The Deity of War

Chapter 80: Kingdom hope


Outside Tianhe County!

Looking around, the imposing soldiers almost formed a long dragon, guarding an area surrounded by wooden fences and stone fences.

The entire area covers a radius of ten miles. Although the area is not very large, there is a small hill, a small lake, flat grassland, and dense woods.

With the help of the original landform and some modifications, the hunting ground originally provided for the nobles of Tianhe County has now become a venue for the selection competition of the kingdom's young generals.

Outside the venue, thousands of people gathered.

In Tianhe County, everyone who was able and willing to come came to the hunting ground at this time, hoping to see a grand event that might not happen once in the past twenty years.

If it were not for a state of emergency war preparedness, the kingdom would not devote a lot of manpower and material resources to deliberately cultivate some talented children who are talented but whose status is not yet able to enter the top class of the kingdom.

Therefore, a person's success is of course inseparable from his own hard work. Sometimes the trend of history will play a decisive role.

Although there are some places where there is an unavoidable feeling of imperial decree. For example, the Duan family, the Wang family and other aristocratic families can get ten more places for nothing, and the entire Tianhe Academy, which gathers the young elites of the county, only has thirty places, and some of them are occupied by the Duan family and other aristocratic families.

But, in general, if you ask everyone whether they support it, most of them will support it. Anyway, there is no better way. At least some quotas can be reserved for competition, at least for those children from poor families who have outstanding talents and talents. We have some opportunities, otherwise, there will be no opportunities at all.


Most of the recommended places are occupied by children of aristocratic families.

The selection competition itself is relatively fair.

After the various forces with recommended quotas arrived around the hunting ground one after another, Wei Jianshan, the commander of the Tianhe County garrison who was responsible for hosting the selection competition, immediately began to summon the participants of the selection competition.

"All disciples who have received recommended quotas, please go to the front of the big tent to receive their respective identification tokens!"

Qi Ying followed the team from Tianhe Academy to the military camp tent, lined up, and received the tokens one by one from the sergeant in charge. When it was almost his turn, the sergeant who handed out the token looked at him curiously and said to the sergeant next to him: "Scare! Tianhe Academy is really getting more and more decadent. Anyone who is at the fifth level of the Qi Martial Realm can come to participate in the selection competition." Comparing? Or is it that Tianhe Academy is not good enough, so we have to use people at the fifth level of Qi Martial Realm to fill the gap?"


The rest of the people in Tianhe Academy all looked at Xiang Qiying.

However, there was no mockery in their eyes like that of the sergeant!

Because just a few days ago, all of them had met Qi Ying. Judging from his cultivation level, he was only at the fourth level of the Qi Martial Realm, but when he had conflicts with the Duan family, he was at the second level of the Qi Martial Realm.

Going further, a month ago, Qi Ying was still at the seventh level of the martial arts realm!

One month, nearly a great realm of cultivation

No one believed that a young man from a humble family could cultivate at such a speed.

"He must have concealed his strength, right? It's only now revealed bit by bit... that the fifth level of Qi Martial Realm is not his cultivation at all!"

"When the time comes, you have to pay attention and tell the Sun family not to be careless about this kid!"


Several academy disciples were whispering.

However, the voice still couldn't be concealed from Qi Ying, who was standing not far away.

Qi Ying ignored the sergeant and the school disciples who were obviously hostile to him. He quietly received the token and tied it on his right wrist.


Qi Ying had expected it.

The world is cruel. When you shine brightly, you will be hated by some people, especially if you may hinder things that concern their interests.

What happened today was inevitable.

Even if there were no previous conflicts with the Duan family, when a child from a poor family shows extraordinary strength, he will definitely be noticed by the group of children from aristocratic families and receive "special treatment."

After receiving the token, Qi Ying stood back in the team and at the same time looked at the people participating in the selection competition.

The people participating in the selection competition came from the entire Tianhe County, a total of 260 people. Among them, Tianhe County's city occupies 100 people, including 30 people from Tianhe Academy, 40 people from the four major families, and 30 people from other small families plus the city lord's palace; Tianhe County's garrison accounts for 100 people. Among them, there are fifty people in the Tianhe County garrison and fifty people in the garrison stationed outside other cities. There are only sixty people in the other cities in Tianhe County.

The disciples of Tianhe Academy are relatively weak overall.

After all, other places select warriors under the age of twenty-five, but the disciples in Tianhe Academy are all under the age of twenty-one.

Qi Ying's cultivation at the fifth level of the Qi Martial Realm was almost at the bottom among all the people.

At this time.

Wei Jianshan, the commander of the garrison, shouted again: "The rules of this selection competition will be explained by the supervisor from the royal capital, Lord Qi Shun!"


Everyone's eyes were focused on the center of the school field.

Qi Ying also looked over and saw the peerless young master he saw last night. At this time, he was dressed in a green military uniform and looked even more heroic. Some older and younger women outside were screaming for him.

"The Qi family in the capital of the king? They both have the surname Qi. What a big difference!"

Qi Ying pouted.

Some people are destined to have many things when they are born, and enjoy privileges that most people in the world cannot enjoy.

And if he wants to get the capital to compete with them, he can only start from the bottom of the kingdom and work hard bit by bit!

Under the gazes that were so hot that they were about to burn, Qi Shun calmly walked with his hands behind his back and said loudly: "My fellow soldiers, you are the hope of the kingdom. Today's selection is not only about personal glory, but also about the kingdom." future!

"For all of you to stand here, you are already among the best, a generation of elites. But those who can truly become the pillars of the kingdom and make great contributions can only be the geniuses among geniuses and the elites among the elites!

"I hope you will work tirelessly to reach the peak in the selection and show your strongest side. If you succeed, you will become famous and become the hope of the kingdom. If you fail, you can also demonstrate your courageous and courageous temperament and be appreciated by noble people.

"Without further ado, the rules of this selection competition are very simple. On your right hand, you will wear a unique small token. It cannot be put into a space ring and can only be carried on your body. In addition, it is also engraved with With the positioning array, the supervisors can instantly determine your position through the array, and project your image onto the school field through the projection array set up in advance on the field! Let everyone present see where you are. do what.

"Of course! What you have to do is very simple, that is, get as many tokens as possible from other people! At this time, when the sun rises three poles, and when the sun sets, which ten people have the most tokens, then they will get Direct train to the royal capital! Enter the 'Yunxiao Academy' to further your studies and become the future pillar of the kingdom!"