The Demon in the Mirror

Chapter 57: Birds contain flowers (10)


"Take a look at the shopkeeper, this is Jin Chanyi, a sacred object that only the Chan clan has, baby!"

"What? You tell me this pile of slag is Jin Chanyi? There are more than 20 grams of gold powder in total here, you can ask for a price."

"… "

Inside the pawnshop, the shopkeeper's voice of disgust was full. And the west wind—heartbreak.

The silver exchanged for all the gold powder is probably not worth the price of a complete Jin Chanyi.

Xifeng felt that she would never make a fortune in her life.

No, there is a way, and that is to stay away from the Qinglong that is hugging every moment.

The west wind sighed in the sky, and wanted to drink the northwest wind again. Thinking of this, she looked back fiercely at the person standing in front of the shop door. Qing Yuan paused for a while and asked, "Do you want to buy buns for me to eat?"

"I'm going to eat you!" Xifeng frowned, showing him the gold powder on his hand, "Do you have anything to say?"

Qing Yuan stared at it for a long time, then said slowly, "These Jin Chan clothes are too brittle. If you press them casually, they will shatter into slag."

"... This is not pure gold! It's a cicada slough, a cicada slough! It's hollowed out, carved, it's just a crispy skin! Besides!" Xifeng said angrily, "Are you pressing it casually?"

She really wanted to hold her chest up to show him that her chest was flattened a little more by him, oh no, it was completely flattened. Thinking about it this way makes it even more sad.

Qing Yuan looked at the girl who was going to die of anger, and didn't know what difference it would make if Bai Jin Chanyi became Jin Fan: "Xifeng, don't you 'wow-'?"

"..." She didn't cry!

"Good." Qing Yuan touched her head, "I'll take you to eat something delicious."

"I'll pay?"


Zephyr has never seen such a brazen dragon!

In the evening, the red clouds were all over the sky, and the west wind smashed the red clouds like a giant, and walked back to the inn step by step. After entering the room, Qing Yuan was not allowed to enter. She wants to find a bag to put gold powder in. If she can meet someone who can prosthetize in the future, then her Jin Chanyi will still be able to come back.

Xiaohuo, who came back from looking for snacks outside, jumped up to the railing with a struggling fish demon in his mouth, and at a glance he saw Qingyuan standing at the door like a pine and cypress, looking into the distance.

It squatted on the railing to put down the fish and asked, "Lord Qinglong, where is the west wind?"

"In the house."

"Why are you standing here?"

"Xifeng didn't allow me to go in, she got angry." Qing Yuan thought about it, turned and knocked on the door, "Xifeng."

"Do not talk."

"I'll go back to the realm of the gods."

Xifeng, who was loading gold powder, gestured for a while, put down the bag and gold powder in his hand, and quickly ran to open the door, but there was no trace of Qingyuan, only a red figure bit a fish and passed by her.

"Go back to the God Realm again..." Xifeng looked at the horizon. Now that the Demon Race has moved, and the Demon Realm is about to move, only the God Realm is still suspicious of each other and vying for power. No matter how you look at it, they are all disadvantaged and worrying.

"Ping ping pong pong." The movement from behind made her recover her thoughts, and when she looked back, she saw a big black fish writhing hard on the table, smashing all the teapots and cups on the table to the ground, and they were smashed into pieces.

Before she had time to lose her heartache, she suddenly remembered that her gold powder was still on the table, but where there was any gold powder on the table, when she looked down, she saw the golden light all over the ground, and it would be a hell to pick it up.

She was stunned for a moment, fell to her knees in despair, and cried out with a "wow".

Xiaohuo, who was checking Yueer's injury, turned around when he heard the sound, and saw a huge and terrifying shadow covering the sky above his head, like a ferocious beast.

"You two prodigal bastards!"


Yue'er sat up startled by the screams, and saw that Xifeng was beating up the little mouse. The scene... was very brutal.

She grabbed the quilt, closed her eyes and "slept" again.

This mortal is horrible!

The most lively in the God Realm is the temple of Baili Qingfeng.

His shrine is the same size as other gods, but almost every corner has been planted with nag trees. The nagging tree is a kind of divine tree, and it does not change shape, but it has a mouth that nagging at nothing, and only closes it when sleeping at night.

But Baili Qingfeng, who was sleeping now, heard someone babbling, making his head hurt.


"God, the Dragon Palace has come to seal the invitation!"

The confused Baili Qingfeng sat up abruptly, his figure flashed, and the person was already outside. He looked at the little fairy and asked, "Where did the invitation come from?"

"Dragon Palace." Fairy Child handed him the invitation, "I pointed out that I am going to the banquet now, but I don't know which Dragon Palace it is, and I will send the invitation in the middle of the night."

"... Now?" Baili Qingfeng took a look at the invitation and narrowed his eyes. Why is he... always feeling uneasy

Probably an illusion.

"God, are you going?"

"Go." Baili Qingfeng changed his clothes in a flash, and the fairy clothes flew around. He solemnly urged, "Remember, frame this invitation and hang it in the most conspicuous place in the temple."

