The Demon Butler Is Still Motivated Today

Chapter 53


Yaxiao, who had just walked downstairs to the conference hall with Emily, had no idea that he had been labeled as liking the marshal by an adjutant.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't refute it. After all, he really likes villains.

—It is a fact that demons like powerful people.

Especially compared with the coward hiding behind the scenes, Yaxiao likes the marshal more.

The steward representative meeting has not started yet.

Yaxiao hummed a little tune as he walked into the conference hall, where only two delegates were sitting on chairs.

Ariel, who usually came the earliest, was not there.

Ever since she learned that Sheng Cheng was arrested, Ariel has been a little absent-minded. Maybe the organization has assigned her a new task, which is why she has not arrived yet.

Yaxiao thought about it, opened the light brain and found the chat box with Ariel, said a simple hello, and then asked the other party where she was now.

There was no new information on the optical computer for the whole afternoon.

Yaxiao did not send any more messages to the other party. He turned off the computer and looked at the two representatives who were talking not far away.

The two housekeepers, a man and a woman, were good-looking and well-groomed, but their faces looked a bit immature.

They are the student representatives of Butler College.

Starting from today, the agenda of the meeting will revolve around this year's housekeeper graduates. As student representatives, the pressure on the two is greater than in the past few days.

Zhao Qing was a female housekeeper with a fair complexion and a more serious personality. When Yaxiao walked in from outside, he could hear her scolding her companion in a low voice:

"We represent fellow butlers who are about to graduate. Can you be more serious?"

"Why am I not serious?"

Erd muttered in a low voice, his voice getting lower and lower as she watched, "There's nothing I can do. Although the optical computer is connected to the Internet, there is only so much military information available for reference in all bases."

Most of the military information at the base is kept confidential and is difficult to find on a computer.

After hearing this, Yaxiao guessed that the two student representatives were probably preparing for the next vote.

"Good morning, Senior Yaxiao."

Zhao Qing and Erde noticed the noise and immediately shut up. Seeing Yaxiao standing at the door, they stood up and greeted him.

The butler group all comes from the Butler College.

Although 'Yaxiao' has graduated, it is not strange to call him senior in order to get closer.

It was the first time that Yaxiao was addressed as a senior, and he couldn't help but feel a little curious. He curled his eyes, sat in his seat, and greeted them.

"Good morning, are you checking the base's information?"


Zhao Qing and Erde nodded. This was their duty and not something difficult to talk about.

Yaxiao thought that he was also a butler representative. He looked at the computer thoughtfully, raised his hand to open it, found the group chat between himself and several butler friends, typed a line of words and sent it out.

The conference hall immediately fell into silence.

Zhao Qing and Erde didn't expect that Yaxiao would come early today, but considering the importance of today's meeting, they didn't find it strange.

Hearing that Senior Yaxiao, who represented the border base this time, was Marshal Qin's housekeeper, Zhao Qing looked at the information on his desk, then looked up at the black-haired, blue-eyed boy in front of him, and took the initiative to ask:

"Senior Yaxiao, are you currently serving Marshal Qin of the Sixth Base?"


It turned out that he was really Marshal Qin’s butler.

Zhao Qing and Erde looked at their senior with his eyes bent and a very easy-going look. They couldn't help but look at each other, feeling a little uneasy.

It turns out that Senior Yaxiao is really Marshal Qin’s butler.

Marshal Qin has a bad reputation among the housekeepers.

Rumor has it that the other party once killed three butlers when he lost control.

This might just be a rumor, but the three predecessors who served as Marshal Qin's stewards have indeed passed away, which is an indisputable fact.

This alone is enough for many housekeepers to reject the other party's invitation.

Senior Yaxiao knew all about this, but still chose to become Marshal Qin's steward. He is really brave.

"I'm not very courageous."

When Erde heard the clear voice, he was stunned for a moment, then he noticed that Zhao Qing next to him had a complicated expression, and then he realized that he had actually said what was in his heart!

