The Demon in the Mirror

Chapter 43: The Demon in the Mirror (2)


The breath of Xiaohuo obviously disappeared at the entrance of the demon world.

Xifeng, who was lying on the bed, carefully weighed her weight. The other party could even kidnap a small fire. If she went to find someone, it would be difficult.

It's hard work, but with luck, the small fire can still be rescued.

When it was almost dawn, she finally heard Qing Yuan's breathing as if she was asleep, and then she slowly descended to the ground, took the flute and walked outside. Before stepping over his body, he suddenly heard him ask, "Where are you going?"

Xifeng was slightly startled and said, "The latrine."

"Oh." Qing Yuan said, "I thought you were going to leave me and go to the demon world by yourself."

Xifeng laughed dryly: "Am I the kind of person who is not afraid of death? Sleep well and I will be back in a while."

"Well." Qing Yuan closed his eyes again, but the footsteps jumped directly from the upstairs, not the corridor. He immediately sat up and followed.

He didn't want to see his brother again, but he didn't want Xifeng to be made into a bun more than he didn't want to see his brother.

He was only half a step away, and the breath of the west wind disappeared, presumably he had entered the demon world. He has not opened the entrance to the demon world by himself, and he will find that he can't find the way to the demon world.

After sleeping for 100,000 years, there are still some things he can't.

However, it doesn't matter.

Qing Yuan squatted down, supported the ground with his hands, gathered strength in his palms, and shook violently, an abyss crack split open in the ground in an instant, and countless earth spirits jumped out from the shock, falling on the ground like raindrops, and they fell full. With a stunned face, they all looked at the attacker with vigilance.

"Please, tell me how to get to the demon world." Qing Yuan thought for a while and said, "Thank you."

All the people who thought they were going to fight were dumbfounded, there was absolutely no way to refuse with such politeness, but! Can you not be so violent! Noisy them to sleep, they will not lead the way! They are stubborn earth spirits.

Qing Yuan glanced at him: "You guys, don't know the way?"

"… We'll take you there!"

At this time, Xifeng has entered the demon world, walking in the demon market, chasing the trace of Xiaohuo.

Xiaohuo is indeed in the demon world. After entering here, he can already sense where it is. It's just that the demonic energy is mixed here, and the tracking line is sometimes broken, making it extremely difficult for Xifeng to chase.

The demonic aura was so gloomy that the west wind made it uncomfortable. No wonder Qing Yuan didn't like it here. She thought of that little fat little brother again. She didn't know why he was willing to become a demon. He looked at him last time, and he lived happily.

It's already completely a demon dragon.

She shook her head and continued to search for Xiaohuo. Before Qingyuan found out that she had slipped into the demon world, she had to go back quickly.

With the help of the earth spirit, Qing Yuan didn't have any effort to enter the demon world. Entering the demon world again is still unpleasant.

The demonic energy and the aura of the demon world, one is gloomy and humid, the other is cold and lonely, uncomfortable, uncomfortable at all.

He tried to find Xifeng, but found that she had completely hidden her breath, and she was determined not to let him find it.

She knew that he hated the demon world, but even if she didn't let him find her way to the demon world, he knew she was in the demon world and would still come.

How stupid.

Too stupid to be happy and angry.

He was silent, and became even more uncomfortable when he saw the person standing in front of him.

The man's face was three-fold similar to him, and his body shape was almost the same, but his eyes were firm, and his firmness was a bit forcing.

Qing Yuan looked at him and waved his hand: "Brother."

Seeing that his body was not contaminated with demonic energy, the demon king was still in the form of a dragon. He was slightly surprised and walked up slowly and said, "Why did my brother come to the demon world?"


"… Relax?"

Qingyuan nodded.

The Demon King paused and said, "Then why do you hide your spiritual power?" He pondered, "No matter how you hide, you and I have the same blood, and I can know where you are."

"Oh." Qing Yuan said, "The monsters here are too weak. If you don't hide the dragon energy, they will be purified by me and become little immortals. In that case, brother, you will be unhappy."

This reason seems to be very convincing, but the demon king does not believe it.

"Then I will continue to relax."

The demon king didn't stop him, lowered his eyebrows for a moment, and called out, and after a short while, a fat old man appeared beside him.

