The Deity of War

Chapter 31: Headless corpse


Duan Tianshan is scared, really scared. From the moment he was knocked off the duel platform by Qi Ying, he had a lot of fear of Qi Ying deep in his heart. When Qi Ying flew up and grabbed him, his fear made him couldn't help but ask for Qi Ying. He retreated, and now, after seeing Qi Ying bloodyly killing a disciple, his soul was about to leave his body.

Is the other person still a human being

No, it's a beast, or a crazy beast.

Duan Tianshan had no doubt that he would be the next one to be disemboweled if he didn't run away. When Qi Ying rushed forward again, he immediately turned around and ran towards the other end of the street like crazy, throwing away the person who could clearly protect him. Li Xiongba was thrown out of the sky, and his entire back was exposed to Qi Ying's attack range.


Qi Ying's left hand transformed into a claw and was grabbing Duan Tianshan's back heart. Just when he was about to insert it into Duan Tianshan's heart from behind, Qi Ying suddenly felt that someone had grabbed the calf of his right leg, and his body suddenly lost its center of gravity. In a hurry, five purple zhenqi claw marks burst out from his left hand, and they were slashed out like flying knives.

Goshawk Phantom Claw!


Although the martial arts technique was used smoothly, it was in the wrong direction. The five claw marks did not grab Duan Tianshan's back, but struck his thighs, cutting his pants and cutting off the muscles and bones on his thighs. , causing Duan Tianshan to scream and fall to the ground, his thigh bleeding and twitching.

But at this time, Qi Ying was swung up by Li Xiongba. After drawing an arc in the air, he hit the ground heavily with a bang, and the internal organs in his body were shaking.

"How is it possible in the Qi Martial Realm?!"

Duan Yuan on the other side said in shock. When he saw Qi Yingbiao's martial arts skills, he thought he was deceived, but until now, the aura on Qi Ying's body was not covered at all, even if he was at the first level of Qi Martial Arts.

He is at the first level of the Qi Martial Realm, and his cultivation level is not too high. But the problem is, yesterday he was still at the eighth level of the Li Martial Realm!

Why did it become the Qi Martial Realm today

The other disciples were as surprised as Duan Yuan.


But they are not so afraid anymore. No matter how powerful Qi Ying is, he can't beat Li Xiongba, the Bear King among the Four Heavenly Kings. If Qi Ying is really at the first level of Qi Martial Realm, it will explain why he was able to defeat a large group of people in a row yesterday. The opponent is not as disturbing as the eighth level of the martial arts realm.


Li Xiongba stepped heavily on Qi Ying's back, with the same sarcasm on his face as before: "You brat, you dare to kill people, you can't tell that you are still a desperado! Unfortunately, you have found the wrong person!"

Then Li Xiongba glanced at Duan Tianshan who was howling miserably on the ground, stepped on Qi Ying again, and snorted: "You hurt Young Master Tianshan? You are dead! I heard that you have a beautiful blind mother? Very good , your mother will take care of me after you die, I will take my brothers and take good care of her! Hahahaha!"

"you wanna die."

At Li Xiongba's feet, Qi Ying gritted his teeth, turned his head, and stared at Li Xiongba with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

"Just you?"

Although Li Xiongba's words were disdainful, when he saw Qi Ying's beast-like eyes, he couldn't help but feel cold, and a cruel look suddenly flashed in his eyes: "I can kill you right now!"

A circle of red energy appeared on the palm of his right hand, and then his palm turned into a knife and suddenly slashed out.


The red zhenqi turned into an air blade and shot out, slashing Qi Ying's neck.

But at this moment, Li Xiongba felt his left calf being grabbed by a hand. The hand suddenly exerted force. An extremely strong force caused his knees to bend, and he fell down on his back. , the air blade of the hand sword also flew away naturally. With a bang, Li Xiongba fell on his back to the ground. Fang Yu stood up with his hands on the ground. A hand wearing a silver glove had reached his face at some point.


With a sound like a watermelon bursting, Li Xiongba's entire head exploded, and his brains flew all over the sky!

"Huh... Huh... You are seeking death..."

Qi Ying gasped for air, and his face, stained with more blood, became more ferocious.


"He, he killed King Xiong!"

"Qi Ying killed another person!"

Duan Yuan, Duan Jin and the rest of the group were completely out of their minds at this moment. It was enough to kill an ordinary disciple, but who did he kill? Xiong Tianwang Li Xiongba! The most ranked disciple in the entire Tianhe Academy. If you can kill Li Xiongba, you can kill any of them.

No one dared to get close to Qi Ying anymore, for fear of being torn apart by Qi Yingsheng, they could only watch Qi Ying walk to Duan Tianshan who was lying on the ground.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Duan Tianshan was extremely panicked. When he saw Qi Ying's silver gloves stained with blood, he howled like a pig: "You can't kill me! If you kill me, the Duan family will not let you go!" "


A blood flower bloomed on the ground.

Duan Tianshan's head, like Li Xiongba's, was beaten to pieces by Qi Ying with his left hand.

"You forced me."

Qi Ying straightened up again, kicked Duan Tianshan's body, and then glanced coldly at the people staying where they were.

Everyone shuddered, and finally someone was the first to react. Duan Yuan shouted: "Qi Ying killed someone, killed Master Tianshan, everyone, run away!" Then Sayazi ran away.

Led by one person, everyone fled from the place in a panic. They didn't know where they were going to escape, they just wanted to get as far away from Qi Ying as possible. That was not a human at all, it was a crazy, man-eating beast!

Qi Ying looked at the people fleeing and did not pursue them.

Run, everyone run!

Even if the Duan family found out, wouldn't he die at most? It’s better than mother and son being humiliated!

Scholars can be killed but cannot be humiliated. Even for disciples from poor families, dignity is extremely important. Dignity is not the so-called face, but the most basic bottom line of being a human being. People must live with dignity!

But at this moment, the fleeing crowd let out a scream.



Qi Ying stared with wide eyes, filled with disbelief—the dozens of people who escaped were all dead at once! In the blink of an eye, no one was left, they all fell to the ground, their heads exploded one by one, turning them into headless corpses.

Not only those who escaped, but also several people from nearby stores who had just gathered around to watch the excitement were also killed in the same way!

Who did it

Qi Ying's heart trembled, who could he kill dozens of people in one breath without even showing up



Amidst the drumming sounds of hunting robes, a figure in white descended from the sky!

"follow me!"

A slightly familiar voice sounded.

Da Da Da!

The sound of horse hooves sounded in the distance, and there were also loud voices.

"Miss, what are we, the An family, doing interfering in the affairs of the Shi family? Is a disciple from a poor family worthy of you going to war and moving the family's guards?"

"Shut up! If you wait a little longer, Qi Ying has three advantages and two disadvantages, and I will ask the head of the family to remove your captain of the guard immediately!"

"Tianhe County is so big, who knows where he went!"

"If you don't know, then look for it street by street!"

The sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer, and a group of more than a dozen riding figures appeared from the street corner. When they rode their horses to this street, they suddenly reined in their horses and stopped!


The horses neighed, and the people on the horses opened their eyes in horror: "So many dead people! Looking at their clothes, almost all of them are disciples of Tianhe Academy! What's going on?"

"Qi Ying!"

An Ruyi jumped off the horse, ran to the pile of corpses like crazy, and looked through the corpses one by one. The guards behind also dismounted and followed closely: "Miss, don't get soiled by the blood!"

At this time, An Ruyi was not as anxious as she was at first. She took an overview of the corpses. Although every corpse had no head except for the corpse of a disciple she was not very familiar with, none of the corpses was wearing silver gloves.