The Demon Butler Is Still Motivated Today

Chapter 81


[Installation package decoding completed]

[We are working hard on repairs, please be patient, the repair progress is 3%, 2%, 4%, 2%... ]

The system stared at the message coming from the background and fell into silence.

After a while, it took a sip of tea, calmed down and comforted itself.

Don't be impatient. There is no way to rush it. The retirement system will need some time to adapt before it can be put back into service. Sooner or later, it will be able to repair the data and return to its peak!

Yaxiao didn't notice anything wrong from beginning to end. He sat cross-legged on the bed, wagging his tail left and right, poking the screen happily, and said to the system: "Fourth Uncle, the demon value is rising so fast today."


The system instantly forgot its own ambitions and was quite emotional. At this rate, the host would be able to replenish his magic power in a month or two.

Yaxiao curled his eyes. The faster the magic power was replenished, the stronger Qin Qi's strength was. In the original book, this time point was when the protagonists began to suspect Qin Qi of destroying the building, but now everything was accelerated.

No one knows what will happen next.

As it stands, no one in Central City can harm the villain except the villain himself.

Thinking of Qin Qi, who might have caused a more serious injury to his arm in order to deal with the insect queen, Yaxiao's tail drooped down, looking a little unhappy.

But he stopped thinking about it immediately. This was the villain's choice, and Yaxiao could only respect it and could not change it.

But Yaxiao still secretly hoped that he could have a fight with the Insect Queen before the villain took action. After all, even powerful villains were wary of its existence, and it would be a loss if he didn't fight it.

Based on the current rate at which the demon value is growing.

Yaxiao felt that he had a great chance of winning.

Of course, Yaxiao didn't even tell his fourth uncle about this. Soon, the demon closed his eyes and lay on the bed and fell asleep. Before falling asleep, he was still eagerly hoping that Qin Qi would finish his trip to the central city as soon as possible and return to the base so that he could see the insect mother earlier.

The next day, Yaxiao continued his life as a housekeeper.

At this point, nearly two weeks had passed since Marshal Delbo stepped down due to illness.

There is also a new candidate for the marshal of the First Base.

When Yaxiao followed Qin Qi to the conference hall, he happened to see an unfamiliar woman. She looked young, but had gray hair on her temples. When she looked at people, her eyes were always sharp, as if she was judging something, and it was difficult for her to approach her.

"Marshal Qin, thank you for recommending me."

Bolan expressed her gratitude but her attitude was distant, as if it was just a polite remark. However, people who knew her well knew that this was a sign of her being relaxed enough.

"No need." Qin Qi didn't care about her attitude. He nodded slightly, then turned to Yaxiao and said, "I'm going to the meeting. You can move freely."

Yaxiao nodded and watched Qin Qi and the woman enter the conference room one after another. Then he heard the housekeeper in a tuxedo who had been following the woman say, "You are Yaxiao, right? I have heard of your name for a long time and have always wanted to visit you. Now I finally have the chance."

Yaxiao lowered his head slightly.

The female housekeeper who was speaking was much shorter than him, not very old, with a round face and almond-shaped eyes. She was smiling while talking and looked lively and enthusiastic. In just a few words, she revealed all the information about herself and her employer.

Her name is Yala, and like her employer, she is from the First Base. Just two days ago, Yala's employer, Bo Lan, was nominated from the rank of admiral as the candidate for the new marshal.

"It's such a pity that Marshal Delbo retired due to injury. People in our base were in a panic at the time. Fortunately, Marshal Delbo sent a video to the people in the base to inform them of the reason, and they were relieved."

When Yaxiao heard this, he knew that the so-called video must have been deliberately arranged by Qin Qi, and he didn't know what method he used to make Delbo compromise.

"Did you come here overnight?"

Yaxiao asked with his eyes curved.


After Bolan was elected as the next marshal, Yala rushed to Central City with her employer overnight.

Time waits for no one. The employers must remember and put forward their own opinions on the policy plans discussed by the marshals in the spring meeting in a short period of time, and the military camp must also take over immediately, otherwise the opportunity to fight will be delayed.

