The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 10


The Demon Lord sat on the throne, propping his head with one hand, with a very lazy expression, "Didn't I say that no one would disturb you? What are you doing here?"

Bo Yang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I want to share your worries and labors. Last time you said that you would send me to the human world to find the Son of the Seven Stars. I don't know when I should leave?"

The man on the throne raised his eyebrows, as if a little surprised, "You broke into my palace today because of this?"

There was a trace of surprise and coldness in the voice.

An invisible sense of oppression came from the direction of the throne, Bo Yang felt like he was in the deep sea, surrounded by extremely high water pressure, which made him unable to breathe.

He knew that Lord Eternal Night was angry.

Well, first he touched his ass, and now he broke into his palace without authorization. Very well, he has successfully provoked the anger of the Demon Lord.

To appease Lord Demon Lord's anger...

Bo Yang's mind turned rapidly.

Ever since he traveled to this world, Bo Yang felt that he was racking his brains every time to find a way. He had never worked so hard in the past twenty-five years. Maybe this is also a kind of exercise

He lowered his head deeply, put on a submissive posture, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I just want to share your worries and labors!"

The words are very sincere, fully expressing the enthusiasm that I want to do something.

Leaders like active subordinates.

He was betting that Lord Eternal Night would not punish him for such a trivial matter.

After all, it is set in the book that Xie Zetian is the number one lackey of Lord Yongye, and as the number one lackey, he must be someone who is deeply trusted. What Bo Yang gambled on was Yong Ye Mojun's trust in Xie Zetian.

The air was quiet for a moment.

Lord Mojun stepped down from the throne, and Bo Yang noticed that he was not wearing shoes, and walked over step by step on the black unknown material with bare feet.

He stopped in front of Bo Yang, his clear and lingering eyes lingering on Bo Yang.

Bo Yang knew that he must not back down now, and if he backed down, Yongye Mojun would become even more suspicious. The scene I saw in the apse just now must not be a good thing.

Bo Yang raised his head, his eyes were clear and innocent. If he looked at others with such eyes in the real world, everyone would be so maternal.

Eternal Ye Mojun studied him for a while, and the cold aura around him gradually subsided.

"Since you have such a request, there is no reason for me not to agree." Yongye Mojun said lightly, with a hint of coldness in his voice.

Bo Yang sensed that he was very angry, and thought it must have something to do with the scene he saw when he broke into the apse just now. He probably didn't want him to see that scene.

"My lord, when can I leave for the human world?" Bo Yang asked.

"You seem to be in a hurry to go to the human world?" Eternal Ye Mojun narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were narrow and long, and the ends of his eyes were as sharp as knives, with a coldness that could cut through everything.

But even that is a good look.

It's a foul for someone to look good, even if he threatens others angrily, it's not annoying.

When Bo Yang heard the question from Lord Yongye, he was startled, but his face didn't show at all, he hurriedly said: "This subordinate just wants to relieve the Lord's worries as soon as possible."

Right now, he still can't control the expression on his face very well, so he lowered his head so that Lord Yong Ye Mojun's eyes wouldn't touch his face, so as to avoid revealing his secrets. Eternal Ye Mojun is a man with a treacherous mind and very keen insight. If you don't pay attention in front of him, you may be found to be unusual.

When he lowered his head, he felt the eyes of the Demon Lord of Eternal Night patrolling his head, like a small knife cutting his whole body, peeling off his skin, piercing his internal organs, probing him Deepest secret.

Bo Yang didn't move at all.

After a long time, the person on the head suddenly asked: "What did you see just now?"


What did he see just now? In fact, when he entered the apse, he only smelled a strong fragrance, and that fragrance made his mind suddenly dull, and he didn't observe the situation in the apse at all.

And now he has a hunch that if he answers that he saw something, the person in front of him will probably kill him.

So he replied honestly: "Report to Your Majesty, I didn't see anything just now."

"Head up," said the person in front of him.

Bo Yang raised his head as instructed.

Lord Mojun stared at his face.

Bo Yang's heart was pounding, his face was full of innocence, he was really innocent, because he really didn't see anything.

Lord Mojun stared at him for a moment, and finally said: "Trespassing the Eternal Darkness Palace without authorization, if it is someone else, it will be a death penalty."


As soon as Bo Yang said this, he knew that he would not kill himself, and quickly put on a regretful face, and said sincerely: "This subordinate trespassed on the Palace of Eternal Darkness and disturbed Your Majesty, please punish him."

While saying this, the dead pig was not afraid of the boiling water and thought: Xie Zetian is the number one lackey of the Eternal Darkness Demon Lord, and he has a mission, and the Eternal Darkness Demon Lord will never kill him.

Lord Mojun smiled, "Punishment, it should be punished."

He stared at Bo Yang for a moment, and asked, "Which leg stepped into the Palace of Eternal Darkness first?"


Bo Yang was a little dumbfounded.

"Which leg came in first?"

