The Demon Butler Is Still Motivated Today

Chapter 10


The marshal woke up at three in the morning.

After the marshal's TH value dropped, the three adjutants immediately transported him to the emergency room. Only when he regained consciousness did the three of them finally feel relieved.

After repeated use of ZYZ5 spray, the person who loses control is very likely to be in danger of life, especially during the period of coma after use. The proportion of people who lose control and die because they cannot withstand the effects of the drug is as high as one-half.

This is also the reason why Soran and Weicheng were reluctant to let the Marshal choose this inhibitor.

But even they had to admit that under the circumstances at the time, ZYZ5 was the best choice.

The light in the emergency room was dim. The doctors and nurses of the fortress were very considerate and left the room to the three adjutants after they came in.

"Where's Qin Chen?"

A slightly hoarse voice sounded.

"He is currently locked in an isolation room." Weicheng paused and added: "Emily is in charge of watching him."

If Qin Chen was not the marshal's brother, just based on the fact that he deliberately carried a jammer, he should not be left in the isolation room now.

"Marshal, how should we deal with Qin Chen?"

Mist didn't beat around the bush. Currently, only the Marshal knew what happened, and how to deal with Qin Chen could only be decided by the Marshal.

The light in the emergency room was dim, and the man's upper body was shrouded in darkness. No one could see the expression on his face. One could only vaguely see the black goggles and the angular jawline.

It was very quiet in the emergency room.

As time went on, the three adjutants, including Mist, felt more and more worried. The longer the marshal remained silent, the more complicated the matter became.

"Take him out of the base and don't let him set foot in the base again. If he comes in, kill him on the spot."

His voice was hoarse but steady, as if he had already thought about how to deal with the other party.

The three lieutenants responded quickly, feeling slightly depressed.

What on earth did Qin Chen say that shouldn't have been said to make the Marshal so angry? You know, the iron-blooded Marshal usually cares about his younger brother Qin Chen.

The only way to issue this order now is that Qin Chen has crossed the marshal's bottom line.

The three people who were able to get the position of adjutants naturally had high emotional intelligence. After understanding how to deal with Qin Chen, the three of them tacitly avoided related topics and started talking about other work.

For ordinary patients, they should rest as soon as possible after rescue, but it is different for the taboo ones. While possessing the taboo curse, they also gain physical enhancement. As long as they survive the life-threatening situation, their bodies will recover quickly.

The work at the base cannot be delayed, and it is normal for a marshal to return to work immediately after recovering from a serious injury.

Mist focused on explaining recent events at the base, such as the out-of-control riot that occurred at the banquet for the marriage with officials from the Fourth Base.

During this period, Qin Qi didn't say anything. He only tapped the table with his fingers wrapped in black leather gloves when he heard that there was an unknown substance attached to the number plates given away at the banquet and that the new butler was almost injured.

The sound of the table interrupted Mist's words.

"What are the results of the investigation?"

Qin Qi's tone was slightly cold.

"It seems that someone from the Fourth Base is behind this. We have not yet identified the suspect or the purpose."


Qin Qi didn't say anything and continued to listen to his subordinates' reports, but he was a little absent-minded, obviously thinking about something. After a moment, he said, "Continue to investigate."


Mist nodded.

Compared to the civilian Mist, the other two lieutenants, Soren and Weicheng, seemed very quiet. They hardly said a word from beginning to end. They didn't like to use their brains and only liked to go to the battlefield.

Seeing that the two had finished discussing the business, Weicheng looked at Mist and mentioned what he had just heard: "Yaxiao was attacked at the base?"

"Well, he encountered this kind of thing on the second day after he arrived at the base. Although Yaxiao is young, he is much braver than the previous butler." Mist also showed a smile in his eyes.

This is Mist's real thought. He also wants the marshal to have a better impression of the new butler so that they can work together more tacitly.