The High Priest came in a hurry, and staggered before standing still. The demon king frowned and asked, "Where have you been?"

The high priest replied, "Going to deal with some urgent matters, what do you want me to do?"

"Go and check, is the monster hunter called Xifeng coming to the monster world? If so, bring her to see me."

"As ordered."

It was almost an easy task for the demon king to find someone in the demon world, but in a moment, the high priest found where the west wind was.

Xifeng followed Xiaohuo's trail, and when she turned around, she found that she had been in a circle in the demon market again. She was so angry that she almost threw a thunder on the street, blasting away all the demonic energy that disturbed her tracking. But she didn't dare. If it bombed, it was estimated that the demon guards would appear next, and then take her away.

She just imagined the scene of being taken away, and when she looked up, she really saw a mighty demon guard in front of her. There were about twenty guards, who were lined up in four rows with long spears and looked at each other from a distance.

Xifeng swallowed, she shouldn't be so cynical, she didn't do anything. At any rate, it won't be wrong to arrest Xiao Huo after she makes a fuss in the demon world and rescues Xiao Huo.

She lifted her chin slightly, hummed and stepped aside, waiting for them to pass. Who would have thought that the guards would follow her when they saw her move, and walked straight towards her.

"High and white clouds float... one or two..."

Xifeng hummed a song, and pressed his face against the wall to count the bugs. Before he counted ten, someone behind him said, "Miss Xifeng, please come with us."

Xifeng turned around and was about to say "no" when a dozen spears were pointed at her face. She put the words into her stomach and showed her face: "Okay, I won't resist, don't be afraid. But I didn't break the law, why arrest me?"

The high priest looked at her with kindness and smiled, "The king wants to see you."

In the last birthday banquet, Xifeng was invited in through the gate of the Demon Palace, but this time, it was through the side door. Enter from the side door and go directly to the garden without having to go through the layers of the palace. Speaking of which, Xifeng felt that his treatment had been upgraded.

But she knew what kind of person the little fat brother was. He could even poison his own brother. How could he be a good person

It can be concluded that Xifeng is not a good person, but there is no doubt that the demon king is truly a peerless beauty.

He is similar to Qing Yuan, but his eyebrows are not the indifferent aura of Qing Yuan, he is very stern and indifferent. He looked up, and the west wind felt as if an ice needle had stabbed him, making him uncomfortable.

When the demon king saw that she was almost carried by a spear, Mei Feng was even colder: "Who gave you the courage to do this to my sister-in-law?"

The guards brushed down their spears, not daring to breathe.

"Go back."

Xifeng clutched his neck and did not dare to approach, until he saw him motioning for her to go over, and then carefully walked to the table. She thought that Qing Yuan would be there, but she didn't expect it to be there, which is strange. It stands to reason that Qing Yuan and him are brothers. It is not difficult to realize that he has come to the demon world, but he is surrounded by demons and is mixed in a bunch of demons. will not be discovered.

"My brother also came to the demon world." The demon king said, "He said he came for a walk, and you weren't by his side, so he came to look for you."

Xifeng paused, that idiot, saying that clearly revealed her whereabouts. She said helplessly: "What are you going to do when you arrest me here?"

The demon king nudged with his long fingers and pushed the cup in front of her: "Drink some tea."

Xifeng raised his eyebrows slightly: "I'm not thirsty."

The demon king's voice was slightly deep: "Sit down and drink."

Xifeng immediately sat down and took the teacup, put it under his nose and sniffed it, and he took a sip without smelling anything unusual.

The demon king raised his eyes to look at the mortal in front of him. His bright eyes were good-looking, and he was indeed good-looking, but compared to the fairies of Jiuxiao, the goblins of the demon world, and the witches of the demon world, his appearance was really nothing.

"My brother has followed you since the seal was lifted?"


"Has he mentioned Jiuxiao to you?"

"No." Xifeng said, "I'm not familiar with him, not at all."

The demon king smiled, the corners of his lips curved slightly, and he smiled very evilly. Xifeng was in a trance for a moment, wondering if Qing Yuan laughed, if it was the same.

"As far as I know, the monster hunters in the world don't make a lot of money, and the day and night are reversed, which is very hard. If you are willing to persuade my brother to come to the demon world, I promise you supreme power."

