The Demon in the Mirror

Chapter 44: The Demon in the Mirror (3)


Xifeng looked at the high priest unexpectedly. When the high priest saw her look, he nodded politely at her and left.

"Could it be that Xiaohuo was tied up by him? But why did he tie Xiaohuo?" Xifeng thought for a moment and asked suspiciously, "The order given by little fat brother? No, he didn't even arrest me and imprisoned him, so how could he arrest Xiaohuo? Fire, that doesn't look like something he would do."

Qing Yuan shook her hand and said, "Go and see."

"Ah? Tracking like this, won't you be discovered?"

"No, the fat priest and I are ten thousand younger brothers apart."

Yibi Longshen is scum, scum, Xifeng sighed, and asked, "Then how many younger brothers are there between you and me?"

Qing Yuan frowned, pondered, thought about it, hesitated to speak, but was stopped by the desperate Xifeng: "Well, don't talk, don't hit the fragile me."

"You don't want to hear?"

"In no mood."

"Then why are you asking?"

Xifeng wailed: "Because I'm an idiot." Why did she ask such a stupid question, not dragging a dragon god with supernatural powers to ask me the distance between you and me.

Qing Yuan nodded: "Yes, he's an idiot."

West Wind Fury: "'re an idiot!"

"..." It's okay to say that he is an idiot, why did he say no? bad girl.

"Let's go, keep up with the high priest, and find Xiaohuo." Xifeng always felt that something was wrong, so why did it have something to do with the high priest. In this demon world, the demon king is the first and the high priest is the second, and provoking him is no different from provoking the demon king.

Xiaohuo, Xiaohuo, didn't you say to apologize to the little black girl, why did you get into the second-in-command of the demon world

The home of the high priest was far from the Demon Temple. This distance would take a day for mortals, but only a moment for monsters.

Qing Yuan took Xifeng to follow him stealthily, entered the high priest's house, followed him straight into the bedroom, and did not see Xiaohuo. And there is no smell of Xiaohuo in this house, it seems that Xiaohuo is not here.

The two squatted for a long time, the high priest slept and ate a meal, and then lay down to sleep again. Sitting on the roof and listening to him sleeping soundly, Xifeng couldn't help but say, "This high priest's life is too boring. Anyway, beat the little fire that caused trouble before going to bed, and then go to sleep."

Qing Yuan said: "It's been a very rich life."

"...Oh." How could she forget that there was an even more boring dragon beside her, a boring dragon god who could sleep peacefully and peacefully for a hundred thousand years. She yawned and looked at him with a smile, "Are you going to sleep?"

Qing Yuan shook his head and replied, "Don't sleep."

"Then I'll go to sleep and borrow an arm." Xifeng hugged his arm and used it as a pillow, which made it comfortable. "If he moves, remember to wake me up, and you are not allowed to walk around."

"Yeah." Qing Yuan felt that mortals were still a little troublesome. For example, they liked sleeping too much. When marching and fighting, they often couldn't sleep for 180 days. What could mortals do at that time

He thought about it, oh, no, mortals are going to sleep when they fight with mortals.

So the two armies are fighting, and sleeping is not a hindrance.

Thinking of this, he envied mortals again.

You don't have to fight for 180 days in a row, you can rest every day, so that the damage to heaven and earth will be much less.

It is not like a fierce battle between gods and demons, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and there is no sunlight for ten thousand years.

Thinking of the situation back then, Qing Yuan couldn't help but be even more silent.

The younger brother's ambition is too big, I'm afraid that the gods and demons will be turbulent, it will be a matter of time. But before starting the war against the God Realm, he must be the one he has to deal with first.

The younger brother persuaded him, and now he persuaded Xifeng to persuade him, but it was no use. After all, no one can persuade him, so there is no way to win over him, only to destroy it.

Little fat brother, how could he become a bad brother.

Qing Yuan fell back and lay down, and the person who was leaning on his arm fell along with him, still sleeping soundly while hugging his arm. He lay motionless, listening to the sound of her breathing, and suddenly fell asleep.

