The Deity of War

Chapter 2264: exist


"The ability of life to evolve itself is far beyond my expectations!"

Qi Ying's heart was filled with ups and downs.

During the billions of years of observation, life in that world has evolved from simplicity to complexity, from ocean to land. The diversity has become more and more abundant, and life has become more and more intelligent.


After a long time.

Highly intelligent beings—human beings—appeared.

At the beginning of humankind's emergence, it was also at a very low-end stage of civilization and did not have much advantage over other intelligent life forms.

But gradually.

Humans' learning ability makes them become stronger and stronger.

The use of tools and fire began to give humans strength beyond that of other life forms.

Later, the emergence of writing and language further enabled human wisdom to deepen and become stronger! The accumulation of knowledge has become simpler, and the learning of skills has become faster and easier, leading to a gradual improvement in human productivity.

As humans become stronger and stronger.

Human civilization has also begun to become more complicated, moving from the ethnic group at the beginning to the tribal level society.

The emergence of tribes everywhere has given rise to fierce and complex intraspecific competition among human beings based on tribes. Strong tribes annexed weak tribes, killed their men, and robbed their women and children in order to use the best genes. , inherited from generation to generation.


The new human beings are getting smarter and smarter.

Due to the accumulation of knowledge brought about by writing and language, each generation of human beings can master all the skills of the previous generation in a short period of time, and on the basis of it, they can innovate and make improvements and new creations.

Tools are getting more powerful, equipment is getting better and better, and the emotions that humans have are becoming more and more subtle and complex.

Greed, jealousy, lust, arrogance... all gradually appear.

Human society has also undergone several changes, systems have been constantly replaced, and political power has been changing from generation to generation, undergoing rapid changes.


Human productivity has reached an extremely high level.

Of course, this kind of productivity is not worth mentioning in Qi Ying's view. After all, human beings who cannot cultivate can only achieve the most by relying on technology.


It was beyond Qi Ying's expectation.

These humans, whose productivity was very low compared to cultivators, eventually destroyed the world in which they lived.

The exhaustive resource development and the increasingly fierce wars due to competition for resources eventually caused incredible changes in the climate of the entire world. It was as if it had been bombarded by the law of destruction. The planet was devastated and the atmosphere was full of harmful substances. Matter is no longer suitable for the existence of any normal life.

Just a few thousand years.

The prosperous world that took hundreds of millions of years to develop has turned into a "Death Star."

Seeing this scene, Qi Ying was filled with shock: "The birth of life is so difficult, but its destruction is so easy! The so-called catastrophe of the epoch is probably not as good as this complete silence! After all, in the catastrophe of the epoch, a large number of Life has still survived, but no life has survived at all here! Even those simple lives have been destroyed."

Qi Ying watched helplessly as a planet came to an end.


The operation of the magic circle is not over yet.

It was another long billions of years. In the scene shown in fast forward time, Qi Ying saw the thunder and lightning roaring on the "Death Star", and matter began to change amidst the drastic changes in energy.

"Could it be..."

Qi Ying had a vague guess in his heart.


A new simple life is born.

Just like before, life moves from simplicity to complexity, and various new lives are born through constant "errors" in the process of self-replication.

As time goes by, higher intelligent life appears again.

It was like history repeating itself. Although the new intelligent life was somewhat different from the previous humans, it was ultimately destroyed in its own hands due to resource problems, and the entire world became the "Death Star".

But in the "Death Star", there is new life.


The magic circle stopped functioning.

Qi Ying walked out mentally and found that he had observed hundreds of millions of years, but only a few days had passed outside.

"How about it?"

Xue Wulian came over.

Qi Ying turned back to look at Xue Wulian and said with deep emotion: "Your Majesty, maybe you already have a different understanding of the Tribulation of the Era?"

Xue Wulian smiled and nodded: "Of course. The Tribulation of the Era is the general trend of the world. No one can stop the birth of the Tribulation of the Era! Of course, the Tribulation of the Era is not the end of the world. Quite the opposite. —The catastrophe of the era is actually a new starting point for the world, and it is the method the world takes to delay its own destruction."

"Hmm... For the Pangu world, the world's operation should be different from that of a small world." Qi Ying said lightly, "Pangu world has countless resources! They are almost inexhaustible. Inexhaustible!"

"Haha!" Xue Wulian laughed and said, "Qi Ying, do you really think that the resources of Pangu World are endless?"

"Is not it?"

Qi Ying asked rhetorically.

Xue Wulian paused and said: "The Pangu world was born in chaos. It can be said that all resources are generated from chaos, and chaos is the source of countless original powers. You should understand it!"

Qi Ying nodded: "Yes, Pangu World comes from Chaos, and Chaos provides Pangu World with unlimited resources."


Xue Wulian interrupted.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Qi Ying asked.

"Everything in Pangu World comes from chaos, and chaos is not infinite." Xue Wulian said slowly, "Like Pangu World, other worlds are also born from chaos. Everything possessed by Chaos , there is always a limit.”

Qi Ying asked back: "Could it be that the resources of each world will disappear out of thin air! They just changed the form of existence, and the total amount of chaos remains unchanged."

Xue Wulian nodded and said: "Everything is conserved. Your understanding of this aspect is correct. But think about it, the matter and energy in the world you see are also conserved. Why do they go to destruction again and again? You have to see the inner laws of things!"


Qi Ying let out a light sigh.

In his mind, he quickly flashed back to the billions of years he had previously observed in the magic circle.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Ying's eyes lit up: "Your Majesty, what you mean is that the total amount is conserved, but the form of existence changes? The so-called destruction and end in that world actually developed to a certain level and became too chaotic. The world was broken and returned to its original stage. Is the Tribulation of the Era similar?"