It is impolite to talk about others behind their backs, let alone mention it in front of Yaxiao. He hurriedly wanted to make up a few words to explain that he had no ill intentions. Before he could say anything, he heard the black-haired butler opposite him explain again.

"I'm not very courageous, it's the Marshal who has a good temper."

When Yaxiao saw the two people opposite him with suspicious expressions, he asked in his heart in confusion:

[Fourth Uncle, didn't I make it clear? Why do the two of them have such expressions? ]

[…Perhaps they don’t have an intuitive feeling about the Marshal’s good temper.]

The system said this guiltily, and looked at Yaxiao who suddenly realized what was going on. The database was a little garbled for a moment.

The host actually believed it!

Putting aside the question of how the conclusion that the host is good-tempered towards villains came about, do we even need to think about whether Yaxiao is brave enough

If the host is not courageous, then the humans in this world will be courageous!

Yaxiao had no idea what the system was thinking. He felt that he had made his words very clear, so he did not dwell on it too much.

"Do you want to come play with us?"

Yaxiao warmly invited the two and said bluntly:

"The next motion will vote for the recruitment of housekeepers in the border, second-tier, and central cities. You can come to our temporary residence to play together, and you can also get to know the officers of our border base and enrich your own information."

The two were just considering collecting information about the base. In Yaxiao's opinion, they would not refuse.

Zhao Qing and Erde were stunned when they heard this. They didn't expect Yaxiao to suddenly invite them.

In fact, student representatives are just students. Although they can vote among the representatives attending the meeting, they do not have more say. Most of the time, they act as background boards and tools, making decisions according to the crowd.

At least in previous years' Butler Representative Conferences, those student representatives had never been invited.

"Can we?"

Zhao Qing and Erde were a little surprised. If they had contact with the officers of the border base, they would definitely be able to deepen their understanding of the border base's style.

This way they will be able to vote more fairly instead of just listening to one side of the story.

For example, just now, if they had really talked with Marshal Qin, they would be able to judge whether what Yaxiao said was correct, instead of being unable to judge due to the influence of rumors.

When the two outstanding student representatives thought of this, they looked at Yaxiao with burning eyes, feeling nervous and excited.

As inexperienced students, they are not taken seriously at the meeting, but they will never underestimate themselves. They should do their job well and maybe they can accomplish something!

At least when it comes to voting, they want to make the right choice on behalf of the graduates.

"Of course."

Yaxiao nodded obediently. He had already asked his housekeeper friends, and Burton and the others didn't mind him taking Zhao Qing and Erde out to play.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Qing and Erde acted decisively and said in unison.

They looked at each other, their hearts pounding.

The two were always clear that they were attending the conference as student representatives.

If they can deepen their understanding of the current situation of border bases in this way, they can also tell the graduates more things when they return to school and provide them with more choices and directions.

Upon hearing this, Yaxiao took out his computer and added the two students as friends. After a while, representatives attending the conference arrived one after another, and Ariel also walked in.

Seeing this, Zhao Qing and Erde said something to Yaxiao and sat back in their seats.

"Ariel, why are you late today?"

Yaxiao asked with concern: "What happened?"


Ariel tucked her hair behind her ears and forced a smile. After learning that Sheng Cheng was captured, she immediately wanted Sheldon to leave the organization as soon as possible, but was rejected. Anxiety and regret intertwined made her unable to sleep well all night, and even with makeup on, she looked a little haggard.

"Just overslept."

Ariel looked at Yashao's worried expression and opened her mouth to explain.

"That's good."

Ya Xiao observed for a moment, then nodded and handed her a candy, "Here's a mint candy to refresh you."

Although Ariel had the intention of taking advantage of Yaxiao, she was indeed nice to him on the surface, and Yaxiao remembered this.

