The Demon Butler Is Still Motivated Today

Chapter 84


Two months ago, Yaxiao planted black flowers.

It was worth it that he specially set up a program to let the nanny robot take care of the things before leaving. Now the bone-eating flowers from the demon world have finally sprouted and bloomed in the human world.

Yaxiao followed Qin Qi briskly, his eyes constantly glancing at the sea of bone-eating flowers. The black branches swayed slightly as if responding to his gaze. Seeing this, Yaxiao's steps became even lighter, his blue eyes revealing satisfaction and joy, and it seemed as if many pink flowers bloomed around his body. He was very happy.

The boy is too naive.

Qin Qi looked at Yaxiao. Just the flowers he raised bloomed, but it made the young man so happy. His eyes swept across the black sea of flowers.

He remembered that Yaxiao didn't have many varieties of flowers, and he really didn't expect them to bloom so densely.

Qin Qi did not deny that the black flower in front of him met his aesthetic standards, but it was impossible to say how much he liked it.

He was indifferent to these.

Just looking at Yaxiao's eyes full of joy, Qin Qi felt that it would be nice to plant these things in the courtyard. The air seemed to be much fresher.

Noticing the eager look on the boy's face when he looked at the flowers, obviously wanting to get close to them as soon as possible, Qin Qi's eyes showed a hint of smile, and his voice was as steady and calm as usual, "If you want to go and see, go ahead."

Hearing this, Yaxiao withdrew his reluctant gaze. He still knew what was important and what was not. He quickly dealt with his luggage and other matters so that he could take care of the bone-eating flower. After all, the bone-eating flower was very delicate after it bloomed and had to be well taken care of. It would be a pity if it withered.

Just as he was thinking about it, he walked beside Qin Qi as usual, and saw the other party pause.

Yaxiao was a little confused. He followed Qin Qi's barely perceptible line of sight and found Witdin standing there in a daze.

Well, he had forgotten that Viterdin was still there.

Yaxiao reflected on himself and decided that as a demon, he must not lose his keen insight.

"Vitedin, everything is fine here, you can go back first."

Qin Qi doesn't like having strangers in his area, and Yaxiao doesn't like it either.

Witdin was stunned by the sea of flowers in front of him and was in a daze. It was becoming increasingly difficult to climb up now. He simply couldn't understand what his boss's aesthetic taste was.

"Goodbye Marshal, goodbye Yaxiao."

Witdin ignored his ambition to get promoted, nodded in a daze and left, planning to think carefully about his future path.

Yaxiao and Qin Qi, who had no idea what kind of shadow they had left on this highly motivated subordinate, walked straight into the villa.

The nanny robot cleans the villa every day. The villa is very clean. The black carpet, strange-shaped ornaments, and murals on the wall are almost the same as before leaving.

The nanny robot has taken the luggage upstairs.

Yaxiao turned around and went to the kitchen to make tea. After it was ready, he went to the study and naturally poured a cup of tea for Qin Qi who was sitting at the desk.

"Marshal, Adjutant Mist said that he will come to pick you up to the military headquarters in the afternoon."

When Qin Qi took a short break, Yaxiao told him about the afternoon schedule.


Qin Qi said indifferently.

After returning to the Sixth Base, time seemed to slow down suddenly. The sunlight leaked in from the slightly opened window and fell on the two people in the room, and the atmosphere in the room became much warmer.

But such a warm time will not last long. Thinking of the situation on the front line, Qin Qi's face became more serious. "You go and rest. I'll be alone in the study."

Yaxiao looked at Qin Qi's expression, nodded, and considerately closed the door for Qin Qi when leaving.

I am just an ordinary person.

Yaxiao knew that even if Qin Qi had many things hidden in his heart, he would not tell him those things and involve an ordinary citizen.

Thinking of this, Yaxiao wanted to take out Crowstep's light brain and talk to the villain about the Insect Mother, but then he temporarily suppressed this idea.