"… "

Baili Qingfeng took two steps and said, "Remember."

"… what about you?"

"As for that, this is Qinglong's invitation."

Fairy child was shocked and said loudly: "I'll go and frame it!"

When Baili Qingfeng arrived at the Dragon Palace, it was still before dawn. He entered through the main door, and when he knocked on it, it was not closed at all.

Sure enough, there are no chains.

That's right, who would think so hard to come to the Dragon Palace to steal things and die.

He originally wanted to enter the hall, but who would have seen his friend standing in front of him before he crossed the sea of clouds. He was moved for a while, and took a few steps forward: "Friend, I didn't expect you to come to pick me up specially."

Qing Yuan said, "Xifeng is angry."

"Then coax."

"How to coax?"

Baili Qingfeng thought for a while: "Send flowers, many, many flowers."

Qing Yuan said sadly: "But I can't find a single flower in my Dragon Palace."

"Easy, I have it."

"Oh, let's go, go to your house to pick flowers."

Baili Qingfeng paused: "That's not right, my friend... Aren't you here to invite me for a drink? Wait..." How could he feel like he was being tricked? ? ? How did he feel that there was an implicit smile on his calm face? ? ? He looked at him suspiciously, "Friend, didn't you plan to do this from the beginning? I came to the door in the middle of the night because I was afraid that I would be angry and would not pick flowers for you, so I sent an invitation card. In fact, it was to let me pick flowers for you willingly?"

Qing Yuan blinked: "Am I that kind of dragon?"

"… "

"Let's go pick flowers, my friend."

"..." Make friends carelessly, make friends carelessly. Baili Qingfeng sighed in the sky, but after all, he was a little happy when he received the invitation from the dignified God of War.

Lights the size of soybeans flickered in the oil lamps, and the wind outside made the shadows reflected by the lights sway.

Yue'er was sitting on the table eating the fish demon, and the wind blew her robes straight. It asked carefully, "Sister Xifeng, the wind is a bit strong, don't you close the window?"

"No, how can I suppress the anger in my heart without the wind." Xifeng looked at the gold powder gold fragments that were only three or four grams in the bottle, and said sadly, "Yue'er, let me elope with you, I will never go with that again. The two losers are together."

Yue'er categorically refused: "No, you are not a big monster."

But she seems to be more fierce than the big monster...

Yue'er shuddered, it was terrible! It looked at Xiao Huo, who was squatting in the corner with a bruised face, and jumped to it with half a fish in his arms: "Little mouse, do you want to eat fish?"

"Tooth... it hurts... I can't eat..." Xiaohuo wanted to protest to Xifeng why he beat it up, but he didn't dare, because he was afraid that he would not see the sun tomorrow.

Xifeng lay on the table and shook the bottle, and finally plugged the bottle, so as not to accidentally spill it, he really couldn't find it.

She drank a cup of tea and lay down on the bed, closing her eyes and resting.

After about half an hour, the fragrance of flowers floated from somewhere outside the house, refreshing in the dark night. She opened her eyes, and for a moment thought the bird had come back to life.

But Li Dalang and Huo Nu have both been turned into ashes and left in the lava mountain where no grass grows.

She turned over and suddenly saw a large bouquet of flowers emerging from the window, filling the entire window.

At least there were four or five hundred of those colorful flowers. At this time, they appeared together, like a window opening, and a bunch of flowers spit out.

Some unknown monster blocked the window, how will Qingyuan come back later? Xifeng was annoyed and stepped forward to catch the monster, but when he got closer, he saw a blue hem of his clothes, crowded among the flowers. "Boom--" The sea of flowers poured in, and Qing Yuan also followed. There were flowers all over his clothes and robes.

Xifeng looked at the flowers all over the ground in surprise. Those flowers were chattering and screaming, struggling to get up on the ground, and jumping around the house, as if the house was full of flowers, fragrant and beautiful.

Yue'er grabbed a small flower god and pinned it to her head, poked Xiaohuo and asked, "Does it look good?"

Xiaohuo looked at the pinched flower and said, "It's going to be strangled by you."

"I'm asking if you look good!"

"It's really going to be strangled by you, you can let it go, poor."

Yue'er was annoyed and scolded, "Bastard!"

"..." Why curse? Is there no reasonable person in this world? ? ? Xiaohuo was lying on the sea of flowers, very sad. Otherwise, let's run away from home.

Xifeng's head hurts from the noise of the flowers in the house, and he said angrily, "Stop arguing!"

The room was suddenly silent, and the six realms were quiet.

Xifeng pointed at the flowers and asked, "Why did you bring so many flowers back?"

"For you." Qing Yuan looked at her who was still angry and said, "Apologize, apologize, not angry."

Xifeng paused, then raised his eyebrows slightly to look at him: "Who did you learn from?"

"When a friend apologizes to a girl, he always sends flowers, so there are a lot of flowers in his temple."

Xifeng, who knew his temperament, swallowed worriedly and asked, "Are you going to be a flower thief with him in the middle of the night?"

