The Deity of War

Chapter 109: Blood talent


The third level tests the body's affinity to the vitality of heaven and earth!

The effect of the force field in this level on the warrior's body depends on the permeability of the warrior's body - the closer the body is to the vitality of heaven and earth, the closer the body is to the essence of heaven and earth, which is the warrior's physical qualifications, which are specifically reflected in the level. , that is, the better the warrior's permeability, the less impact the body's intake of heaven and earth's vitality will have on the heaven and earth's vitality, and the weaker the force field received.


Qi Ying had just been dragged out by Han Xue for a few steps when she lost her balance and hit the stone steps heavily.

"Ah! What's wrong with you?"

Han Xue was obviously shocked.

"It's nothing... I can't keep up with your speed... You go first!" Qi Ying stood up and said to Han Xue.

"No, I was the one who dragged you down. Let's go up together." Han Xue insisted on pulling Qi Ying up together, "Eh... your body is so heavy..."

"Well, my qualifications are too poor and the force field is too strong. You can leave first."

Han Xue glared: "I haven't read many books, so don't lie to me. People who are good at using true energy must also be friendly to the vitality of heaven and earth, but the opposite is not true... Huh? You are at the fifth level of martial arts? What's going on? …”

"I'm not a descendant of the Qi family. I just have a relatively good qualification. Naturally, I won't be able to do it at the third level." Qi Ying took a deep breath and said, "I can't keep up with you, so you go first."

"Why can't you keep up? Let's walk together! The speed of walking will not affect the final trial result."

Han Xue pouted and walked side by side with Qi Ying: "Hey, Qi... Qi Ying? Well, Qi Ying, where are you from?"

"Tianhe County."

"Where is Tianhe County?"

"In the northwest of the kingdom."

"Is that fun?"


"Is there any climbing ladder? My favorite is riding the climbing ladder!"


"Is there anything delicious? The fried dragon liver made by my chef is particularly delicious!"


"Hey, why didn't you speak?"

Han Xue stared at Qi Ying, but saw beads of sweat on the latter's forehead. Every step he took seemed to require a lot of effort.

It's not that Qi Ying doesn't want to talk to Han Xue, it's that now he has trouble speaking!

Originally, his body had a very high affinity for heaven and earth. The ability to introduce Qi into his body in one go was enough to prove that he was at least at the black qualification level. His qualifications for affinity with heaven and earth were higher than his root qualifications and Qi usage qualifications. .


The left hand again!

Qi Ying has every intention of cutting it down now.

The existence of the left hand caused Qi Ying to absorb a lot of the energy contained in the heaven and earth energy when he was inhaling and exhaling it, even if he was not operating any skills... Therefore, the body was particularly affected by the force field. powerful.

In the third level, Qi Ying walked very slowly! It’s half as slow as the first level!

Just halfway through the third level, Qi Ying and Han Xue were caught up by Feng Hemu, Sun Changyu and others who had fallen behind before. Everyone was surprised to see Qi Ying walking with such difficulty. They also saw Han Xue walking beside Qi Ying, and everyone asked about Han Xue's identity.

"Just met. Not familiar."

Qi Ying said lightly.

This was almost something he could only say with great effort.

The third level was particularly difficult, but at least it was over! Qi Ying almost didn't hold on!

Some disciples with poor qualifications in all aspects were unable to complete the five levels within the prescribed time due to limited physical strength.

Qi Ying never expected that the burden placed on the body by his left hand would be so great.

"Another white qualification!"

The result was not what Qi Ying expected. Now, two of his jade cards are white and one is black. Among the nine people in Tianhe County, eight people have at least one red qualification. Among them, Sun Changyu of the Sun family has red qualifications measured at the second and third levels.

"Your colors are so light!"

Han Xue picked up his token at this time, and three pieces of the green token's front had turned completely black!

"Holy shit!"


Feng Hemu and others screamed in surprise.

Qiying has a black qualification, which makes them eager to hug her thighs... This cute-looking little girl actually has three black qualifications, and she has only passed three levels.

At this time, Han Xue seemed to have seen someone: "Huh? The Wei family's sister... Nuo, Qiying, I'm going to find Sister Wei. You can play with them first!"

"Well, okay."

Qi Ying said nothing.

After all, he and Han Xue just met by chance, and it was too late for him to avoid a noble lady like Han Xue. He wished that she would stay as far away as possible.

An Shaoping said: "Young Master Qi, who is she?"

"I don't know him, I was a little confused, and he just started talking to me stupidly."

Qi Ying said vaguely.

Then comes the fourth level of the ladder!

The fourth level is the understanding level. Different from the previous three relatively passive levels, the fourth level starts from the first step. Every five hundred steps has a martial skill recorded on it. The martial artist needs to master the martial skill to the entry level in the shortest possible time. To a certain extent, you can climb up.

In order to ensure fairness and save time, these martial arts are all new martial arts created one day in advance by the masters in the academy. The grades are only the lower yellow level, and there are six martial arts, covering all aspects.

In front of the first stone tablet.

""Eighteen Palms of Jingyun"..." Qi Ying quickly scanned the martial arts, and then started running the Qi circuit according to the above records.

After a few hundred breaths.


Qi Ying's feet stepped on the nine thousand and two steps.

"Damn, it's so fast!"

Feng Hemu and others were all shocked - although this is just the most superficial martial art, there are dozens of ways to operate the Qi circuits? You can't master it so quickly, can you

However, something faster had already appeared before. Someone only looked at the first stone tablet for ten breaths before stepping over it.

At the comprehension level, Qi Ying performed normally. After all, he did not have a left hand that was holding him back. His talent, which was once praised by martial arts master Lu You, could finally be displayed.

In two quarters of an hour, Qi Ying arrived at the fourth platform.

"Cyan qualification?"

Qi Ying frowned and then felt relieved.

His understanding is good, compared to ordinary warriors. His advantage in practicing martial arts very quickly is mainly reflected in his talent for using Qi, while his understanding is relatively average.

"Huh... Next, is the fifth level... 'Bloodline Talent' level..."

Qi Ying's eyes fell on the next three thousand steps.

This is the final level.

The results achieved so far are not very satisfactory. One is black, one is green and two are white. Lingxiao Academy no longer needs to think about it. If the bloodline talent does not reach the black qualification, Zixiao Academy will probably be in trouble as well.

"I have to leave anyway!"

Qi Ying stepped on the 12,001th step.