Qin Qi just said that he wanted to be alone for a while. It seemed a bit inappropriate for Yabu to chat with Qin Qi now. It would not be too late to talk about it another day.

[Host, what are you going to do now? ]

The system saw Yaxiao standing outside the door for a few seconds, then he walked down the stairs and opened the door of the storage room.

"Get the scissors and the kettle spade."

As Yaxiao spoke, he took these things and walked out of the courtyard: "I have to loosen the soil and prune the branches of the bone-eating flower."

The system looked at the host's excited expression and fell silent for a moment. The Bone-Eating Flower is a powerful creature that can bloom in the Purgatory Pool in the Demon Realm. Even if the seeds purchased in the mall will reduce their aggressiveness, it will not affect their vitality at all.

So what kind of delicate existence is the Bone-Eating Flower in the eyes of its host? It is obviously not necessary to take care of it, right

However, it had long been accustomed to the host's inexplicable insistence on certain things, so it just said: [Host, do you need a flower cutting tutorial? ]

"Need not."

Yaxiao is a demon with full housekeeping skills, and of course he knows how to deal with the bone-eating flowers outside.

—In the study

Qin Qi sat alone in a chair, flipping through a thick diary. The handwriting on the slightly worn yellow pages was sharp and decisive.

If there were any older veterans in the base, they would probably be able to recognize at a glance that this familiar font was the handwriting of their former marshal, Qin Qi’s grandfather, Qin Zhiming.

Many things are recorded in the diary.

Research on the base barrier, detailed information on several types of magic insects, and what Qin Qi is reading now.

—Research records of the Worm Queen.

The Worm Queen is difficult to deal with.

Since its establishment, the human base has been constantly recruiting people to deal with the insect queen, but has never succeeded, and related information is extremely scarce.

Qin Qi's grandfather had seen the insect mother with his own eyes, but he only left a few simple sentences in his diary, and he knew nothing about the rest.

It is a beautiful insect with intelligence and unfathomable strength. It is very good at hiding and can command all magic insects and breed new magic insect races. Its strength will increase with the number of magic insect races.

Qin Qi stared at the words on the yellow paper with a gloomy look in his eyes. It was difficult to kill the Insect Mother, not only because of her own strength, but also because it was difficult to find the trace of the Insect Mother when she was surrounded by the magic insects.

The insect queen must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Qin Qi closed the diary, his heart sinking slightly. If he delayed any further, the situation would only get worse. After everything was ready, he had to rush to the front line as soon as possible.

The turbulent surging insect tide, the elusive insect queen, the only remaining human base, everything from the past kept flashing in his mind, as if it was a heavy burden pressing on Qin Qi.

At this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door.

"What's up?"

Qin Qi collected his surging thoughts and spoke in a low and hoarse voice.

"It's mealtime, Marshal."

The young man's voice coming from outside the door is clear and cheerful, with a hint of smile, which makes people relax easily.

Qin Qi nodded, put the diary into the drawer and locked it, then stood up and opened the door of the study.

Yaxiao, who was standing outside the door, was still smiling, as if he had no worries at all. In his arms was a bunch of freshly picked black flowers. Crystal clear water droplets lingered on the black petals, adding a touch of surprise.

"Marshal, I'll put the flowers I picked into the vase first." Yaxiao gestured as he lifted up the flowers he had just picked. He had carefully selected them in the courtyard. Since Qin Qi thought the bone-eating flowers were beautiful, if he looked at them for a while longer, it should be able to ease his tense mood, right

Yaxiao, who was concerned about the villain, didn't think about it at all at this time. Although Qin Qi's emotions fluctuated, his TH value did not change, and it did not affect his absorption of demon value at all.

Qin Qi turned slightly and noticed something from Yaxiao's probing and concerned gaze. He raised his eyelids and looked at Yaxiao who walked to the windowsill.

The young man patiently put the flowers into the vase one by one. The black and white contrast made his fingers look as white as jade. The sunlight came through the window and fell on the young man, leaving an elegant and warm silhouette. Looking at the scene in front of him, Qin Qi's throat tightened a little.