"Wow, that sounds really good." Xifeng nodded happily, "I'll think about it seriously, then I'll go back and think about it, goodbye."

After she finished speaking, she stood up to leave, and the demon king's face sank: "Sit down."

Xifeng sat back obediently again, tears streaming down her heart, she was definitely going to be made into eighteen dishes this time.

The demon king stared at her coldly, and said every word: "You are lying to me."

West Wind hurriedly waved his hand: "No."

"Even if you lied to me now, if there is no answer within three days, I will go to you and ask again."

The demon king smiled coldly, even if his face was full of anger, but the beautiful face was there, and this smile was full of evil spirits.

Xifeng wanted to see Qingyuan smiling even more.

"Lord Monster King, don't force Qingyuan anymore. I'm afraid that the extremes of things will turn against you. Isn't it good that the well water doesn't violate the river water? He won't come to the demon world, but he treats you as a younger brother, and he won't deal with you in the future."

"Who knows what will happen in the future." The demon king paused, "Who is Qingyuan?"

Xifeng held his forehead: "It's a long story, Qingyuan is..."

The demon king suddenly said: "I understand, nickname."

"..." No, little fat brother, what a nickname, don't be so disgusting, okay! Seeing that he was sure that they had one leg, Xifeng felt tired. Forget it, explain what, who would believe it.

The demon king raised his head and looked outside the high wall of the yard, his expression slightly condensed: "He's here to pick you up."

"Who? Qingyuan?" Xifeng stood up abruptly, and secretly said an idiot, she hid her breath so that he would not find him, but he was still...

She suddenly stopped.

Yes, she has hidden her breath, so how could Qingyuan find her

He had just met and separated from the little fat brother, how could he come back again.

The west wind seemed to understand something.

I'm afraid that Qing Yuan told Little Fatty's younger brother that he was just here for a walk on purpose. His purpose was probably to make the demon king guess that he was looking for her. And he also guessed that the demon king will definitely go to catch her, and the demon king finds someone without any effort.

When the demon king went to catch her, he still stayed in the demon palace, just to wait for the rabbit.

The demon king caught her rabbit, and Qing Yuan came to pick up her rabbit.

Xifeng, who all understood, felt that Qingyuan was not simple, and I was afraid that the demon king never thought that Qingyuan would use him to find her.

But she looked at the demon king's face again and felt that he must have thought of it now.

The Demon King's face was as dark as a cloud. He thought that, with the same blood as his brother, he must be able to sense where he is.

But now it seems that the elder brother is afraid that he has not left, and has always stayed in the demon palace, just to capture this woman for him, and then show his dragon energy to make him realize.

For the first time, he felt that his brother was terrible.

The demon king gave Xifeng a cold look, and said to the high priest who had been guarding there, "Send her out."

The high priest responded and led the west wind outside.

After coming out of the Demon Palace, Xifeng still felt a chill in his neck. It was too scary, too scary. If you have nothing to do in the future, don't run to the Demon Realm. But if you catch monsters in the world, what if you catch the demon king's subordinates.

The west wind is a little sad.

"West wind."

The calling sound was very light and clear, and it came from the chaotic demonic aura, which seemed to break through the turbidity. Xifeng looked up and saw the tall, handsome man who was reassuring without smiling, and immediately ran towards him.

As soon as she arrived, she scolded, "Idiot, why are you revealing my position?"

Qing Yuan touched her head: "Because you are not good."

Xifeng grabbed his hand and put it down, and asked in a low voice, "Don't you want to see little fat brother?"

"I don't want to, but you are here."

Xifeng was slightly startled, and his heartstrings moved. Oh, what should I do, she likes him more and more.

Qing Yuan said again: "If I don't come, you will be chopped into meat buns by your brother."

"..." Xifeng shuddered, and the beautiful scenery of the good day shattered, she said with a stern face, "I am also very good."

"Oh… "

Xifeng was annoyed, grabbed his hand and said, "Go, find Xiaohuo." She took half a step, but he didn't move, and was dragged back, she asked, "Why don't you go?"

Qing Yuan frowned slightly, looked at the big fat priest standing in the distance, and said, "His body smells of little fire."