The long night is long, and the dawn is coming again.

When Xifeng woke up, he found that Qingyuan was gone. She thought she was dreaming, and fished around, but she really couldn't see him.

She was stunned, and suddenly felt empty.

"Qingyuan?" No one answered, she shouted again, "Lord Qinglong?"

Still no answer.

She slightly twitched the corners of her mouth: "Stupid Qinglong!"

No matter how she shouted, Qing Yuan would not appear. Only then did she panic, and stood up to find him. Whoever wanted to stand up found that she was not on the roof, but on a green grass. She was stunned and looked around, but couldn't see anyone.

There was the sound of water flowing gently in the distance. She followed the sound of the water and walked there, walking and walking, and finally saw someone.

That is a very beautiful back, the woman is dressed in white, blue silk is like ink, and she has a long drape around her waist. The spring sun was shining lightly, even if he only saw the back, Xifeng felt that he must be a very gentle person.

The woman moved gently, not knowing what was in her arms.

She was in a trance for a moment, only to realize that there was a three- or four-year-old girl beside the woman.

The little girl was born in vain and fat. She sat beside the woman, looked at the thing in her arms, and said, "Mother, will it bite?"

The woman smiled and said, "No."

"Then why is it barking at me?"

"Don't poke it in the cheek, it won't kill you. It's a very powerful beast, can you be friends with it?" It was seriously injured, mother worked so hard to save it, don't bully it."

The little girl sneered: "Oh, this kind of weak evil, I don't bully it, and some people will bully it. If you can't protect yourself, it would be better to die sooner. These six realms are reserved for powerful people. Just like Lord Ye."

The woman paused for a while, and the tenderness on her face had turned into pain: "If you say such things again, mother will ignore you."

The little girl paused, then turned her head to look elsewhere in dissatisfaction.

Xifeng seemed to recognize that face, she must have seen it somewhere.

"You have to listen to mother's words." The woman caressed her little head and said warmly, "Just listen to mother's words."

"Don't listen to what Daddy said? Don't listen to what Lord Ye said?"

"Yes, don't listen, don't listen!"

The little girl didn't say anything, but suddenly the sky and the earth changed color, the wind swept the clouds, and the green grass and running water were not seen in an instant.

Xifeng stepped back in shock, only to see a sharp blade resting on the woman's neck. She knelt on her knees, her gentle eyes still looked at the little girl standing in the distance, she smiled sadly, her red lips moved slightly.

The long sword broke his throat and blood splashed his eyes.

"—Xifeng, get out of here and go back to the world."


The west wind shuddered violently and woke up from a nightmare.

There was a robe covering her beside her, and a pair of hands encircled her: "What's wrong?"

"Why did you leave? You said you wouldn't leave." Xifeng cursed, reaching out to hug him, tears welling in his eyes, his voice trembling uncontrollably, "You lie."

"I didn't leave." Qing Yuan frowned, he was obviously always there.

Xifeng buried her head in front of his chest, not wanting him to see her red eyes, she said, "I must find Xiaohuo, Xiaohuo was left to me by my mother, it can't die, can't die..."

"Xiao Huo is fine." Qing Yuan didn't know what nightmare she had, but it must have been a nightmare. "It's going well."

Xifeng paused: "Not bad?"

Qing Yuan sensed Xiao Huo's spiritual power again and nodded: "Living and jumping."

Xifeng forcibly held back tears and worries: "They're all idiots."

With one finger, the tears that fell on his cheeks were wiped away by him. Qing Yuan wiped away the tears on her face, feeling uneasy. Why are you crying? Is the dream so scary, it can scare people to cry

Maybe it wasn't a dream.

Qing Yuan grabbed her throat and grabbed her shoulders violently.

"Are you going to die???"


The force was too great, and Xifeng's shoulders made two loud and crisp sounds.

"… "

Qing Yuan, who was beaten, really didn't understand why Xifeng cursed again, scolding him for always cursing her.