Yaxiao always has a bright smile and looks a bit careless, but he is actually very thoughtful and can always detect his own negative emotions.

Qin Qi looked away and didn't look any further.

After perfectly inserting the bone-eating flower into the vase, Yaxiao walked briskly to Qin Qi's side, but saw that the other party was a little absent-minded, with his eyes fixed on nowhere.

Ya Xiao looked at him with slight doubt, "Marshal?"

"Well, let's go."

Qin Qi concealed the complexity in his eyes, his attitude remained the same as usual, and he turned around and went downstairs.

Yaxiao didn't think much about it. He took a last glance at the beautiful bone-eating flowers in the vase, feeling very satisfied, and closed the door of the study.

After Yaxiao and Qin Qi had finished lunch and rested for about half an hour, Mist came to pick up Qin Qi and take him to the military building.

As a housekeeper, Yaxiao naturally had to stay by Qin Qi's side, but his job was very leisurely. After Qin Qi went to work, Yaxiao had nothing to do.

Normally, he would have been bored.

However, ever since Westa inexplicably regarded him as a love guru last time, in addition to chatting with his several housekeeper friends, Yaxiao also had Westa.

It's so easy to kill time these days.

The system looked at Yaxiao as he typed on the keyboard with his blue eyes slightly curved. It was obvious that the host was in high spirits.

It did not disturb its host, and after taking a sip of data tea, it dozed off and fell into sleep.

Different from the leisurely atmosphere on Yaxiao's side, the atmosphere on Qin Qi and Mist's side was more serious.

"Ariel and Sheldon took the lead and the people from the organization were temporarily placed in the power plant of our base for labor reform. Now all the people have been handed over."


Qin Qi raised his eyelids and looked at Mist, "What is the situation on the front line today?"

Mister immediately agreed. He adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and said calmly, "The news from over there is that the battle situation on the front line is stable. After the black bone worms' breeding period ended, the offensive of other demon worms has weakened and they have become much more peaceful."

Hearing this, Qin Qi kneaded the simulated eyeball in his hand, his expression calm, but he did not relax because of Mist's words. Instead, he mentioned another thing, "When will the weapons of the Eighth Base arrive?"

"I'll be notified within a week."

Mist's expression became much more serious.

"Well, the new recruits at the base have little experience. Let major generals and officers above do their best to train them within this week."

"Yes, I will inform Soran to convey the matter." Mist could vaguely feel that the marshal wanted to take the new recruits to the battlefield immediately after the weapons support arrived.

He paused and asked tentatively: "Marshal, do we need to inform the marshals of other border bases?"

Mist was referring to going to the battlefield.

The office fell silent.

"they know."

Qin Qi's tone was indifferent.

If they want to get rid of the insect queen as soon as possible, they must rely on the strength of the border base. Although the magic insects have been stable recently, the previous abnormal movements of the black bone insects are enough to make humans uneasy. The marshals have already made plans.

Their plan from the beginning was to take action after obtaining the weapons.

Mist's heart sank when he heard this.

He asked no more questions, bowed, and left.

At the same time, Yaxiao, who was chatting with Westa, also learned from the other party that the marshals of several of their bases would soon go to the battlefield.

This is not an important secret.

After all, the marshals have to personally lead their troops to fight the demon bugs every few months. Of course, the most important thing is that Westa himself trusts Qin Qi’s lover very much, so he naturally won’t be too cautious when speaking.

[Master, what do you think of me confessing my feelings now? I think the time is right, otherwise I won't have time when I go to the battlefield! ]

Yaxiao glanced at the message from Westa and casually sent a message: [Sure, I wish you success.]

Then he turned off his computer, looking thoughtful. All the marshals were going to the battlefield one after another, and Qin Qi would obviously not be an exception.

Thinking of this, Yaxiao was very excited.

Great! Will he be able to go to the battlefield and meet the worm queen soon

(End of this chapter)