The Deity of War

Chapter 67: The charm of Qiying


Today, the Colosseum has entered a grand event that is rarely seen once a year!

All tickets, even if the price was increased five times, were sold out, and both the stands on the first floor and the private rooms on the second floor were packed.

There was a lot of people and noisy words.

What is even more unusual is that even the most popular aristocratic families in the city, the An family, the Wang family, and the Sun family, their heads and elders came to the Colosseum on their own - only the Duan family did not Come.

Second floor, in the corridor.

The two groups of people were facing each other.

"Master An!"

"Hey, Master Sun, long time no see. Oh, the Master Wang next door to you is here too! Hey, this young master Sun is so good-looking. Do you know what to call the man next to you? Yes, just call him Uncle Wang!"

"Haha... I have never heard that the most famous peacemakers in the city, the An family and the head of the An family, would come to the most violent place in Tianhe County!"

"I came here with the little naughty girl at home. She heard that the unknown warrior was going to challenge the Dark Evil Golden Ape, so she wanted to come and see it."

"Oh, that's it. Master An, don't you want to go to our private room for a drink?"

"I won't go. If I don't go to the box again, the naughty little girl will have to overturn the whole house. I don't want to pay for Yan Shisan."

"Then, don't pass."

"see you later!"

An Jiahe squinted his crescent-like eyes, and the wrinkles on his face trembled.

With this look, anyone who sees him will just think that he is a businessman who makes money by doing business.

Only those who have had countless interactions with him and are well versed in his way of doing things will know that he is a smiling tiger who cannot be offended.

Otherwise, how could he come to Tianhe County alone at the age of eighteen and build the An family, the fourth largest family, in thirty years while being surrounded by the three major families that have been here for hundreds of years

An Jiahe is accustomed to hiding his true thoughts under the face of the fat and big-eared Pig Brother, just like a cat hiding its sharp claws in the soft tender meat. Under the harmless appearance of humans and animals, it is difficult for you to guard against a man like him who hides a knife behind his smile. .


Facing the upcoming drastic changes in Tianhe County, An Jiahe was also frightened.

He is no longer young and can no longer think carefully about everything and calculate his opponents one by one - he is now nearly fifty and an old man who is half buried in the earth. He must think more about his escape route.

His own way out, and his own way out.

The three major aristocratic families are deep-rooted forces. The An family can defeat them in the business field, but if they fight with real swords and guns, they will never be their opponents.

In the past, the rise of the An family was due to the internal strife among the three major families.

But now, the three major families seem to be preparing to unite in order to suppress the no longer peaceful Colosseum.

At that time, who knows whether there will be a drama about the winter vacation of Dao and Guo, taking down the Colosseum and taking down the An family at the same time

Yesterday, An Jiahe was still thinking about whether he could deceive Qi Ying and use Qi Ying to eliminate young people from the three major families.

However, I don't know whether Qi Ying was blind, mentally retarded, or too smart, so he had no room for it and refused the tempting offer.

An Jiahe decided to really observe Qiying.

Look, this guy is actually a stupid boy with only talent, but he is also a truly extraordinary person.

If it's the first type, it's better for An Jia, and it can be done with a few more temptations; if it's the second type, you can develop in other areas, and if you can hold someone in your arms, that's also great.

An Jiahe sat on an armchair with a fat belly, raised his eyes and stared outside.

In front, An Ruyi was lying on the edge of the window sill, holding her cheeks, her small and delicate nose pressed against the window, as if she wanted to get out of the window.

Will that person win today

The more she was rejected, the more her competitive girl's heart aroused a desire to conquer.

As the daughter educated by the No. 1 Smiling Tiger in Tianhe County, An Ruyi is not the kind of girl who wants to be attached to a man. She is full of curiosity about everything. When she sees something good, she wants to explore it further—sometimes , she even regards Mrs. Lu, the richest woman in Tianhe County, as her idol, not because the latter is so powerful, but because the latter can explore every man she is interested in to her heart's content.

Most men, or in other words, most young men of the same age, can tell An Ruyi right away.

The eyes of those people, which become increasingly filthy as they age, all show the burning possessiveness and desire for control in their hearts.

But Qi Ying was something she couldn't see through at all.

Because it cannot be seen through, it is attractive and therefore more attractive.

Qi Ying attracted more people than An Ruyi.

Everyone in Tianhe County is curious.

Who is Qi Ying

Where is he from, and why is he so capable and courageous at the age of fifteen

People who knew the nameless fighter before were shocked when they found out that the nameless fighter was a fifteen-year-old boy. They all wanted to see the nameless fighter again. People who didn't know the nameless fighter before knew that the Duan family was. After the unknown fighters in the Colosseum, they also came here in admiration.


The unknown fighter Qi Ying faced off against the demonic beast that had grown to the sixth level of the Yellow Order, the Dark Evil Golden Ape!

The whole audience is eagerly awaiting Qi Ying's appearance!


The loudspeaker array in the Colosseum sounded a long sound.

The originally noisy Colosseum began to quiet down, and soon no one spoke.

Today, there is no voice from the announcer.

The lights dim.

The only thing shrouded in light is the cage!

A black figure walked into the cage from the passage connecting it.

Black attire, medium height, thin figure... These are the unknown fighters they have seen. With a freshly childish face and a shiny silver glove, it is Qi Ying they have never seen before.

as well as.

This time the unknown fighter, contrary to convention, seemed to be armed.

A long object wrapped in cloth, which looked like a spear, was slung behind his back.

A thin figure also jumped into the cage at this time. He had dark golden fur and red eyes. He was not big in stature, but his face was very ferocious.

The appearance of the Dark Fierce Golden Ape has changed a bit compared to before, which has something to do with the forcibly catalyzed growth in the Colosseum. It is also a change manifested by the increased strength in its body.

The Colosseum was quiet.

There are no gambling games today.

All people care about is victory or defeat!

Qi Ying walked slowly, observing the Dark Evil Golden Ape. This should be his last battle with beasts in the Colosseum. It doesn't matter whether he wins or loses. Rather, it is a good opportunity to test the results of his training.

The Dark Evil Golden Ape possesses almost the most tyrannical strength among monsters of the same level, the hardest body, the most agile figure, and the most ferocious fighting spirit... A third-level Yellow Level Dark Evil Golden Ape can kill No Qi Martial Realm master, even a master like Lu You, would be willing to face a seventh-level yellow-level monster and a sixth-level yellow-level Dark Evil Golden Ape.