The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 95: The thorn bug's desire


"Old Phil, cut your finger, I need you to smear blood on this bottle." Liszt said without doubt, Philip is dead, and the natives of Dodu Island don't know how many are left. The old man in front of him Cobbler is probably one of them.

As for the blood of "Descendants of the Sun", he didn't know.

Can only try first.

Although the old cobbler didn't know why, he had to follow the Lord's orders. He pricked his finger with a needle, squeezed out the blood, and smeared it on the beautiful golden bottle.

Liszt has cast the magic eye.

Keep an eye on the metal drift bottle.

The moment the blood touched the metal bottle, his vortex-like pupils suddenly expanded, because he saw a magical scene-as if touched by the blood, the metal bottle gushed out a faint magic power, expanding along the engraved patterns on it, quickly outlining the sun, Lines of big trees, bows and arrows, harps, eagles and bears.

A man made of lines emerges from the bottle, picks up a bow and arrow, and shoots an arrow at the sun.

A woman made of lines emerged from the bottle, picked up the piano, and played it softly under the big tree.

The eagle lands on the man's shoulder, the bear leans on the woman, and the magic line pattern on the bottle is vivid and lively.

Then the sun with arrows stuck in it fell, and a water well composed of lines emerged, and a fountain spewed out, rushing straight to the mouth of the bottle.


There was a crisp sound.

All the lines of magic dissipated, and there was no trace of magic on the metal bottle, and the bottle mouth, which was originally seamless, was cracked. Liszt gently pulled it out with his hand, and the bottle cap fell off. He swung the metal bottle with its mouth down, and out came something rolled up into a small stick.

It was a very fine and thin piece of leather paper, and Liszt unfolded the leather paper.

There is a line of villain paintings on it—no, to be precise, it should be a line of Taiyangwen. Liszt had an impression of these little figures, but couldn't tell what they meant.

There are many confusions waiting to be solved in my heart.

On the surface, he was not in a hurry, rolled up the parchment, and glanced at the old cobbler: "Old Phil, are you related to Philip?"

"I don't know, my lord, maybe, Philip said that we are all exiled sinners."

In fact they should be relatives.

Looking at the old cobbler's hunched figure and old expression, Liszt felt that he should complete the last task released by Smoke - at least he should give the old cobbler a son, or at least he should make a father-son contract with Jesse . Whether it is morally, or to help the mission, what should be done.

"Old Phil, what do you think of Jesse?"

"Jessie is a very good boy, he always comes to help me with errands, diving, sweeping... Thanks to him, the cobbler's shop smells so much better."

"Jessie is an orphan, did you know that?"

"I know."

"Have you ever thought that the two of you can form a contract father and son?"

"What, this..." The old cobbler was obviously a little panicked, "Jesse is a servant of the castle, and I am just an old cobbler. He has the conditions to live a better life, and I don't want to drag him down. Your lord, Jesse is a sensible man. Son, he likes working in the castle and works very hard, I will tell him not to come to me again, so as not to delay his work."

He thought that his relationship with Jesse made the lord unhappy.

"You misunderstood, I didn't mean to blame Jesse, it was just a suggestion." Liszt suddenly felt that doing this by himself was a bit out of noble status, why would the lord care about the trivial matters of the common people.

He got up and was about to leave the cobbler's shop, and said, "You decide this matter yourself, and I will hand it over to Mr. Carter."

Success or failure, just a suggestion.

After returning to the castle, he casually talked to Carter, put aside these chores, and started to work on translating the note from the drifting bottle.

Comparing with "Philip Descendant of the Sun's Diary", he found out the corresponding meanings of the little figures one by one.

Soon, the translation of this note was completed.

"The tower collapsed, the tree city burned, XX has perished, and the son of the sun will rise into the sky together with the flames. Children living outside, you are free."

Among them, "XX" is a group of sun characters, but there is no corresponding explanation in the diary, and the painting style is relatively abstract. Liszt can't see its specific meaning, but it can be roughly guessed that it should mean the habitat of the son of the sun. Land—maybe a country, maybe a continent.

In other words, the drifting bottle brought bad news.

"Son of the Sun, which country's aristocrats call themselves?" Liszt has read a hundred if not a thousand knight novels, but there is no record about the Son of the Sun.

Rubbing the leather paper in his hand.

He suddenly felt that this country might not be a mainland country: "The paper on the mainland is thick leather made of animal leather, which is not easy to preserve, and it is not convenient to write. But the leather paper in my hand does not seem to be made of animal leather. The paper made is very light and thin, and this technology has not yet appeared in the mainland.”

But apart from the mainland countries, the Grand Duchy of Sapphire was the first country to go to sea to establish a country.


Liszt thought of a possibility: "Could it be that the Son of the Sun is not a human from this continent, but on the other side of the blue sea?"

The east coast of Huahua Town faces the blue wave sea, and the opposite of the blue wave sea is the legendary devil's sea, no one can sail in the devil's sea.

The legend is not very credible.

If this other world is also a planet, then referring to the earth, maybe the so-called Devil Sea is just an ocean bigger than the sea.

On the other side of the ocean, there might be a continent.

There is an impassable ocean between the continents, and perhaps another continent is also home to humans.

"Well, there is too little information to make any effective judgments. Let's assume that there is a continent on the opposite side, and there is a group of humans called the Sons of the Sun." Liszt withdrew his thoughts that were too far away, "For me, I don’t have the ability to solve this puzzle full of doubts for the time being.”

He put the metal drift bottle into the jewel space, but he didn't put the bottle cap on—to prevent it from being opened.

Thin vellum is also included in the gem space, as well as this "Diary of Philip Descendant of the Sun".

"Now, it's time to shift the focus to the thorn bug!"

The eight-year-old Thornworm is unwilling to die of old age in loneliness and wants to fight hard. Liszt could feel that this thorn worm was indeed somewhat different from other elf worms.

He came to the worm room cared by Carter, and saw the thorn worm sleeping soundly in the box-the elf worm could sleep 24 hours a day.

If there is no spiritual connection, Liszt can understand his elves all the time.

"Little guy, I can feel the depression in you, and I can also feel your desire for evolution. Although I know that the hope of your evolution is slim, I am still willing to help you and do my best. Not for the potion thorns , and complete the smoke quest."

Gently stroking the gray-white body of the thorn worm, Liszt talked to himself.

The thornworm seemed to sense Liszt's arrival, opened its eyes the size of small black sesame seeds, and turned to look at Liszt.

Among the seven elf worms, it is the ugliest one, and its vivid color is darker than other elf worms, and its body is also more slender, and its skin is harder—elf worms bred by woody plants such as shrubs and trees , will always appear rougher than the elf bugs bred by herbs.

Black eyes, nothing to see.

But Liszt could feel how close and docile the thorn worm was to him.

"I have ordered Gao Ertai to stop supplying the compost in the near future. As long as your Cordyceps can be absorbed, they will be given priority to your use."