The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 25


Bo Yang walked into the room, only to find that besides Lou Jianfeng, there was another old man in his fifties or sixties. The old man was wearing a gray robe with a bird flying high embroidered on the cuffs and neckline of the robe. As soon as Bo Yang saw the bird's logo, he knew he was from Wuyunmen.

I just don't know if it was the spies sent by Lou Jianfeng into Wuyunmen, or if he was a member of Wuyunmen who turned back later.

"This is one of the four guardians of our demon clan, Xie Zetian." Seeing Bo Yang coming in, Lou Jianfeng introduced.

The old man hastily bowed deeply to Bo Yang respectfully, with the meaning of bowing his knees, "I have seen Lord Xie, and I have heard for a long time that Lord Xie has a strong cultivation base and extraordinary appearance. When I saw him today, he really deserves his reputation."

Bo Yang nodded inscrutablely, and turned his gaze to Lou Jianfeng.

Lou Jianfeng introduced: "This is Elder Qiu from Wuyunmen."

Still an elder

Lou Jianfeng brought the person here directly, which means that he has confirmed that this person can be trusted. It is not easy to gain Lou Jianfeng's trust, which means that this elder must be devoted to the demon world, and he really wants to help them destroy the boundary monument.

What Bo Yang has never understood is why some human races help the demons to attack him

There are no eggs under the overturned nest, and I don't know what these people think.

It is understandable that Elder Qianmen helped Lou Jianfeng, because Lou Jianfeng had already controlled his mind and he could not think independently. However, apart from Elder Qianmen, there were other people who helped Lou Jianfeng. They knew Lou Jianfeng's true identity, but they still helped him. Bo Yang couldn't understand it.

I don't have a good impression of traitors. Anyway, Xie Zetian's personality is aggressive, and it doesn't matter if his tone is a little arrogant.

"Guardian Lou, destroying the boundary marker is a matter of our clan's plan. Can this person be trusted?"

Before Lou Jianfeng could speak, the elder anxiously explained: "Please thank you for your peace of mind, my loyalty to the Demon Lord can be learned from heaven and earth."

Bo Yang sneered, "There is a lesson to be learned from heaven and earth? You can even betray your own sect, so how can you be loyal?"

That elder had some status in Wuyunmen, and when Bo Yang Yitong ridiculed him, his face turned red and then blue.

The atmosphere was embarrassing, Lou Jianfeng came out to make a rescue, "Master Xie misunderstood, Elder Qiu has not been valued in the Wuyunmen, he has paid a lot, but was framed by villains instead, the elder abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, it is the most correct choice."

It means that if you are not satisfied with your current position in the sect, you want to be promoted but you can't, so you simply sell your boss.

I don't know what others think, anyway, Bo Yang doesn't like dealing with such people. Yu Si, this kind of person has terrible conduct, Yu Gong, a capricious villain, may stab a knife in the back one day.

But he is his ally now, tearing his face is not good, Bo Yang said, "I hope that there will be no troubles in the future, the matter of your lord must be guaranteed to be safe."

After being slapped in the face, the elder quickly returned to his groveling posture, and hurriedly said: "No, the boundary marker is at Wuyunmen, so there will definitely be no problems."

"That's good."

After that, the three discussed for a long time about the boundary marker of Wuyunmen, and finally came up with an implementation plan. Elder Qiu went back to Wuyunmen first, and poisoned the elders of the sect. At midnight, Xie Zetian led people into Wuyunmen, Elder Qiu opened the mountain protection formation, and a group of people entered the forbidden area without anyone knowing it. boundary marker.

With Elder Qiu as the internal support, things should go very smoothly.

In the original book, the destruction of the Wuyun Gate was a major event that shocked the human world, and it was from then on that when the demon invasion was exposed, the human world reacted positively.

"Xiaoling, I remember that all the elders and heads of Wuyunmen were wiped out, right?" Bo Yang asked Xiaoling in his mind.

Xiaoling replied: "Yes."

"But it's very strange. According to Lou Jianfeng's plan, it is reasonable to say that the boundary marker should be destroyed without anyone noticing. He didn't intend to kill more people at all. How could the elders and heads of Wuyunmen be wiped out? ?”

Lou Jianfeng's style of acting is very low-key, and he will not make a big fuss at such a juncture.

Xiaoling also said: "It's quite strange, and there must be something that we don't know about."