Xifeng's hand can't be lifted up, and he was almost crushed by him just now. This idiot can't control his strength. She walked beside him with her shoulders drooping in pain. When he saw her, her heart tensed, for fear that he would be crushed again.

"Lord Qinglong, you are so powerful that you can stab a big monster to death with one finger, so can you be gentle with me, a little mortal?" Xifeng gave him his little finger with difficulty, "Just a little bit."

"Oh." Qing Yuan said, "I thought you were going to die."

Xifeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "If I'm going to die, if you use so much energy, you won't be afraid that I will be hugged to death by you."

Qing Yuan was silent and said, "I'm worried."

Xifeng blinked slightly, blinking, and his face turned red again. She really wanted to ask him, do you like me? If you say you like me, I will promise to lay eggs for you, okay

"You're dead, I'm about to get lost in the world." Qing Yuan was even more worried, "No money, no buns to eat, no inn to live in, no heartless monsters dare to approach me, I'm so bored, I probably have to go back and seal myself again. now." He patted her head seriously, "so you can't die."

"..." Like a fart, just to be her guide. Xifeng put away his own thoughts and said with a dry smile, "When you leave the demon world, you have to go to Jiuxiao and get me some jewels, otherwise I won't be your guide."

"Oh, alright."

Xifeng felt at ease, the handsome man didn't like her, at least the handsome man promised to give her a small amount of money, which is also possible.

The two followed the high priest who went out early in the morning, chatting for a long time, and finally saw him stop in front of a shop.

That's a shop that sells... cakes? Xifeng frowned, and after thinking about it, he realized that there must be a passage leading to the secret place.

Then the two saw that the high priest who had wrapped himself into a hemp ball bought a box of cakes, gave the money, and left.

Xifeng scratched his head: "This old man, why is it so strange that he came to buy breakfast in person."

The two continued to follow and found that he had returned to the house again. Zephyr was so angry that he almost didn't go up to beat him, and let her follow him all the way in vain. She didn't eat dinner or breakfast, she starved to death!

With Qingyuan's cover, the high priest had no idea that someone was following him. He carried the food box into the mansion, walked through courtyard after courtyard, and was exhausted from following the west wind. An orphaned old man still lives in such a big house. In her place, she only needs a small hut and a small yard, so she doesn't need to move.

The high priest kept walking inside, and it was not until he crossed the courtyard where he lived that Xifeng noticed something was wrong.

If you buy breakfast but don't eat it yourself, who is it for

small fire? Xifeng was surprised: "Could it be that Xiaohuo and the high priest are relatives?"

"Xiaohuo is an ancient mythical beast and has no parents." Qing Yuan said, "And Xiaohuo is not in it."

"Oh, it made me happy for nothing, thinking that there is a big man who can be a backer."

Qing Yuan frowned: "I, I."

Why do you always leave him as a big man, and always want to find someone outside.

He doesn't understand.

The high priest was still walking inside, and the west wind was really going to starve to death.

He didn't know how long he had walked, but he finally stopped in front of a yard, didn't continue walking with the food box, and knocked on the corner: "Yue'er, Yue'er? Are you there, I bought you your favorite breakfast. "

"I'm not here."

"...Then I'm in."

"I said I'm not here!"

The high priest twitched the corner of his mouth, but he still stepped forward. As soon as he showed his face, a fair and handsome girl jumped out, with bright eyes like the moon, she said angrily, "Don't come in!"

"Wow, this girl is so beautiful and her eyes are so beautiful." Xifeng, who was squatting on the wall with Qingyuan, saw him keep watching, and poked his arm, "She is so beautiful, she doesn't even blink. "

Qing Yuan nodded: "Pretty."

Xifeng snorted, and he said again: "So Xiao Hei's name is Yue'er."

"Yeah, it's called Yue'er." Xifeng paused, "Who??? Who is she???"

"Little black."

"… "

Xifeng was surprised that Xiao Hei was such a beautiful girl!