The Deity of War

Chapter 2263: Life evolution


"Using the Holy Dynasty to resist the catastrophe of the era?"

Qi Ying's expression changed and her tone became urgent.

It seems that Xue Wulian may really understand something that she never knew.

"May I ask Your Majesty, how to use the Holy Dynasty to resist the catastrophe of the era?" Qi Ying asked with narrowed eyes, "As far as I know, every time the catastrophe of the era occurs, it happens directly to the gods who possess the original power. And the change in the original power is enough to cause a devastating disaster to the Pangu world... "

"Hahaha!" Xue Wulian laughed again, "Qiying, you are still too naive."

Qi Ying shook his head: "I don't know why your majesty said this!"

Xue Wulian said sternly: "Qi Ying, you should also know who the Transcendents of the First and Second Era are!"

Qi Ying hesitated and said: "The first era is fate! The second era is luck!"

Xue Wulian nodded and said: "That's right. But think about it, whether it's fate or luck, are they real people or gods?"

"No." Qi Ying thought for a moment and said, "But they are not helpless. It is said that fate has appeared in various forms... I don't know much about luck."

"The two of us are exactly the opposite." Xue Wulian said, "I don't know what fate is, but I know what kind of existence luck is and how it is transcendent!"


Qi Ying was shocked.

The news he learned from Xue Wulian was more surprising than anything he had heard these days, and made him think deeply for a long time...

The plane of God.

That place hides the mother body of the spiny beetle and the location of countless spiny beetle eggs.

A figure suddenly condensed in the cave.

This human figure's face appeared in the dim light reflected by the spiny beetle eggs in the cave.

He looked like an old man with a white beard, wearing what looked like a very shabby robe, and holding a long crutch in his hand.

"It's been many years! It's been ups and downs, and finally we're here now." The white-bearded old man looked around at the countless insect eggs on the inner wall of the cave, his brows and eyes filled with joy, "It's the harvest season! But there's still a little time left..."

He glanced at the mother thorn beetle again, and his eyes were filled with deep affection.

"Just wait a little longer... wait a little longer..."

Snow Holy Pilgrimage.

Qi Ying followed Xue Wulian to a sea of churning clouds.

On the sea of clouds, there was a floating island. The two of them landed in the center of this small floating island, and a magic circle suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Put your spiritual thoughts into this magic circle and see for yourself."

Xue Wulian said.


Qi Ying inserted his spiritual thoughts into the magic circle.

Previously, he heard what Xue Wulian said, in fact, Xue Wulian had created worlds long ago, and the time flow in those worlds was extremely fast.

So much so.

Xue Wulian even observed the rise and fall of a world.


Those worlds are very weak worlds, and even practitioners cannot exist.

It is incomparable to the Ziji Continent and the Great Wilderness World... The only advantage is that time flows extremely fast!

Only in this way can we fully observe the rise and fall of the world.

"The entire world is made up of galaxies, but there are not many galaxies, far less than a star field in the endless galaxy, and there are not many living planets."

Qi Ying's spiritual thoughts entered the magic circle.

Of course, what this magic circle connects is not the created world.

Instead, the magic circle records the history of this world, from its rise and fall to its defeat.

At the beginning of the world.

On a living planet, everything begins to appear.

All things naturally did not appear out of thin air. It was Xue Wulian's human intervention that gave birth to life.

Life at the beginning was extremely simple, just a simple life composed of various large particles... But it was enough to surprise Qi Ying. You must know that this kind of birth process of life also occurs in the heaven, but it is in Lolita's. Through hard work, these simple lives were synthesized.

However, Xue Wulian only intervened and did not directly create. Life was born naturally in this world.


Since then.

Life is always renewing itself.

Large particles are constantly replicating, but during the replication process, "errors" will also occur.

But it is this kind of error that makes the forms of life begin to become more complex and diverse.

The time recorded in the magic circle was also fast-forwarded, and time was changing crazily. Tens of thousands of years passed quickly, and it was still accelerating. Millions, tens of millions, and even hundreds of millions of years gradually passed!


After I don’t know how many billions of years have passed.

More complex life began to appear - with a larger body shape, as if it were composed of millions of simple lives, but the overall structure was still very simple, looking like a big piece of snot.

Snot is still the same as the original simple life, replicating itself while making "errors" constantly.

These errors caused some "snots" to have carapace, and some "snots" to have scales.

at the same time.

The world's natural environment is also quietly changing.

There is a distinction between ocean and land. Some places have high temperatures and some have low temperatures.

Gradually, the "snot" with its "carapace" can be adsorbed on rocks to ensure that it is not washed away by the water flow or destroyed by external forces, and it can also swallow simple life in the water.

As for "Snot" with "scales", it can maintain its own existence form in the water flow, and can replenish its own energy by eating simple life wherever it goes with the current.

Moreover, during the process of "erroneous copying", some scaly snots have developed parts that can move on their own, similar to paddles, allowing them to swim in the water on their own to find waters rich in simple life.

Those primitive "snots" were gradually eliminated during this process. They were easily washed away by water flow and killed by high and low temperature environments. Carapace snot, scale snot, boatman's snot, etc., They all adapted to the new environment and were chosen to stay...

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest, is this the evolution of life under natural conditions?"

Qi Ying was stunned.

It turns out that life can realize its own creation and evolution without human intervention at all!

Take the heaven as an example. Even if Qi Ying and Lolita do not make any intervention, sooner or later a group of lives will evolve to adapt to the environment of the heaven. However, Qi Ying and Lolita's actions are to transform the birth of life into evolution. Much ahead of schedule.