Ariel took the candy and was stunned for a moment when she saw the ghostly blue candy that looked like a will-o'-the-wisp. Then she smiled gently and said, "Thank you."

Yaxiao shook his head and didn't say much. Instead, he lowered his head and opened the chat group on the computer.

It seems that the situation at the organization is still not good, Yaxiao thought, his eyes fell on the screen. At this time, the housekeeper friends of the other three border bases were constantly refreshing the screen.

[Yan Chi: @Bulton, you see, as soon as Yaxiao arrived, he knew to invite those two student representatives to the border base and take the opportunity to win votes. How come you didn't know?! ]

[Bulton: …]

Although the student representatives have votes, how can he, as a senior, save face if he condescends to build good relationships with them

[Yan Chi: Even if you don’t say it, I know that you feel that you have lost your noble face.]

[Yan Chi: The senior who directly became the Marshal's housekeeper after graduating from the elite class is really amazing! [Applause][Applause]]

Burton was extremely angry, but didn't know how to refute. He stood outside the conference room where the marshals were meeting, and kept shooting murderous looks at Yan Chi.

However, Yan Chi, who was standing not far away, didn't even raise his head, but his fingers were still tapping on the screen.

It was Gabe, the steward of the Marshal of the Eighth Base, who explained.

[Gabe: Burton didn't invite student representatives to a gathering before, but he did try to win them over. It's just that those student representatives still value the central city and the second-tier bases more. I don't know what the situation will be this time.]

Seeing this, Yaxiao agreed: [Yes, everything depends on their final decision. ]

[Yan Chi: The competition for the base steward position will take three days to vote. Have you and the two students agreed on when to come to the temporary residence? ]

[Yaxiao: Tomorrow.]

When Burton, Yan Chi and Gabe saw this time, they all had a general idea in their minds.

[Okay, you go to the meeting first, and leave these matters to us. ]

The three stewards took on the task, and Yaxiao naturally would not refuse. He turned off his computer, sat up straight, and planned to concentrate on listening to the speech of the Central City Steward.

Chen Chen, the butler representative of the central city, is a serious and elegant butler, and he is very decent when giving reports and speeches.

Of course, there are very few forbidden persons in the central city, and most of them are low-risk forbidden persons who do not need a butler. Even if there are many rich people in the central city, on the surface there cannot be a lot of butler vacancies.

The real threat to the border bases is the second-line bases.

Yaxiao turned his head slightly and looked at Ariel, the representative of the second-tier base housekeeper.

At this time, Ariel's expression was no longer as bad as before, and she was listening to Chen Chen's speech attentively.

Yaxiao withdrew his gaze, and he suddenly remembered that Ariel's employer seemed to be the adjutant of the First Base Marshal Delbo.

It's about Delbo again.

This is such a coincidence.

On the other side, Qin Qi, who had just performed a craniotomy on Sheng Cheng, walked into the council hall at the start time of the meeting.

Qin Qi's expression was calm, and there was no sign that he had worn gloves and opened the head of his former subordinate just a few minutes ago.

"Why did you get here today?"

While knitting a scarf, Westar asked casually, "Are there any new clues about Sheng Cheng?"

As soon as these words came out, several marshals present turned their eyes over.


Qin Qi said indifferently.

"That's enough!"

Wen Bol, who had his blond hair combed back, waited for Qin Qi to finish answering. He felt disappointed for a moment, a little regretful that he didn't find any clues. Finally, he slammed the table angrily and said, "I'm the one who makes the proposal today, okay?!"

"Don't you all care about your companions at the border base? What do you want to talk about in today's meeting?!"

"Just care about me, okay? What do you want to say?"

"Of course it is the proposal for the selection of military academy students that will be launched soon!" Wenbol looked proud.

His colleagues at the border base were arguing, but Qin Qi did not join in. Instead, he raised his eyelids and looked at Delbo opposite him.

