The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 23


Bo Yang cried: "I'm going to die, how can you say such a thing?"

Xiaoling seemed a little guilty, coughed and said, "This... just a habit..."

"Xie Zetian, you are so courageous, you dare to distract yourself in front of me."

The faint voice came into his ears, and Bo Yang woke up immediately. He was only focused on arguing with Xiaoling just now, but he forgot that there was a cold demon standing in front of him.

It seems that there is no way to be kind. In this case, he didn't bother to pretend. Anyway, it's death, ha ha! It's just a bunch of computer data, why should I bow down to you

"Eternal Ye Mojun Ji Zixuan, so what if I touch you, I just want to touch you! Young Master, I touch you as soon as I touch it, what's the matter? You want to kill or cut, so hurry up!"

Bo Yang roared loudly, then closed his eyes and waited for the next pain.

However, after waiting for a while, the expected pain did not come. He couldn't help but opened one eye to observe secretly, only to find that Lord Mojun stood where he was, with a very astonished expression. Immediately, the stupefaction turned into comprehension, and then comprehension turned into a kind of entanglement.

This change in mood is really incomprehensible.

Lord Mojun doesn't appear many times in the novel, this person is unpredictable, what kind of character this person is, and what he did in the time when he didn't appear, Bo Yang has no idea.

Facing this unknown data, Bo Yang didn't feel safe at all, and didn't know how to deal with it.

What is he struggling with? Stuck on how to kill me

Ah, what a cruel and heartless man.

Bo Yang complained in his heart.

"you like me?"


Bo Yang couldn't react to the sudden sound, he opened his mouth wide and let out an ah.

Eternal Ye Mojun frowned, "You touched me on the mountain before, I was aware of it at that time, and later I heard that you didn't touch any man or woman after you returned to the mansion, and you buried a lot of them, I guess you may have a little thought for me , but I'm not sure yet."

Bo Yang: "..."

Bo Yang fainted.

who is he? Where is he? What is he talking about

No matter how dumbfounded Bo Yang was, Yong Ye Mojun said slowly, "Until recently, you stayed in the Palace of Eternal Darkness secretly. You stayed here, you wanted to get close to me, right? Then you saw that I was in a state of madness, not only did you not run away , and didn’t take the opportunity to kill me, but even risked waking me up, I was just thinking that you might really like me.”



Huh huh

The voice of Eternal Ye Mojun was very calm, and the words he said were eloquent and well-founded, but Bo Yang didn't sound right.

"Seeing that I was in a state of madness, you actually took the initiative to ask to snatch the Biyun Pearl, and you did not hesitate to get seriously injured for it. At this moment, I can confirm that you are really in love with me."

Bo Yang opened his mouth wide, unable to recover for a long time.

Eternal Ye Mojun raised his eyebrows, and said decisively: "Xie Zetian, you like me."

Bo Yang: "..."

Do not!

Bo Yang wanted to reach out Erkang's hand to prevent the devil's brain from continuing to diverge.

Great Mojun, I am at most loyal to you, when did I fall in love with you

Everything I do is for another man, don't get me wrong!

However, the Demon Lord didn’t know that he was shouting in his heart, and he was still immersed in his own brain hole, unable to extricate himself, “Of course, it’s natural for an excellent Demon Lord like me to like me, and there are many people who fall in love with me. You like me, I don’t like you at all. Accident. It's just that you are my right-hand man, and I don't want any more relationship between you and me."

Bo Yang: "..."

Bo Yang's lips trembled, unable to speak.

Seeing him speechless in shock, Eternal Night Demon Lord sighed deeply, confirming his thoughts even more.

"Originally I didn't want to directly break this matter, but I feel that you can't bear it anymore. I have been with me for so many years, I don't know when you fell in love with me. If you have been patient, I will also Pretend you don't know, but I can feel that you can't control your feelings now... "

Bo Yang: "..."

The devil is big

Lord Mojun, what are you talking about

What do you mean I can no longer control my emotions

I do not know how!

Yong Ye Mojun put his hand on Bo Yang's shoulder, and said earnestly: "Zetian, it is impossible for me to fall in love with you, just give up."