Mist turned his head and looked at the marshal in the darkness and said, "Just now he was thinking of preparing something for you in advance to help you recover faster."

Wei Cheng, who was standing by, felt relieved when he heard this. He smiled naively and said what he was thinking unconsciously: "That's good. At that time, I saw that he was not in a good state. I thought that after seeing the Marshal's transformation, he was going to resign like the previous stewards. It's good that he doesn't want to resign."

"Not in the right state?"

Mist was a little surprised when he heard this, but it was also expected. No matter how brave Yaxiao was, he was a butler who grew up in the peaceful central city. It was normal for him to be afraid for a while, or rather, it was normal to be afraid.

As long as they don't resign, the two sides can continue to cooperate.

Qin Qi, who was sitting on the hospital bed, did not comment on the conversation between the two. He just said, "Are you done? If you have nothing to report, get out."

His voice was low and magnetic, and he spoke slowly, as if he didn't care about the coming new butler.

The previous butlers had proven that they were not suitable to hire a butler.

If it wasn't for the purpose of preventing his TH value from rising to a high-risk zone after leaving the battlefield and preventing him from entering the central city, perhaps this new steward would not have come to the Sixth Base at all.

"If the new butler doesn't want to come tomorrow morning, don't force him."

Thinking of the butlers who trembled and broke out in cold sweats when they saw him, Qin Qi didn't think that the butler who saw his alienated state would be much better than them.

Hearing this, the three adjutants looked at each other. Mist recalled Yaxiao's expectant expression and felt that the other party obviously did not want to come.

But there is no need to say more now.

It all depends on what choice Yaxiao makes tomorrow. Thinking of this, Mist sent a message to Yaxiao, intending to tell him the marshal's intention.

It was already three or four in the morning, and the new butler should still be sleeping. Mist didn't expect Yaxiao to reply to him. After all, he didn't call the new butler over in the first place in order to let him have a good rest.

Who would have thought that the brain would vibrate the next second.

Is this why you haven't slept all this time

The door rang and closed.

The faint light in the emergency room disappeared completely. The small room seemed to have expanded hundreds of times in the darkness. Qin Qi lit a cigarette. Sparks reflected on the black goggles. It was extremely quiet in his ears.

The smoke was billowing and the sparks went out.

Qin Qi took off his goggles and threw them aside. He couldn't sleep after eleven o'clock, and this bad habit still applied to him now.

He pressed his palms to his abdomen.

This is the long-lost feeling of hunger.

Meanwhile, Yashao was lying on the bed, wagging his tail and chatting with Mist.

An intermediate demon can go for days without sleep.

But under systematic education, Yaxiao has developed a good habit of going to bed on time since he was a child. Normally, he should have gone to bed at this time.

However, because he was too excited about what happened today, Yaxiao couldn't fall asleep for a long time, and then he waited for the news from Mist.

It turns out the villain has woken up!

Yaxiao's eyes lit up as he stared at the chat box on the screen. When he saw the news that the adjutants had left the emergency room and the marshal had gone to rest, he clenched his fist with regret.

However, the villain did not go to bed until 11 o'clock at night and would not be able to sleep the whole night. This was his habit. Now it was almost four o'clock in the morning, and he was still awake a few minutes ago. He should suffer from insomnia next

Yaxiao pondered for a while, and after hesitating for a long time between going and not going, he suppressed the idea of going there late at night. He hoped to leave a good impression on the villain. It was a bit too early to go now, so he would wait until he was familiar with the villain.

Yashao is a polite devil.

He then caught Mist and asked him in detail about the Marshal's current situation.

[Marshal's TH value is still in the high-risk range, but it has stabilized, and the abnormal characteristics have disappeared. He is in good condition now. ]

[That’s great.]

Qin Qi is in good condition, so he can meet him smoothly, Yaxiao thought while wagging his tail.

When he saw Mist mentioned that if he was afraid of the marshal now, he could temporarily not meet him, Yaxiao immediately refused. Of course, he could not refuse to meet the villain.