She thankfully said, "Fortunately, the First Base is not far from the central city, otherwise, we might not be able to get here so quickly."

Yaxiao was not surprised that his guess came true.

After all, generally speaking, those who could come to the Central City to attend the meeting were the confidants of the base marshal, and the new marshal of the First Base naturally could not be one of the confidants.

After about a few minutes, other marshals also arrived one after another. Yan Chi and several housekeepers walked up to Yaxiao and started chatting with him.

Different from the harmonious atmosphere among the butlers outside, the atmosphere in the conference hall seemed a bit solemn and heavy.

Although Bolan was only a candidate for marshal, after investigation and certification by the marshals, she was already a foregone conclusion as the new marshal. When the results of the bone test came out, Bolan was told the truth about Marshal Delbo's retirement.

Therefore, the marshals did not shy away from discussing important matters.

"The cold storage where Delpo and Erdi are frozen and sleeping has been set up. It will be opened in one year. It can only be opened after we verify it together."

Qin Qi paused for a moment, then said, "If the war is still not over when we meet next year, the start time will be further delayed."

Smythe's identity has not yet been determined.

Directly killing Delbo and Erdi will most likely not kill them, and may even cause unknown impacts on the Zerg. From this perspective, letting them sleep is most beneficial to the current situation.

None of the marshals objected.

Their expressions were serious, even the playful Westa had no smile on his face. No one could laugh about such a serious matter.

"What is the current situation of the demon insects?"

Marshal Gervin has deep nasolabial folds. Ever since Delbo was arrested, he has been busy dealing with the negative impact of Delbo's retirement, and his hair has turned a lot whiter.

"The breeding season of the black bone worms has ended and there is nothing unusual." Lu Chuanxi had been looking through the materials and comparing them with the data of the magic worms. Hearing this, he looked up and answered.

Then he frowned a little more, "It's just that the new insects that have been bred seem to have some changes, and the various values have shown a subtle upward trend."

“What impact will it have?”

Wen Bol, who was closest to Lu Chuanxi, asked casually.

“I can’t tell for now.”

Lu Chuanxi shook his head, "But it's obviously not a good thing."

Cheng Di, who was sitting opposite, had a pale face. He shrank in his chair, covering his head for a while, and said that the magic insect must have made some unusual movements and might have become even stronger. Then he muttered and prayed that his bad words would not come true, and he was immersed in his own world and couldn't extricate himself.

The faces of several marshals present all looked unhappy.

"There are less than two weeks left."

Qin Qi said calmly, "In two weeks we will take the new recruits to our respective bases and be ready to go to the front line at any time."


"no problem."

Neither the marshals from the second-line base nor the border base expressed any objection.

"As for the problems left over by the various bases in the central city during this period, we must hurry up and deal with them properly. We must not allow any unrest to happen in our rear."

The marshals at the second-line base all understood that this was a reminder to themselves.

"We understand." Gwen nodded to Qin Qi and rubbed his aching temple. His eyes fell on the new marshal candidate, Bo Lan.

As marshals of the second-line base, the marshals of the three bases should help each other, but although he and Cheng Di wanted to have a good relationship with her, they were very busy every day because of the problems left by Delbo.

And Cheng Di... Gervin looked at Cheng Di, who was curled up in a chair and muttering to himself, and sighed inwardly. This guy is only reliable on the battlefield, so don't count on him at other times.

"Bolan, if you have any questions, you can ask Marshal Westa first."

Gwen pointed at Westa and indicated that if Bolan had any questions, he should go find him after the meeting.

Gwen knew that, except for the object of his secret love, Westa would ignore all women and would not do anything inappropriate. Gwen felt relieved to leave it to Westa.

Bolan looked at Wista who was stringing beads.

Now that the main topic of conversation was over, Westar was busy stringing bracelet beads for the person he had a crush on. When he noticed Bolan's gaze, he just nodded casually.

After the meeting, he followed Qin Qi out of the office.