Bo Yang: "..."

He moved his lips, just about to defend himself.

"Sir, Lord Mojun misunderstood, you don't have to die." Xiao Ling said happily.

Xiaoling's words awakened Bo Yang, yes, Lord Mojun misunderstood.

Just as he was about to defend himself, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind to stop him.

Why explain

What's in it for me

If you don't explain it, you will just go wrong to the end. Justify yourself, if you tell him, Lord Mojun, I never fell in love with you, and I went to the human world for another person, would I be beaten to death every minute? Besides, the devil is obviously not interested in him, so it is best to let him misunderstand, at most, he can get away with acting out his emotional hurt, and then he can logically say that I don't like you anymore, the devil, and the two of them can be happy as a ruler and minister again.

It is clear at a glance what to do to benefit yourself.

Bo Yang immediately displayed his dramatic spirit, showing shock, pain, and shame on his face.

"Sir, the expression is too exaggerated, too much force."

Bo Yang immediately restrained himself a bit, quickly turned his head away, so that Lord Yongye Mojun would not see his distorted face, and asked nervously: "Your Majesty, you, you know?"

His voice trembled, fully expressing his shock.

"Xiao Ling, how is my acting skill?"

"Sir is great, let's give it a hundred points."

That's great.

Mojun Yongye continued to speak earnestly, "Zetian, I will not pursue the matter of going to the human world to make trouble at Tengyunzong this time. You should take good care of your wounds and go back to rest. Don't see me again during this time."

"Your Majesty!" Bo Yang intentionally showed a grief-stricken expression, "Your Majesty, how can you be so cruel? Don't you even give me the chance to see you often?"

Xiaoling vomited in her mind.

Bo Yang refused to accept it, "What are you throwing up, this young master puts all his heart and soul into acting, this is your reaction?"

Xiao Ling said firmly: "I just feel a little uncomfortable suddenly, it has nothing to do with your acting skills, sir, you continue."

Bo Yang snorted softly, and kept recalling the TV series he had watched, trying to remember the lines of the heroine or supporting actress.

"Your Majesty, I don't ask for anything, I just want to stay by your side, don't drive me away..."

Eternal Night Demon Lord was shocked.

The expression on the face of the person in front of him was very mournful, and a humble begging came out of his mouth.

It's not that the Eternal Night Demon Lord has never been prayed to, but those who admire him are very afraid of him and dare not speak too much. And the person who is praying to him now is Xie Zetian, one of the four arrogant and reckless young masters on weekdays!

Such a proud person before, but now humblely begging him to give him a chance to stay by his side.

Eternal Night Demon Lord was very shocked.

When a woman gets on her knees and begs a man not to leave, everyone sympathizes, but not shocked, it feels normal. But when a man kneels on the ground begging another man, everyone will be surprised. It would be unimaginable if the man kneeling on the ground was originally an arrogant and arrogant person!

How much love does it take to be willing to pray so humblely

Eternal Night Demon Monarch's mood is very complicated.

On the one hand, he felt very useful, and anyone would be happy to be liked by an excellent person, but when this person was his right-hand man and he was still a man, he hesitated.

Eternal Ye Mojun didn't like to confuse official and private matters, and he never thought of attacking his own able-bodied people.

He didn't expect Xie Zetian to be so stubborn. He thought that if he refused bluntly, Xie Zetian would definitely quit voluntarily because of his self-esteem. It never occurred to me that this person didn't even have any self-esteem.

How much do you have to like it

"Heal your wounds well."

Not wanting to entangle any more, Mojun Yongye got up and left the hot spring.

Leaving is the best choice for Xie Zetian.

Maybe if we don't meet often, we can stop thinking about it.

Eternal Night Demon Lord thought to himself.

"Your Majesty..." Seeing that he was gone, Bo Yang was greatly relieved, but he had to do everything he could to turn his face right away, so he still maintained his begging posture, stretched out Erkang's hand, and called out to Eternal Night Demon Lord .

Hearing his shout, the Eternal Night Demon Lord ran even faster, and soon disappeared.