meet a noble daughter, a very kind lady, and taught them common characters. Philip proudly expressed that he was the fastest learner and was highly valued by the noble lady, to the point of elopement.

But unfortunately, a certain record in the diary - the matter between him and the lady, was discovered by the mother of the noble lady and wanted to beat him to death.

So Philip escaped from the island with the help of the noble lady. He didn't mention which island, saying that he didn't want to desecrate the noble lady's reputation.

In addition to these contents.

There are occasional references to Philip's ancestors in the diary - mostly stories his grandfather told him.

For example, the ancestors raised a group of magical dragons with two heads, the ancestors once shot down the sun in the sky, the ancestors drew extraordinary power from the well water, the ancestors lived in cities grown from trees, and the ancestors lived with wolves, bears, eagles, Tigers are friends, and ancestors are immersed in music.

His grandfather called his ancestors—the Son of the Sun.

"So here comes the question, why did the Son of the Sun shoot down the sun? Kill his father?"

The story is fragmented and vague.

The main reason is that Philip wrote very briefly. He was worried that he didn’t have enough ink and thick paper to write on. The more he wrote down, the less he recorded, and he even kept a diary every few days. This diary cannot record every little thing in my boring life.

"You can change the title of the book to "Taiyang Wen's Private Teaching Record." Liszt was about to close the diary, but he didn't find any connection between this diary and the drift bottle that couldn't be opened.

I thought, I might as well smash the metal bottle.

Find out what's inside.

But when he closed the book, because he closed it from the back to the front, and the last page was closed at the end, he suddenly discovered from the corner of his eye that this page was not blank.

He opened it casually.

I found that it was another diary, or an essay.

"My last words."

"Grandpa told me before leaving that if one day, a golden bottle is found from the sea, it will be a letter from our ancestors. Our ancestors mastered a method of sending letters by sea, and the bottle full of magic will travel along the blood. Guidance, to and from the sea. Just a smear of blood can open the bottle and take out the letter."

"I don't believe it, but, my descendants, if one day you find out, remember to write back."

This is the "testament" written by Philip Descendant of the Sun to his descendants, so it is placed at the end of the diary. After reading it, Liszt was not calm.

The bottle Philip was talking about must have been the one the fishermen had picked up from the sea, and it was on his desk now.

"Does this mean that the story of Philip and his grandfather is actually true, that they are descendants of a certain noble family in exile? So is Sun Wen?"

He recalled previous missions.

It said "bottles that can't be opened, words that can't be read", and a book is needed to guide them!

Without a doubt, this is the book.

Picking up the drift bottle, Liszt walked out of the study directly.

"Sir, are you going out?"

"Go to the cobbler's shop. Mr. Carter, you stay in the castle and let Jesse go with me. By the way, is Jesse back?" He remembered that Jesse had been sent to deliver silver coins by himself.

"Not yet. It's time to go to the town to see the burlesque again. You know, young people always like to join in the fun."

"Forget it, don't look for him, I'll take Philip and Xavier to the cobbler's shop." After speaking, he hurried out of the castle, took two retinue knights, and went straight to the cobbler's shop.