The Deity of War

Chapter 2308: Pangu’s last move


"The Sword of Heaven!"

A brilliant sword appeared in Fang Tianhua's hand.

This sword embodies the final power of heaven.

The power of heaven is also the only weapon that can completely kill the giant of Chaos Pangu.


The sword edge passed across, and for the first time, a wound appeared on the Chaos Pangu Giant.

"Bastard, we're all going to die, we're all going to die!" After the Chaos Pangu Giant was injured, his attacks became more and more crazy, and the entire formation began to shake.

The saints and gods naturally would not let go of this opportunity to beat the drowned dog, and continued to direct all attacks at the Chaos Pangu Giant.

"Xuanyuan Sword!"

Qi Ying urged Xuanyuan Sword and was doing her best.

However, he was unable to cause effective damage to the Chaos Pangu Giant like the Monkey King, Fuxi Nuwa, and Fang Tianhua who integrated the way of heaven, and could only cause a certain amount of trouble.

At the same time, he also received a series of interpretations from Qi Hua, which were mysterious messages left to him by Hongjun.

"The power of Heaven... The new universe is the only world that is not affected by Pangu. Only I can understand the power of Heaven..."

Qi Ying's mind was frantically digesting this information.

Once he fully understands the power of heaven, like Hongjun, he will have the weapons to completely kill the giant of Chaos Pangu.

Other attacks, no matter how powerful they are, can only injure Pangu but cannot kill him!

I am also a hope for the gods and saints!


The Xuanyuan Sword was also shrouded in a light similar to the Sword of Heaven.

"Another piece of heavenly power? Is it this boy!?"

Pangu stared at Qi Ying angrily.

If it hadn't been sealed by Haotian Tower, my plan would have been realized earlier! He won't have to wait until the Haotian Tower is broken open before he can absorb the power of fate and luck possessed by Xiu and Yu Ji.

Now, he still has the power of heaven

Just like Hongjun, he must not let it go!


The sky-opening ax struck at Qi Ying.

However, the massive attacks directly deflected the direction of the Sky Axe's attack.

"Everyone continue to attack, don't give Pangu a chance to breathe!" Hongjun's voice came from Fang Tianhua's mouth, "Now that we have two powers of heaven, we can kill Pangu faster!"

The saints and gods were shocked.

Although each of them is overdrawing their own strength.

But victory was right in front of them, and they immediately continued to explode with all their strength.

The Chaos Pangu Giant had more and more fatal wounds on his body. He was crumbling and his body was about to collapse.

at this time.

"It's too early for you to be happy!"

Chaos Pangu giant suddenly grinned.


With an explosion, Di Jun and Nuwa separated, and the large square formation also broke open.

"what happened?!"

"How could the great square formation of the rules of heaven and earth be broken?!"

The gods and saints were stunned.

Di Jun covered his chest, which was pouring with blood, and his face was as cold as frost: "A divine master just appeared and blew himself up next to me and Wa!"

"The power of the Qinglong Clan, it was Qin Yuxuan who exploded!"

Someone discovered the identity of the god who blew himself up.

Xue Wulian narrowed his eyes and looked at Pangu: "I understand! The divine masters and their main gods under your control were all controlled by you!"

"Hahaha, it's too late!" The Chaos Pangu giant broke away from the square formation, with a sharp look in his eyes, "It's all because some of you are too greedy. Now that the square formation is gone, let's see who can trap me. !”

"Wa, let's join forces!"

Emperor Jun came to Nuwa again.

But this time.

The big hand in the void appeared directly in another place in the void, and a god master was instantly pulled to Pangu.

Everyone's attention was on Nuwa and Di Jun, and no one noticed that Pangu would suddenly take action elsewhere.

The sage Queen Mother of the West suddenly cried out: "It's Duke Dong, Donghua!"

Only then did people notice that the one captured by Pangu was actually Donghuang Taiyi!

"Hahaha, they are all going to die!" Pangu's eyes were fierce as he swallowed Donghuang Taiyi in one gulp!

In an instant, Pangu's right eye was as bright as the sun.


Nuwa's scream sounded again.

The moment Donghuang Taiyi died, Emperor Jun also fell down, and his body turned into countless light spots and merged into the body of the chaotic Pangu giant!

His other eye is as bright as the sun!

"Dijun, Taiyi, my eyes, you are finally back, hahahaha! Your biggest mistake was to refine the Heluo world in advance in order to escape the power of fate as soon as possible. As a result, the two brothers were connected by fate, and one of them died. , and another one will follow!"

The Chaos Pangu giant laughed crazily.

He merged the power of Di Jun and Tai Yi, and now he is only a hair away from the original creation god.

On the other hand, the side of the gods and saints not only lost the two powerful men Taiyi and Dijun, but more importantly, they lost the large square formation with the rules of heaven and earth jointly arranged by Dijun and Nuwa!

All order was destroyed, and no one could restrain Pangu anymore.

"Let them all die!"

Pangu launched a mad attack, targeting Fang Tianhua and Qi Ying.

"The power of protecting heaven!"

Zhen Martial God stopped directly in front of Qi Ying, but his body was split in half by the sky-opening axe!

"The mantis' arms are like a chariot!"

Pangu continued to attack, but the gods and saints understood that the power of heaven was the hope of killing Pangu, and protected them one by one.

One after another, gods and saints were killed by Pangu. With each one killed, Pangu's strength increased by one point!

Soon, all the weaker demigods and true gods were killed! There were also a large number of casualties among the gods and saints. The three Buddhist saints took the lead in sacrificing their lives to protect the Tao. The swords of the Sword Master and the leader of the Tongtian Cult were destroyed, and everyone was killed. The Naga God was devoured in one bite. Xiu walked behind Pangu but was killed with a punch... Pangu Yue The situation is becoming more and more unstoppable, and there are fewer and fewer helpers around Fang Tianhua and Qi Ying.


The long dragon of luck was also torn into pieces.

"Take a step first." Xue Wulian held the imperial seal, closed his eyes, and together with Yu Ji beside him, they both turned into ashes under the axe.


Everything fell silent.

In the vast void, there were only two people left facing Pangu.

At this time, Pangu's body was extremely majestic, and a pair of sun-like eyes were still shining in the complete black chaos.

Fang Tianhua's body became increasingly unreal.

"Qi Ying, Hongjun's power of heaven is no longer sustainable, and all hope is left to you." Fang Tianhua reached out and patted the shoulder of Qi Ying, who was unable to move, and then walked towards Pangu.

"Accept your fate!"

Pangu killed Fang Tianhua with one axe!

The Pangu world also completely disappeared at this moment!

"Is there another world of saints?" Pangu squinted at the last world, and then his eyes fell on Qi Ying. "If you remove the last power of heaven, will the world of saints also disappear?"

But then, Pangu grinned: "Then I will directly destroy the world of saints, and won't you disappear with me?"