The Deity of War

Chapter 119: The pursuit from Yuxiaoyuan


The next day.

Qi Ying got up early in the morning and practiced his body skills on the mountain road. By the way, he arrived at the entrance of the Beast Valley.

The deacon guarding the Beast Valley saw Qi Ying and said with a smile: "Have you been short of Yunxiao points recently? I have seen you for two consecutive days. Very few disciples will come to the Beast Valley for two consecutive days."

Qi Ying smiled and said: "It's okay, I mainly want to experience it. It's rare that you can recognize me."

The deacon stared at Qi Ying's left hand and said, "Your gloves are very special, you can recognize them at a glance."

"Uh, haha!"

Qi Ying scratched his head and smiled, then entered the Beast Valley directly.

The deacon watched Qi Ying leave and said to himself: "The number of disciples entering the Beast Valley has begun to increase in the past few days... A small group of disciples from the Yuxiao Academy entered just now. It will be difficult to remember people in the future! "

Without Lin Yin and others around, Qi Ying's performance was completely different from yesterday!

Using the experience gained in the Wuming Mountain, he searched, hid, lurked, and struck out with lightning speed, using the most powerful force to attack the vital points of his prey. His techniques were clean and neat, and he hunted monsters alone more efficiently than yesterday. The pile of people adds up even faster.

Boom boom!

A purple-gold fist shadow as big as a washbasin hit the side of a yellow-level eighth-level monster "Xingyun Five-Colored Ox". The latter's body was immediately blasted with a black hole, and he screamed "moo". Fall to the ground.

Qi Ying pulled out a yellow-grade medium-grade dagger, which was much sharper than the Mo Lin dagger. He rushed forward and quickly cut the throat of the Xingyun Five-Colored Ox, and also cut off its thick skin and sharp corners. Some long bones and ribs were taken out and put into the space ring.

As for the monster meat, its value was too low, so Qi Ying simply refused to use it.

The hunting has always been so smooth, even the ninth-level yellow-level monsters can't hold on for more than a few rounds in Qi Ying's hands.

It's almost noon.

"Kamikaze Hook-beaked Eagle!"

When Qi Ying looked up at the cliff, he suddenly saw a rather large monster bird with green feathers.

The Kamikaze hook-beaked eagle is a seven-level yellow-level monster. Its feathers can be used to make the feathers of the super-killing weapon "Armor-piercing Arrow". Its hook claws and beak horn can be used to make small weapons or arrow clusters of "Armor-piercing Arrow". High value, but also difficult to hunt.

Qi Ying generally doesn't consider demon birds.

Flying things... Although he is an expert archer, he doesn't have a bow and arrow that can shoot through monsters!

However, there is something on the Kamikaze Hook-beaked Eagle that is of great use to Qi Ying.

A pair of eagle eyes.

Grinding its eyes into slurry and refining it into your own eyes can help you practice "Purple Yang Pupil" and also provide the additional effect of increasing your eyesight.

Qi Ying started to think about it.

You can still hunt falcons without a bow and arrow!

It depends on the means.

Just when Qi Ying turned around and left to prepare for hunting the "Kamikaze Hook-beaked Eagle", he found a group of about a dozen warriors in white walking towards him.

"A disciple of Yuxiao Academy?"

Qi Ying didn't take these people seriously at first glance.

In the low-level monster area of Beast Valley, it is normal for some disciples of Yuxiao Academy to appear.


When he took another look, Qi Ying realized something was wrong.

These people are all filled with murderous intent!

The feeling it brings to people is the same as the feeling that the children of the Duan family gave me when they were in the hunting ground!

The group of white-clothed warriors quickly approached Qi Ying.

"is it him?"

The person walking at the front narrowed his eyes.

The person next to him said: "Yes, that's it. Look, he's wearing silver gloves, he must be the person the young master said!"


The leader gave the order decisively: "The young master has given the order to kill this man, and we will be rewarded heavily! This is a deserted place in the Beast Valley, and no one will know who killed him!"



Fifteen warriors suddenly surrounded Qi Ying!


Qi Ying understood when he saw the figures of the white-clothed warriors shooting towards him.

He really wants to kill himself!

Although he didn't know why they wanted to kill him, Qi Ying knew that the people who came were evil and extremely powerful. There were at least five warriors in the Lingwu Realm inside, and the rest were all ninth-level Qiwu Realm masters, and their auras were calm, not as before. Those warriors encountered in the hunting grounds can be compared.


This is Qi Ying's only thought.

If you try hard, you won't be able to fight... If you can't keep all the five in the Spiritual Martial Realm, there will be one who is at the second level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, and with his martial soul activated, he is absolutely no match.

My survival in the hunting grounds was all because my opponents were cowardly and weak. If I killed someone, they would be scared to death.

But from their steps, it can be seen that the warriors who came here are all experienced warriors and have received strict training!


Qi Ying quickly ran towards a dense forest in the valley, intending to use the convenient terrain to get rid of his pursuers.

"Follow him!"


The fifteen warriors followed Qi Ying closely, with relaxed expressions.

Although the intelligence said that this kid has a record of defeating Lingwu Realm warriors and killing dozens of warriors one-on-one... But they are all strictly trained disciples of the Yuxiao Academy of Yunxiao Academy. No one can be put outside to kill dozens of warriors. To many

What's more, the advantage in numbers is too great.

A group of warriors, all practicing superb body skills, kept getting closer to Qi Ying.


Qi Ying cursed loudly, but what he was scolding was that he had no brains. He didn't wear feather boots when he came out, so he couldn't increase his speed and could only let the pursuers keep getting closer.

Hard fight

There is no doubt that he will die, and he can't stand it when someone shows off their martial arts skills randomly and doesn't even wear the precious weapon and armor.


Being at the sixth level of the Qi Martial Realm, I was far behind others in terms of speed and Qi content. It would only be a matter of time before I ran away and was overtaken.

The pursuer came well prepared. If he wanted to survive, he had to find the deacon in the school... But the deacon of Beast Valley was at the entrance. If he wanted to go there, he had to go in the opposite direction, and he could only plunge into the crowd of pursuers. Here, it would be strange not to die.


You can’t go to the entrance you came from, you have to go to other entrances.

Based on the memory of the topographic map of the Beast Valley, Qi Ying decided to go to a remote entrance more than ten miles away from the dense forest ahead. It was prepared by the disciples of Zixiao Academy or Lingxiao Academy and few people passed by it. , but there are still deacons guarding it.

"Let's see if we can let the dense forest hold them back!"


When the white-clothed warriors were only twenty feet away from him, Qi Ying plunged into the dense forest, startling countless birds.

"He's going to the third entrance!"

Some of the pursuers reacted immediately.

The leader laughed and said: "Keep chasing! Li San, you bring a few brothers to outflank him... We are more familiar with Beast Valley and Yuxiao Courtyard than he is!"


A white-clothed warrior immediately led several disciples to rush from the other direction—over there, there was a shortcut that was not recorded on the map, but they found a shortcut.