The Deity of War

Chapter 190: A rich and young man


Qi Ying felt that she had been in a dream, starting from being on the back of the condor, then getting off the back of the condor, walking into a particularly luxurious large mansion, being followed by a group of servants and maids, and being transported into a misty hot spring. Bathing, always in the mist, like walking wood.

It wasn't until he was soaked in the warm spring water that Qi Ying suddenly became more awake.

"Am I in the Qi Family Courtyard now?"

Qi Ying used his dark left hand that took off his gloves to splash a handful of spring water on his face. Finally, he no longer felt like he was falling into the clouds just now. ** Naked in the water, taking two deep breaths of air, I felt myself gradually being pulled back to reality.

At this time.

There was a sound of slight footsteps. Qi Ying looked up suddenly. Through the white mist, she saw a very familiar figure walking on the path outside the hot spring. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Mom Yu!"

Xuan Yulian moved lightly and soon arrived at the spring where Qi Ying was. She took off a pair of silk shoes and gently swung her white feet in the hot spring: "Do you want to know why you are here?"


Qi Ying nodded.

What Xuan Yu said was that Qi Ying's father was originally an outstanding direct descendant of the Qi family, and his mother was also a noble lady. The two met outside the Great Wall and made a lifelong commitment. Shortly after giving birth to Qiying, Qiying's parents encountered an unknown enemy while they were out. Qiying's father fought a bloody battle with his life, only to help Qiying's mother escape with serious injuries. When Qiying's mother was dying, she entrusted Qiying to Xuanyu, whom she met by chance. In order to protect Qiying, she did not tell Xuanyu Qiying's true life experience, only that they came from the royal capital.

When he came to the capital of Yunxiao this time, Xuan Yu asked the Thirteenth Master to inquire around with the tokens left by Qi Ying's parents before finally confirming that Qi Ying was actually a descendant of the Qi family.

Therefore, Qi Yiwu took all the powerful men of the Qi family to the academy to pick up Qi Ying.

"I see… "

Qi Ying stood up from the spring, her wet hair sticking tightly to her thick back. He stared at his skinny and ugly black left hand and murmured: "This guy with a big appetite eats everything, just like the Qi family's Sky-Swallowing Beast inheritance... It turns out that I really have something to do with the Qi family!"

"I knew from a long time ago that your life experience must be extraordinary, but I didn't expect that you would be a child of the Qi family."

Xuan Yu had a smile on her face.

"Haha! I am the Qi family, I am the Qi family!"

Qi Ying excitedly splashed in the hot springs. Although there are some unclear things in Xuan Yu's words, such as who his parents are, who are being hunted by them, what the so-called token is, and why the Qi family hasn't come to him for so many years... But the circumstances surrounding him did not deceive him at all.

Once upon a time, he had dreamed of being in a high-rise compound, enjoying the service, being able to spend his days comfortably, freely, and happily, like Qi Shun and others, without having to work hard to do tiring or dangerous tasks. Sufficient training resources can be obtained...

Now, everything is at your fingertips!

"I can't wait to start living a life of a wealthy family!"

Qi Ying thought.

After bathing and changing clothes and putting on silver gloves again, Qi Ying felt refreshed. She took care of her appearance and looked in the mirror. She was indeed radiant. She was wearing a luxurious gold-embroidered robe, with a jade pendant hanging from her waist. Even if his appearance and temperament are not as good as those of the outstanding Qi Shun, he is nowhere near as good as Duan Gucheng and his ilk in Tianhe County. They are almost like a phoenix, a peacock, and a pheasant.

A thin middle-aged man came to Qi Ying and said in a very respectful tone: "I am Qi Yuheng. Young Master, you will attend the banquet for the first time in the Qi family soon. Here, I will talk about some things about the Qi family."


Qi Ying was also very respectful to Qi Yuheng and did not put on any airs just because he was called young master.

Firstly, Qiying was not accustomed to the identity of a young master, and being polite to new strangers was the way of life taught by Yuma; secondly, Qiying could almost guess Qi Yuheng's name when he heard it. It turns out that he is at least on the same level as Qi Kaiyang. He is a general of the Qi family and his status is not low. Even Qi Shun is respectful to Qi Kaiyang. Can he still show his authority to Qi Yuheng

When people call me young master, they are being polite to me.

You have to know how to behave, but don't push your nose or face - not to mention, if Qi Yuheng is polite and leaves a good impression on him, there may be many conveniences in the future, so why not

Qi Yuheng smiled slightly, obviously very satisfied with Qi Ying's attitude.


Qi Ying learned about the current situation of the Qi family from Qi Yuheng's mouth.

The Qi family was very large, two-thirds the size of the imperial palace. Because the ancestor of the Qi family was the first among the founding heroes of the Yunxiao Kingdom, he was specially named Duke of Qi by the founder of the Yunxiao Kingdom. Later, although the title of Duke of Qi was not changed. It has been inherited, but the Qi family has always been the largest family in the kingdom. It has its own guards, family generals, direct line as the core, and side branches as auxiliary. It is almost like a small country.

Since Qi Wuwu stopped interfering in family affairs about twenty years ago because he became obsessed with cultivation, the Qi family has shown signs of splitting. The split officially began about seventeen to fifteen years ago, with the two direct relatives of the Qi family’s old master Qi Wuwu His son Qi Fanyun, led by Qi Fuyu, formed two factions.

The place where Qi Fanyun is located is the east courtyard; the place where Qi Fanyu is located is the west courtyard. The two chambers are independent and have their own internal systems. They have had many conflicts with each other. Now, except under special circumstances, there will be no communication at all.

"Who is my father?"

Before Qi Yuheng could introduce anything, Qi Ying immediately interrupted and asked.

He always wanted to know whose child he was.

Even if they are dead, they still need to know their names!

Unexpectedly, Qi Yuheng paused when he heard this question, hesitated for a while and then said: "This... the old man said it is not important... In short, you are now the young master of the Qi family, and your status is the direct young master. We are on the same level as Master Qi Shun and the others, and the old master has given special care. From the moment you enter the family, our seven generals will be your direct subordinates - this authority is higher than that of any young master in the Qi family. This is the old master's relationship with you, young master. The compensation is also your protection.”


Qi Ying was stunned for a moment.

It seems that my life experience is not as simple as Xuan Yu said

But since that particularly powerful old man said it's not important, he means not letting himself know... There should be some truth in it, maybe not knowing is better than knowing!

So Qi Ying asked again: "So, which hospital am I from? Am I in the same hospital as Qi Shun?"

Qi Yuheng shook his head: "No, you are the young master from the east courtyard, and young master Qi Shun is from the west courtyard."