Not only did he not refuse, Yaxiao also enthusiastically expressed that he would deliver breakfast to the Marshal on time tomorrow.

When Mist saw the news on the screen, he became more favorable towards Yaxiao. As expected, he was not wrong. Yaxiao was indeed a responsible housekeeper.

On the other side, after the chat, Yaxiao turned off the computer, got up on time, changed into a tuxedo, and planned to go to the kitchen of the fortress to make breakfast for him and the marshal.

Originally, the villain would only take nutritional supplements, but because of the side effect of gluttony, he had to take in some food to increase his sense of fullness.

It takes about an hour to make the bread.

Yaxiao had everything planned out. It was nearly four in the morning, and according to the Marshal's usual schedule, seven was his meal time. He didn't want to sleep anyway, so after he was done, he could go directly to meet the villain.

At that time, I can naturally stay and work beside the powerful villain by delivering breakfast and absorb the devil value!

When the system woke up from standby mode, Yaxiao had just put the finished bread into the plate and covered it with the lid to keep it warm.

[Fourth Uncle, I'm going to meet the villain! ]

The system, which did not see the bread, nodded heavily and silently cheered for the host in its heart: the villain will not lose control temporarily after taking the medicine, and the host can take this opportunity to win the villain's favor!

At the same time, Qin Qi, who had not slept all night, lowered his head slightly to adjust the black glove on his left hand. The thick curtains blocked the possibility of light coming in, and the darkness fostered the negative emotions hidden deep in his heart.

The feeling of hunger caused by the side effects of ZYZ5 can easily destroy a person's sanity, leaving only the thought of swallowing in their minds. There are many delicious fast foods on the table not far away. If it is a taboo person who also has the side effect of gluttony, he would have pounced on it and eaten everything up by now.

Qin Qi, who was sitting on the bed, seemed to have no desire to eat. The black lenses covered his dark eyes, but could not hide his concentration at the moment. His thin lips were pursed into a line from beginning to end. From beginning to end, Qin Qi did not pay attention to the food not far away.

He has strict meal times, and Qin Qi will not eat any food outside of these times.

Although the hunger in his stomach was familiar and disgusting, he had no intention of getting up to eat.

There was a knock on the door.

After getting permission, Weicheng opened the door, and faint light poured in from the corridor.

"Marshal, Yaxiao has brought you breakfast."

It's seven o'clock in the morning.

It was exactly his meal time.

Qin Qi turned his head and looked at the young butler standing behind Wei Cheng. Even through the black light-blocking lenses, he could see that the young man seemed to be very happy and was easily infected by the emotions of the people around him.

Not like he was afraid of him.

Qin Qi commented calmly.

Weicheng scratched his head, smiled innocently and introduced the two to each other. Then he saw Yaxiao greet the marshal and open the lid of the breakfast.

There were three skull breads on a white plate, with dark hollow eye sockets and jaws opening and closing in an exaggerated manner, like an unknown existence with a strange smile. The sticky purple liquid on the skulls looked like poison poured on them, creepy and eerie.

The sweetness of the bread and its eerie shape seem to convey a message: Come and eat me quickly, but I am poisonous.


Oh, no, this is for the marshal to eat? What the hell is that purple liquid? Is there really this kind of jam in the kitchen

Even Weicheng, a rough man who had no requirements on what to eat, couldn't help but become suspicious when he saw the Marshal's breakfast looked like this.

Does this new steward want revenge on the marshal

This thing looks abnormal, doesn't it

Before he could come to his senses, Weicheng noticed that the marshal, who had not reacted, took the strange thing and tasted it, and commented lightly: "The bread is good."

The black-haired boy next to him brightened his eyes and said happily, "Really? I also think the bread I baked this time was very successful. It's very beautiful!"

The Marshal did not deny it.

Weicheng: ...

Is there something wrong with me

(End of this chapter)