Delbo was still teasing Cheng Di, who was muttering beside him, with great interest as usual, as if he was not paying attention to the movements at the border base. When he noticed Qin Qi's gaze, he looked over with affectionate eyes.

"Marshal Qin, is there any problem? Am I more handsome today?"

Qin Qi's eyes showed no emotion. He kneaded the simulated eyeball toy in his hand and replied, "No."

Delpo shrugged, seeming helpless to these colleagues who didn't speak directly. His eyes fell on the red eyeball in Qin Qi's hand. Delpo said with interest: "The thing in your hand is really interesting. Where did you buy it?"

“I don’t know.”

Qin Qi didn't want to talk more about this matter.

"How could you not know? This thing is in your hand!" Delpo kept talking and chattering, showing a stubbornness that would not give up until he achieved his goal.

Wista, who was standing next to him, noticed that Qin Qi was getting impatient. Thinking about the upcoming meeting, he took the initiative to explain, "This was bought by Qin Qi's housekeeper. It's really interesting that you said that. Do you know where all the things on you come from?"

"of course."

Delbo said as a matter of course: "I know where everything I have comes from!"

Qin Qi seldom reacted to Delbo's words, but when he heard this, he stopped pinching his eyeballs and glanced at Delbo calmly.

"You're arguing again. How can you quarrel over a simulated eyeball?" Marshal Cheng Di covered his face helplessly with his hands, looking pale. He nervously repeated, "That eyeball is too scary. Why would anyone be interested in something like this?"

"This kind of interest is too horrible. If you continue to develop in this way, sooner or later, Qin Qi, you will become a murderer and upgrade your hobby to skinning and opening the skull, right?!" Cheng Di spoke faster and faster, his face became paler and paler, and he almost screamed in the end.

"so annoying."

Wen Bol was tired of saying this to Cheng Di.

Delbo, who was beside Cheng Di, also chuckled and consoled him: "Cheng Di, baby, you are so cute. It's just a toy eyeball. Why would you think of opening its skull and skinning it?"

"I did take apart Sheng Cheng's skull this morning."

Delpo: …

Cheng Di: …

All the marshals present: …


"It is initially suspected that there is someone behind Sheng Chengshen, and there is a special communication method in his body."

"In his brain?"

Wista swallowed and asked tentatively.


Qin Qi's eyes passed over Delbo and Cheng Di, and he said calmly, "The brain has been ruled out for now."

The marshals present all had ugly expressions. Delbo's performance was normal, and Cheng Di was as weird as usual.

"Since there is no result, just skip this matter and continue the meeting." Marshal Gwen of the Third Base coughed. He was one of the more experienced ones.

Just as he finished speaking, he realized that Will, the oldest but least visible man, was sitting in the first seat, so he said politely, "Is that what you said? Marshal Will."

Will, the Marshal of Central City, was too old to speak. He nodded shakily and showed a toothless smile: "You can arrange it."

The marshals present naturally had no objection.

On the other side, after the meeting, Yaxiao made an appointment with the two student representatives to meet tomorrow afternoon, and then took Emily's hovercraft to the council hall where the marshals were.

Burton, Yan Chi, and Gab were waiting outside the door for the marshals to come out.

Seeing Yaxiao, three housekeeper friends from the border base came over and surrounded him, asking them about the two student representatives. Yaxiao communicated with them with a smile in his eyes.

After the specific arrangements for tomorrow were finalized, the door of the council hall opened, and several marshals in military uniforms, some calmly and some laughingly, walked out of the council hall. Without exception, they all had a sharp temperament, a strength that could only be cultivated through experience on the battlefield.

Yaxiao was standing with his companions. When he saw Qin Qi coming out, his eyes lit up and he walked to Qin Qi's side.

"Is this your butler?"

Yaxiao was about to talk to Qin Qi when a slightly frivolous male voice suddenly sounded beside him. He was about to turn his head to look over, but Qin Qi turned sideways to block his view.

