The Demon in the Mirror

Chapter 15: Scarecrow (6)


The black demon who was about to fight back also recognized Xifeng, and immediately snorted: "It's you again, a lame mortal monster hunter."

Xifeng raised his eyebrows, stepped on it with one foot, and stepped on the black one.

The black demon was furious: "I'm going to kill you!"

Xifeng turned his head, the corner of his mouth bent down, and said aggrieved: "Brother Qinglong, someone said that he was going to kill me."

The black demon took a look and saw the man in blue clothes, and was so frightened: "Dragon, dragon demon?"

Xifeng slapped it on the head: "Dragon God!"

"The sealed place is obviously full of demonic energy! The monster that came out of the mirror!" After the black demon finished speaking, he hurriedly shook his head, "No, don't get me wrong, I'm not swearing."

Qingyuan, who doesn't care about his identity, is still looking at the cornfield, which is a rare thing in the world.

The world is so good.

Xifeng squatted and looked at the dwarf, poked at its dark face with only a pair of bright eyes, its soft, fingertips seemed to be stuck on a mass of black cotton, sinking in: "Little dwarf, I Ask you, what are you doing here?"

The black demon frowned and said, "I won't tell you."

"Hmph, I know if you don't tell me, and it's to explore the so-called mysterious unknown power, you haven't suffered enough from Qinglong?"

The black monster said loudly, "I have already unsealed the seals of eighteen big monsters! Don't be afraid!"

Xiaohuo was astonished: "That is to say... You worked so hard to unseal the seals of eighteen monsters, but one... didn't surrender?"


Xifeng was surprised, and Qing Yuan also squatted down to look at it, boasting: "Very hard, very powerful."

Xifeng also nodded again and again: "It's amazing."

Even if he encounters setbacks, he will not give up. He must find a monster who will listen to his own words. Xifeng is simply in awe of it.

After being praised one after another, the black demon's face turned red - of course, it was so dark that you couldn't see it at all. It coughed lightly: "Thank you."

"So you're here because there's a mysterious power in it?"

The black monster hesitated for a moment, then said mysteriously: "You better not go in, I heard that there are super monsters inside." After speaking, it seemed to think of something, glanced at Qinglong, and said discouraged, "Forget it, when I am didn't say."

It's good that the monsters don't get eaten by Qinglong, don't worry about it.

Some scared little fires have already climbed from Xifeng's shoulders to Qingyuan's shoulders, so it's better to be safe here. Xifeng glanced at it contemptuously, and continued to ask, "What the hell is this place?"

The black demon said: "In the past, there was a big village here, and the whole village made a living by growing corn. I don't know why, but the corn here is so big and sweet, people don't need to take it to the market and people come here because of it. It can be sold at a very good price, so the villagers have a good life, and it is a famous local corn village. However, the good times did not last long. Just fifty years ago, the rainstorm broke the upper reaches of the river, and the villagers moved out. Soon after, it was flooded by the river."

West Wind glanced at the cornfields that stretched into the distance, and could vaguely see some thatched cottages. She suddenly felt that something was wrong: "You said that this place was flooded fifty years ago, but it's not at all different now."

Especially the thatched huts, let alone 50 years of flooding, they will collapse after 5 days of flooding.

"Hmph." The black demon chuckled and said cross-legged, "So this is the weirdness of Corn Village."

Xifeng said with great interest: "You say it."

"Fifty years later, that is, in the early spring of this year, the newly arrived magistrate coordinated the whole county and diverted the river, so the water from the upper reaches no longer flowed here, and the water that flooded the corn village also receded. But who would have thought..."

The black demon's gleaming eyes were made even brighter by its dark face, and it said in a low voice, "Some people pass by here, but they find that corn seedlings have burst out of the ground and spread over hundreds of acres. People go inside. When I walked, I found a village, and when an old man came to see it, he recognized that it was the Corn Village of the past.”

Things were really weird, and even Xifeng was fascinated by it.

"In the village, not only are the houses intact, but even the stone-grinding farm tools in front of the door have no signs of being eroded by water. In some farmyards, there are even unfinished chessboards, unfinished meals, and unfinished fruits, but Ah... there is no one in the village!"

Xiaohuo gasped when he heard it, and Xifeng also felt chills. He hugged Qingyuan's arm and said, "Is there no living person in the village, or is there no one?"

"No one." Hei Yao said in a serious tone, "There are no chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, dogs or cats. Anyway, there are no living creatures. The whole village looks like the mess left when the county magistrate led the villagers away in a hurry. Fifty years have passed and nothing has changed."

"It's terrifying." Xifeng felt that this was beyond the scope of a monster, "It's weird."

"That's not it." The black demon said again, "I was busy looking for and unlocking the dragon demon... Lord Dragon God's seal in the spring of this year. I was busy for two months. I came to this town a while ago and wanted to enter the corn village, but... "

As a result, it happened to sense the 'key' of Miss Yinzi, so she grabbed the key to unlock the seal of the Dragon God, delaying the matter of the Corn Village. I just mustered up the courage to go out today, and here, who would have thought to meet Qinglong again.

It sucks...

But it won't give up!

"We agreed, if there is a big monster, I will take it as a younger brother, you are not allowed to take it away." The black monster stretched out a coal-like pinky finger, "Pull the hook."