Talking with Xiaoling in my mind, the matter of attacking Wuyunmen and destroying the boundary markers in reality has been decided.

The time is set for tomorrow.

As soon as the discussion was over, Bo Yang left the room with the excuse of being bored.

After leaving the room, Xiao Ling said, "Sir, you shouldn't have despised Elder Qiu like that just now."

"I can't stand this capricious traitor."

"Sir, this is where you are immature. He is your ally and has close interests with you. Even if you don't like him, you can't be rude to him."

Bo Yang was dissatisfied: "Why do you speak like my father?"

Xiaoling said: "Because this is exactly what Mr.'s father wants to teach you. There is a saying that it is better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain. Just now you offended Elder Qiu, it will do you no good. If he If you stumble in the process of executing the plan, you will be very passive."

Bo Yang frowned, "So I don't want to take over my father's business, because I hate this kind of hypocrisy."

"But mister, aren't you pretending to be Xie Zetian now that you are making false claims with Lord Yong Yemo?"

Bo Yang was silent.

After a while, he said, "I hate this."

"Mr., life is like this. You can't go your way. You have to learn to accept it. You hate being submissive. Doesn't Mr.'s father hate it? Everyone should take their own responsibilities and encounter some bad things. If you don’t do it, someone else must do it. Mr.’s father sent you to this world for experiments, and I hope you can understand his painstaking efforts.”

Bo Yang was stunned.

In the past twenty-five years, he was a little son who was held in the hands of his family and loved. He didn't have to worry about anything, and he didn't even need to take responsibility, because his brother and father were on top. But he forgot that everyone is born with responsibilities that should be borne. If your life goes well, someone must be helping you carry the burden forward.

"You're right." Bo Yang was silent for a moment, then said, "Before, I was ignorant and didn't understand the hard work of my father and brother."

Xiao Ling said: "Mr. has such an experience, and Mr.'s father will be very happy when he hears it."

Speaking of his father and elder brother, Bo Yang wanted to finish the task earlier and go back. When he left, my brother was still lying on the hospital bed, and I don't know if he woke up. And I entered this world trial, I don't know how long it will take to complete. The affairs of the family and the company are all supported by the father alone.

His father's status is very high, but at the same time he also bears tremendous pressure. Thinking of his gray hair at the temples, Bo Yang's heart is even more uneasy.

"gentlemen… "

"I miss them..." Bai Yang murmured, "I hope to finish the mission soon and go back to help my father. My brother is still awake, and my mother must be very worried..."

Seeing that Bo Yang showed signs of worrying, Xiaoling stopped in time, "Sir, now you should cheer up and complete the trial as soon as possible."

"That's right, I want to complete the task as soon as possible." Bo Yang cheered up, "I still need to find out who has tampered with my mission. If this person dares to do something to me, I'm worried that he will also do something to my family. Do it."

"Sir, don't think too much for now, just complete the task as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Xiaoling."

"You're welcome, my task is to let you complete the task and get the training you deserve. These are what I should do." Xiao Ling said.

When Bo Yang came to the world, his main purpose was to meet the male lead. Now he was anxious and wished he could fly to Tengyunzong to meet the male lead. But he didn't complete the task of Wuyunmen, so he had no choice but to be patient.

At midnight on the second day, Bo Yang led his people to ambush outside the Wuyun Gate. When a sparrow flew out of the Wuyun Gate, Bo Yang knew it was time to act.

This sparrow has been specially manipulated, only Bo Yang can sense the breath on it, this is the signal to do something. In the middle of the night, there were no stars or moon in the sky, and everything seemed silent and extremely dark.

At first, Bo Yang thought of using his spiritual sense to detect the situation of Wuyunmen, but then he gave up this idea, because it would easily alarm other people if his spiritual sense was swept out. People with poor ability may not be able to sense it, but people with high ability or high sensitivity can feel it. In addition, spiritual consciousness is not omnipotent, just like satellite patterns, if others deliberately block it, they will not be able to see the real thing.

If you can really see what you want to see, then this world is clearly visible to those powerful people. It is impossible for a big boss like Yongye Mojun to go to the human world to inquire about it. Condition. When he came to the human world to activate his consciousness, he could find the location of the four boundary markers.

The signal had been sent, and Bo Yang immediately ordered to enter the Dark Cloud Gate.