Yaxiao was chatting with a few housekeepers. When he saw Qin Qi coming out, he walked straight to Qin Qi's side.


Qin Qi looked down at Yaxiao and asked.

Yaxiao knew that Qin Qi was asking him about his chat with his friends, so he squinted his eyes and said, "Well, it's all right now."

The two looked at each other, Qin Qi turned around and left first, and Ya Xiao followed behind Qin Qi.

Westa, who was standing at the door, was carefully handing the beads he had strung to Yan Chi. He caught a glimpse of Qin Qi and Yaxiao's backs, and in an instant he thought of something and suddenly realized something.

"Marshal, are you stupid?"

Yan Chi put the beads into the box, and seeing the marshal who seemed absent-minded, he poked him with his elbow.

Wista ignored what Yan Chi was saying. He stared at the two men's backs with burning eyes. After they sat on the hovercraft, he said faintly, "It turns out I found the wrong person."

Yan Chi slowly asked a question: What the hell

Westard had no intention of explaining to Yan Chi. He felt a sense of clarity in his heart, and clenched his fists excitedly.

I shouldn't have asked Qin Qi in the first place.

What kind of love tips can Qin Qi, who is so taciturn, have? Just like what Qin Qi said, if Ya Xiao hadn't liked him from the beginning, how could Qin Qi have been able to pursue Ya Xiao

So, the real master of love should be Yaxiao!

One can imagine how high Yaxiao's level is, as he can make that unromantic iron tree bloom!

"Do you know Yaxiao's optical computer?"

Yan Chi: …

What is this guy trying to do now

On the other side, after receiving the friend request from Vista, Yaxiao handed the laptop to Qin Qi in confusion.

"Marshal, do you know why Marshal Wista wants to add me as his friend?"

Qin Qi thought about what happened to Westa yesterday. He was silent for a moment and said calmly, "Don't pay attention to it. You don't have to care about anything Westa said."

Yaxiao looked at the seriousness in Qin Qi's dark eyes. He thought about it and nodded, "Okay."

Wista and Qin Qi are good friends. Since Qin Qi said so, he certainly wouldn't refuse.

In the next few days, Yaxiao didn't see Westa, Yan Chi and others again. Since the meeting, the training of the new recruits has become more rigorous.

Qin Qi stayed in the training ground for longer and longer periods of time.

As Yaxiao had to coordinate with Qin Qi's schedule, he rarely went to the butler's lounge and mostly stayed by Qin Qi's side to serve him.

The training of the recruits is gradually coming to an end.

If nothing goes wrong, I can officially leave Central City the day after tomorrow.

Yaxiao was very happy every time he thought of this. At night, he was sitting cross-legged on the bed, chatting with his fourth uncle while swiping the computer screen.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Yaxiao blinked, retracted his tail, put on his tuxedo again, stood up and went to open the door.

Outside the door was Yan Chi, who had not been seen for a long time, and his employer, Marshal Westa.

"Marshal Westa, are you here to see Marshal Qin?" Yaxiao was a little confused.

The next second, he heard Wista say in a heavy tone: "No, I came to you to consult how to fall in love with the person I like. Master, please teach me!"

At this moment, Westa did not have the demeanor of a marshal at all. When he looked at Yaxiao, it was as if he was staring at his life-saving straw, and he wished he could worship Yaxiao.

Yaxiao: …

What does it mean to be in love

Yes, what’s the point of asking the host questions about love

The system was puzzled when it heard this sentence in its sea of consciousness. Suddenly, an idea flashed through its mind. At the same time, the progress bar of the maintenance patch that had not been downloaded for a long time finally reached 100%.

When a ding sound was heard, the teacup in the system's hand almost broke into pieces.

Qin Qi's unusual tenderness towards the host, the host's unusual attitude towards Qin Qi, the adjutant Mist's meaningful gaze, and Wista's sudden visit to the host to consult about love issues...

In an instant, everything had an answer.

—Yaxiao and Qin Qi like each other.

No way, the system thought in a daze, when did this happen? How come I don’t know about it

(End of this chapter)