Such a question made Bo Yang quickly recall the scene when he first met the Eternal Ye Mojun, when he was almost cut off with a hand. Now Eternal Night Demon Lord started to ask this question again, did he want to chop off his own leg? No, it's impossible, I'm his right-hand man, how could he do such a thing that hurt his left arm and right arm

Comforting himself in his heart for a moment, Bo Yang said cautiously: "It seems to be the right leg?"

The Eternal Ye Mojun showed a smile, and that smile gave Bo Yang a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the next moment, Lord Mojun suddenly made a move, and a black devilish energy swept Bo Yang away from the main hall. Immediately afterwards, Bo Yang's whole body was tied up with black ropes, and his right foot was used as a support point to tie him to the tree, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Reflect on it."

Lord Demon Lord's faint voice floated from a distance.

Bo Yang was tied up and hung on a tree, wanting to cry but not crying.

Fortunately, all the servants in the Eternal Darkness Palace have been dismissed, and there is no one in the palace. If other people see him hanging on a tree, they don't know what kind of jokes will be made.

Even if no one sees it, it's uncomfortable to be hung up like this. Bo Yang couldn't struggle, so he was hung alive like this all night. Fortunately, Xiaoling was talking to him in his mind to distract him, so that he wouldn't feel uncomfortable hanging alone on the tree all night.

The next morning, the Demon Lord mercifully released him. Bo Yang had been tied up all over his body stiffly, and the cold wind blew all night, and his right foot, which was used as a support, was even more so red and swollen. The moment he was lowered, he felt numb in his entire right leg.

Lord Mojun is really not easy to mess with.

Stay away from him in the future.

"Sir, are you okay?" Xiao Ling asked with concern.

"Do you think I'm fine?" Bo Yang limped forward while clutching his right leg.

Xiaoling stopped talking.

"Come and see me in the main hall."

Bo Yang, who was just about to walk out of the Eternal Darkness Palace, heard these words and felt like crying.

Hero, king, please let me go. I already know I was wrong, okay? I will never trespass on the Palace of Eternal Darkness again.

Even though he was reluctant in his heart, but unable to disobey Lord Mojun's order, Bo Yang could only return to the main hall with tears in his eyes.

Walking into the main hall, Lord Mojun was talking to another person.

That person is Lou Jianfeng.

Seeing Bo Yang, Lou Jianfeng smiled and nodded to him with a friendly look.

Bo Yang subconsciously nodded to him, expressing his friendly attitude.

Perhaps noticing that his walking posture was wrong, Lou Jianfeng asked curiously, "What's wrong with your legs?"

Bo Yang glanced at the expressionless Demon Lord, opened his eyes and said nonsense, "Squatting in the toilet for too long, I'm numb."

There was an indescribable expression on Lou Jianfeng's face.

The Demon King smiled.

Bo Yang walked to Lou Jianfeng and stopped.

Lou Jianfeng's gaze was still scanning his legs.

Bo Yang's face didn't change.

"Tomorrow you will go to the human world with Lou Jianfeng." Lord Mojun's voice sounded from a high place.

So fast

After being hung up all night, he was a little mentally weak, but upon hearing this, Bo Yang cheered up.

Bo Yang hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "Yes."

The voice is loud and clear, very powerful.

The handsome man sitting on the throne smiled, as if satisfied with Bo Yang's reaction.

So Bo Yang finally had a chance to go to the human world.

After coming out of the main hall, Bo Yang went back to the mansion to rest for a while, and the next day he crossed the passage to the human world in high spirits.

When he arrived in the human world, Lou Jianfeng introduced the task to him, which was to intercept and kill the young monks who had entered the illusion of Mihua. The priest speculated that the Sons of the Seven Stars might be among these people. OK.

Hearing Lou Jianfeng's introduction, Bo Yang immediately found the relevant description of this episode in his mind.

The Mihua Illusion Trial is a major event in the cultivation world every ten years. All sects in the cultivation world will send relatively good juniors to participate in the Mihua Illusion Trial. During the entire trial, the juniors will be ranked. There are various rewards, and at the same time, the ranking in the illusion will determine the strength level of a sect, and the prizes are also very expensive, so whether it is out of pursuit of fame or hope to get prizes, most young people Jun will actively participate and strive for a good ranking.

In the original text, the male protagonist Zhou Ying and Miss Li entered Tengyunzong together. Miss Li is an official disciple, and the male protagonist Zhou Ying is her servant, who is responsible for serving Miss Li's food and daily life.

Relying on his aura as a protagonist, the male protagonist, as a small servant, attracted the attention of his daughter of destiny, Zhao Qing'er, the daughter of the Tengyun Sect's lord, in the Tengyun Sect, and gained Zhao Qing'er's favor inadvertently.

Originally, the male protagonist was not qualified to participate in the Mihua Illusion at all, but with the help of the heroine Zhao Qing'er and Miss Li, he still participated in the Mihua Illusion this time.

It was also in this Mihua Illusion that the demons invaded and killed many monks. Among the hundreds of people who participated in the Mihua Illusion, only the male protagonist survived. And the male protagonist also obtained his biggest golden finger dragon chant sword in Mihua illusion.

What Bo Yang didn't expect was that his first appearance in the human world was to participate in such a massacre.