The Deity of War

Chapter 128: Death ban


Seeing the thick and shiny stick and the fact that Qi Ying had taken off half of his pants, Li Rulong almost peeed out of fright.


"I said, I said!"

Li Rulong is rigid, but that is just a prudent way to protect himself despite his low IQ. Faced with Qi Ying's nightmare threat, his loyalty to keep his master's secrets was completely thrown out of the window - even if his head fell off, it would only have a scar as big as a bowl. If he was stabbed to death with a stick, it would be the worst thing in the world. manner of death.

"Speak quickly, or I'll stab you to death!"

Qi Ying strangled Li Rulong's neck with her left hand and narrowed her eyes: "Don't try to do any tricks. If you show any signs of spiritual power running on your body, I will just cut off your cervical vertebrae."


Li Rulong suppressed his blush and said out of breath: "The person who ordered us to come and kill you... is... is..."

When he was talking about this, Li Rulong suddenly coughed violently. Even though Qi Ying strangled his neck, he kept coughing. His back was hunched up and down, as if he wanted to cough out all his internal organs.

"what happened?!"

Qi Ying raised his eyebrows.

He felt that the aura on Li Rulong's body became extremely disordered at this moment, and he quickly let go of the latter's neck, but the latter fell to the ground again. After a period of twitching, red blood flowed out of his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, ** After kicking his legs twice, the whole person became silent.

Qi Ying frowned as he put his finger on Li Rulong's nose.


He obviously did nothing, but Li Rulong died... And judging from his previous behavior, it was obvious that he did not commit suicide.

After repeated inspections, Qi Ying determined that Li Rulong was really dead and there was no possibility of fake death.


There were traces of fire on the meridians in his body, as if he was burned by his own spiritual power, causing his blood to flow backwards and he died.

Some are similar to the situation where one becomes obsessed and dies due to practicing some overly vigorous exercises.

Qi Ying suddenly remembered that there was a magic circle restriction imposed by powerful warriors on other warriors. Once the latter touched certain conditions, such as betraying the former, it would cause the blood in the body to flow backwards and die from the backlash of spiritual power.

Li Rulong should have been planted with restrictions.

So when he mentioned to himself who was behind the scenes, he suddenly died.

"To be able to place such a restriction on him, no ordinary spiritual warrior can do it! Only when his spiritual consciousness is strong enough to do so!"

It is not difficult to imagine that there are deep-rooted forces behind the enemy.

However, as soon as he took action, he dispatched fifteen disciples of Yuxiao Academy and placed powerful restrictions on these disciples... Qi Ying even began to feel that that force looked down upon him too much.

"Which force it is, let's find out slowly! Clean up the traces first!"

After all, as a disciple of Qingxiao Academy, he killed fifteen disciples of Yuxiao Academy. Although it was on his side, it would still be very detrimental to him once it was leaked!

Just like it was at Tianhe Academy.

The situation became uncontrollable when the Duan family went to the school.

Qi Ying stared at the pile of corpses on the ground and sighed: "Although you want to kill me, you have no grudge against me. You are just accepting orders... I will burn some paper money for you, so don't blame me for not giving it." You left a complete body!"

The way to dispose of the corpses is very simple. Just throw them into the grassland where carnivorous monsters gather. There are many wild dogs, jackals, and vultures. Qi Ying can't bear to see them being chewed, so he quickly leaves the grassland.

We have hunted enough demon beast materials. The only regret is that we can no longer find the Kamikaze Hook-beaked Eagle. Even if we have come up with an ingenious idea, we cannot hunt it.


During the process of dumping the corpses, Qi Ying discovered that although his left hand touched the corpses of several Lingwu realm warriors, there was no continued absorption of special energy from their bodies.

"Maybe I already have the fire python energy in my body, so I don't need other similar energy?"

Qi Ying guessed.

Qi Ying roughly guessed the ability produced by the combination of his left hand and his bloodline.

Devour, seize.

When dead Lingwu realm warriors with martial souls touch them with their left hand, they will absorb the power of the martial souls in their bodies and extract it to themselves.

Although he cannot use those martial spirits, he can exert abilities similar to those of martial spirits.

Putting aside the inability to absorb the martial soul power of multiple people at the same time, the only drawback may be that the martial soul power in the body is used less and less until it is used up, and then the martial soul power from other corpses can be absorbed.

But it’s still an incredible ability!

"Practice hard! When I reach the Spiritual Martial Realm, with my special bloodline, I wonder what kind of martial soul I will awaken?"

"Hey! You have gained so much today. Did someone else give you the materials to take with you?"

In the evening, the deacon disciples in the Task Pavilion were astonished as they counted the materials handed in by Qi Ying.

"Ah haha, I gained a lot."

Qi Ying replied vaguely.

An ordinary disciple at the sixth level of the Qi Martial Realm would not be able to obtain so many demonic beast materials, especially since there are many materials from the ninth-level yellow-level and eighth-level yellow-level demonic beasts.

Your own specialness must be expressed at a specific moment.

Usually it’s better to stick to the basics!

"One thousand two hundred and fifty Yunxiao Points have been incorporated into your identity jade card."

"Well, thank you."

After leaving the mission pavilion, Qi Ying quickly arrived at the elixir pavilion.

It was a great pity that I couldn't get the eyes of the Kamikaze Hook-beaked Eagle, but with the Yunxiao Point, I should be able to exchange some elixirs or elixirs that can have a substitute effect from the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion.

The person on duty at the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion was not Instructor Liang Chengying, but a middle-aged female instructor with a kind face. Qi Ying asked her about the auxiliary elixirs that could be used to practice "Purple Yang Pupil", and the latter immediately introduced and recommended them.


Qi Ying spent three hundred Yunxiao Points to exchange for two "Eagle Eye Pills" and a "Fire Eye Powder".

There are several essences in the eyes of hawk monsters in the Eagle Eye Pill. When paired with the Fire Eye Powder, it can assist the cultivation of the Purple Sun Eye to a great extent, and has the effect of partially improving the vision and the power of the Purple Sun Eye.


Qi Ying goes to the Kung Fu Pavilion!

"Teacher Jiang, I will redeem this "Purple Yang Gang Finger"!"

Qi Ying took out the "Purple Sun Gang Finger" technique and said carelessly to Jiang Yuanping who was guarding the Kung Fu Pavilion.

"Eight hundred cloud points."

The latter looked expressionless, deducted Qi Ying's Yunxiao point, and added a specific inscription on the jade plaque to open the "Purple Yang Gang Zhi" jade slip.

Qi Ying left quickly with the exercises.

"He didn't have any expression when he saw me. Could it be that the Chu family did it... No, it's strange that he has no expression! We still need to find a way to confirm!"