"Of course not." Qing Yuan said solemnly, "I picked it up openly and my friends know it."

The flowers are very beautiful, and they are all flowers that the west wind has never seen in the world. The flowers were frightened by her, and they didn't dare to make a sound, but the fragrance of the flowers was still overflowing, and the colors were bright but comfortable.

She looked at it and said, "Let's send these flowers to the lava mountain."

"it is good."

The lava mountain without the Fire Girl has not recovered its appearance eight hundred years ago. The mountains are still gray and white, and if you step into it, you will make people's clothes white.

After planting these hundreds of flowers, the lava mountain seems to be alive again.

The tombs of Huo Nu and Li Dalang are on the top of the mountain, and the monument erected by the west wind for them. Meaningless empty tombs are the only thing West Wind can do for them.

"Although I have no friendship with you, these flowers are for you."

Xifeng buried the two together, with only one tombstone. On the top of the mountain in front of the grave, there are many flowers planted. When spring comes next year, when the mountains are full of flowers, the lava mountain will not look so lonely.

She took Qing Yuan's hand and took him down the mountain. Maybe it was still under the surveillance of Demon Venerable. She didn't want to stay any longer, and it was uncomfortable to be stared at.

"West Wind." When she reached the foot of the mountain, Qing Yuan called her and looked at the ground not far away.

Xifeng looked there, and saw a little green tip emerging from the white dust. She trotted over to pick up the white ashes, and saw that under the soil, there was a seed that had just sprout and was about to break through the soil and come out. I don't know when, the people passing by, the seeds that have been dropped, have been silent for many years, and now there is no flame, and finally broke out of the ground.

She thought that in the coming year, there will not only be many blooming flowers, but also many other flowers and plants, even small saplings.

A lava mountain with a pair of lovers buried deep will eventually become a vibrant green mountain.

Xifeng smiled relievedly, and she asked, "I gave all the flowers you gave me to others, are you angry?"

"are you happy?"


"Then how can I be angry." Qing Yuan shook her hand and held it firmly, "Buy buns for me to eat, I'm hungry."

Xifeng smiled, isn't there a little Jin Chanyi left, at least there is still money for a meal. Forget it, take it as it is, and eat some good wine and good food.

It is already a small town in the early morning, peaceful and lively, and the people who get up early are walking on the road, either busy or leisurely.

Qingyuan likes the morning in the world, lively and full of vigor.

Xifeng thought that there are no rumors of monsters in this town, so he will pack up his things and go to the next place to see.

"West wind."

Xifeng hadn't heard it yet, but Qingyuan heard it and saw the person coming. He pulled Xifeng to a stop and called out to the man who was walking here, "Senior brother."

Wuying saw that Xifeng was originally happy in his heart, but Qinglong's senior brother smashed his joy to pieces, he said, "I said, I can't afford it."

"Qinglong is now following the west wind to call people, but there is nothing wrong with it."

The voice is charming, even if it is sarcastic, it is also a delicate voice, which is crisp in the bones of Xifeng. She shivered and looked at Senior Sister Beauty. She hadn't seen her for a long time, but she was still astonishingly beautiful.

No one can replace Senior Sister Beauty's status on her Beauty List!

First! First!

Xifeng suddenly came back to his senses and said vigilantly, "Are you here to snatch monsters from me again?" She thought about it, no, there is no news of monsters now, she pretended to be sorry, "You are late, there is no news here. monster."

Puyu said coldly: "Even if there is, it is not we who robbed you, but you who robbed us."

Wuying said, "We're just passing by."

Xifeng looked suspicious: "Really?"



"The Land of Flowers."

When Xifeng heard this, he frowned: "No, it's not surprising that Senior Sister Beauty is going, you go too? Men are never allowed to set foot there."

Puyu chuckled: "It's a shame that you are still walking around in the world, and you don't even know the news. The empress of the land of flowers invited celebrities from all over the world to a banquet, which has already caused a sensation in the world."

Xifeng was surprised: "The Empress invited me personally?"


"You can see everything if you live for a long time, and even the country of flowers has opened its doors to the outside world..." Xifeng asked Wuying again, "Did the Empress say what to do?"

Wuying shook his head, he had already seen Xifeng and Qinglong holding hands together, he was silent, and said, "We still have to hurry, let's go first."

"Senior brother, won't we have morning tea together?"

"No, hurry up."

"Okay, Senior Brother has a smooth journey." Xifeng watched him and Senior Sister Beauty leave with pity. It seemed that he had to pay for the breakfast himself, and his heart ached.

Qing Yuan asked, "What is the Land of Flowers?"

Xifeng explained: "It's all a place for women, from emperors to soldiers and civilians, and more than 800,000 people are all women. In short, it's a country of daughters that no man is allowed to enter."

Qing Yuan was stunned.

Xifeng is still puzzled, why is it that a place like the Land of Flowers that never allows men to enter, is now inviting celebrities to go there

But who cares, it has nothing to do with her anyway, and she doesn't go to the land of flowers.

Volume 7 Empress