Xifeng only felt that this black monster was also a simple monster, and she only needed to subdue that water monster. As for what big monster was hidden in this village, it had nothing to do with her. She stretched out her fingers and hooked it and said, "Pull the hook."

When Qing Yuan saw it, he wanted to reach out, but the two of them didn't find it. He retracted his hand lonely, and suddenly a small paw stretched out. He tilted his head and saw that Xiaohuo nodded firmly to him, pulling the hook with one finger and one claw.

It was certain that their group would not snatch monsters from themselves, and the black monster was satisfied. It said mysteriously again: "For the sake of you pulling the hook, I will tell you one more thing."

"What's up?"

"In early spring, the cornfield hadn't grown tall yet. A group of people who came here to check saw someone jumping up and down in the field."

Xifeng almost beat it: "Didn't you say that there is no one in this village?"

"Yeah, but it's not a man, it's a scarecrow! Still a scarecrow with white hair!"

Xifeng, who had seen many monsters, said: "It seems that there are only two situations. One is that someone is controlling the scarecrow, and the other is that the scarecrow itself is evil."

"Hey, crappy monster hunter, if someone controls it, is it a god, a demon, or a demon?"

Xifeng punched it on the head: "My name is Xifeng, not a crappy monster hunter."

The black monster snorted, it was a mortal monster hunter, and the fighting power of mortals was scum.

Xifeng analyzed and said: "The demon is so powerful here that neither gods nor demons are possible. But what I want to know is whether someone is controlling it, or the scarecrow itself is the demon."

Xiaohuo waved his hand and said: "The white-haired scarecrow can't be a big monster, to become a big monster that can shelter the entire village for fifty years, and everything in the village must remain motionless, at least three thousand years of cultivation. Scarecrows are from mortals. Hand, this corn village hasn't even existed for three hundred years, so someone must be manipulating it. Do you think so, Master Qinglong?"

Qing Yuan shook his head, Xiao Huo Pa Pa was beaten in the face, and he said unwillingly, "Am I wrong?"

"Magic tools and sacred objects can help demons improve their cultivation, and they can soar for three thousand years in one night."

It was only then that Xifeng felt that Qing Yuan still had something he understood, that is, he understood... It was too ancient, it was all about 100,000 years ago, and since he sealed it, he didn't know anything about it.

Therefore, he is full of curiosity about mortal things, and it is difficult to adapt to the physique of mortals.

Otherwise... how could he slap the drowning girl's chest...

Thinking of this, Xifeng's chest hurts again.

After listening to this useful information, Xifeng stood up and looked towards the Corn Village again.

The corn seedlings are still green in spring, and in June, the leaves turn into rich dark green, and they bear sweet corn...

The west wind is hungry.

Then she thought that she was broke.

You can't even buy corn silk.

Originally, I was going to go out after lunch, but when I ordered food, I touched my pocket—empty.

She raised her head and sighed, and walked towards the cornfield.

Catching monsters, earning a small amount of money, and then sending Qinglong back to Jiuxiao, never seen again, is probably her lifelong wish.

Seeing her walking inside, Qing Yuan followed. Seeing that they were all gone, the black demon hurriedly followed, and with a leap, turned into a small black group about the size of Xiaohuo, and crouched on top of Xifeng's head.

The corner of Xifeng's mouth twitched, he raised his hand to grab it, and threw it behind him: "Xiao Huo, I'll give you a snack."

Xiaohuo opened his mouth to eat, and the black demon glared at it, and quickly squatted on Qinglong's other shoulder—a place where even a mouse can squat, it is a dignified black mountain monster, of course.


Suddenly someone called her from behind, Xifeng took a step, looked back, and was slightly surprised: "Senior brother?" When she saw the person next to him, she was amazed by her beauty again.

Jealousy like oil, gushing endlessly.

Beauty, beauty, Xifeng hates her heart, but not her face. Give her your face, and she will gladly accept it.

Although she is also a beauty, she still feels that Puyu's beauty is comparable to that of a banshee.

Seeing her looking at herself, Puyu didn't want to talk to her when she got close, and glared at her fiercely.

Seeing this, Xifeng raised his eyebrows and greeted Wuying with great enthusiasm: "Senior brother! Dear brother! My most handsome brother!"

Xiaohuo: "..." Isn't the owner's IQ influenced by Qinglong

Wuying coughed in embarrassment: "You want to enter this corn village?"

Xifeng rolled his eyes: "Senior brother, do you know about Corn Village? It seems that you have inquired about it in advance... but why did you inquire in advance?"

"Master doesn't always teach us. Whenever we want to go to a place, we must understand everything about that place, no matter how big or small."

When he mentioned Master, Xifeng's face darkened: "Oh." He didn't even ask much, "I'm in, don't snatch that lotus demon from me, it's a puppy, pull the hook."

Wuying was helpless and was about to stretch out his hand, but suddenly a white hand next to him reached out and grabbed the hook.

Xifeng blinked, tilted his head and looked at Qingyuan: "What are you doing?"

"Pull your hand."

"..." Xifeng slapped her forehead with a palm, causing her dizziness and chest pain.

Her bad temper was cured by Qing Yuan.

Mother will smile when she sees it.

I just don't know if my mother has reincarnated.

Otherwise, you will definitely be smiling.

Xifeng laughed at himself, turned around and walked into the cornfield, to see the white-haired scarecrow.