Then Yaxiao heard Qin Qi say calmly: "Ignore him."

"Are you going too far?"

Delbo raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I didn't mean to do anything. I just wanted to ask where he bought his eyeballs. Is that not allowed?"


Upon hearing this, Yaxiao was immediately very proud. As expected, the things he liked were in great demand.

Because the other person took a step forward and revealed the left half of his face, Yaxiao quickly recognized that this person was the marshal named Delpo.

However, Yaxiao keenly noticed that the other party's eyes fell on Qin Qi, and the teasing look in his eyebrows did not look like love at all, but more like testing something.

I’m so angry that someone is deceiving the devil again!

Yaxiao instantly stood on the same front as the villain. He nodded in solidarity and said obediently, "Okay Marshal, I won't tell you."

Qin Qi hummed and glanced at Delbo. His eyes were slightly deep, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

When Delbo heard this, he still had a smile on his face, as if he was just joking from the beginning to the end.

Yaxiao stood behind Qin Qi, his eyes shifting. He always felt that there seemed to be something strange between Delbo and the Marshal, and there was an inexplicable sense of tit-for-tat.

This strange feeling only lasted for a moment. Soon, Delbo shrugged and said in giving up, "Well, if you don't want to talk about it, then don't talk about it. I'd better go and comfort my little Cheng Di. He was scared by your craniotomy this morning."


Yaxiao's blue eyes widened slightly. How come he didn't know about this incident when it happened

When several marshals of Westa, who were also not far away, heard that Delbo had so carelessly revealed this matter, their faces turned dark.

Qin Qi has a bad reputation, and a big part of the reason is that Delbo and Cheng Di are the ones who don't talk too much. Didn't you see that the faces of the ordinary housekeepers around him turned pale when they heard this

"Performed a craniotomy on the criminal."

Qin Qi gave a brief explanation to the puzzled butler.


Yaxiao nodded obediently and hinted tactfully: "I heard that craniotomy is very energy-consuming. Marshal should have a good rest. Next time, I can help you pass the knife and wipe your sweat."

Yaxiao was a little curious.

He had never seen a craniotomy, after all, demons usually just smashed the enemy's head.

Is it necessary to smash the brain before opening the craniotomy

Yaxiao was a little distracted.


Qin Qi knew that the housekeeper was very considerate.

Marshal Westar's expression twisted when he heard this. No, the employer who was supposed to come to the military meeting suddenly had a brain injury this morning. Why did you, the butler, react so calmly when you heard this

Do you still need to hand over the knife to wipe your sweat

Why didn't you say you would help open it? !

For a moment, Westard wondered if he had fallen behind the times. He glanced around while knitting his scarf, and only felt relieved when he saw that his colleagues had complicated expressions.

Well, it turns out that my problem isn't really mine.

Yaxiao, who was already sitting in the hovercraft, was thinking about the confrontation between Qin Qi and Delbo, and then regretted that he did not assist the marshal in opening the skull. His expression did not change.

His eyes noticed the eyeball in the marshal's hand.

Yaxiao thought for a moment and asked, "Does the Marshal need a new stress-relieving toy?"

Demons are very stingy.

But he is very generous towards the humans he likes. Unlike Delbo who just used the artificial eyeball to test something, Qin Qi really likes that eyeball.

Even a devil would be happy to see the gift he gave be cherished like this.

"No, this is enough."

Qin Qi's tone was flat, he was used to being pinched.

Although he was rejected, Yaxiao felt even happier when he heard this.

He doesn’t even want a new toy, the villain really likes that eyeball!

He made up his mind to continue choosing toys for Qin Qi!

[The villain is really good.]

Yaxiao said to his uncle in his heart with great joy:

[It turns out that giving gifts to others can make you so happy!]

The system looked at the host and the villain sitting in the back seat of the hovercraft and took a sip of data tea.

As long as the host is happy.

(End of this chapter)