The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 30


Xiao Ling praised: "Sir, you have done a good job, you look like a qualified leader."

Bo Yang said: "Thank you for the compliment. Fortunately, there is a clear hierarchy between the upper and lower levels in the Demon Realm, and orders are strictly prohibited. Otherwise, I would really be too busy."

The reason why the takeover of chores goes smoothly is that the subordinates trust the superiors very much, and Bo Yang's orders can be passed on quickly and executed.

Of course, others are willing to listen to him because behind him stands the Eternal Night Demon Lord.

Everyone respects the Demon Lord, fears him, and obeys him.

"But Mr. is still doing a great job. He can manage such a large army. It will be no problem to go back and manage the company in the future." Xiaoling thought a lot.

Bo Yang just laughed when he heard this, "Let's talk about it."

To be honest, he is not interested in managing the company. He always thinks that the company belongs to his brother, and he just needs to be an idler.

Concentrating on government affairs, with him in charge, everything will be as usual.

On the night of the third day, Bo Yang took care of the affairs of the day and was about to go back to his room to rest, when the Eternal Night Demon Lord appeared.

For the past two days, Bo Yang helped the Demon Monarch Yongye take care of his daily affairs, and the Monarch stayed in the apse to recuperate, and he did not hide from Bo Yang his own health problems. Bo Yang helped him conceal the news, tried his best to help him deal with the outsiders, and let him concentrate on repairing his body.

Because he took advantage of the Demon Lord, he felt guilty, so he worked extraordinarily hard in his work.

However, this behavior falls into the eyes of some people, which is another interpretation.

"Your Majesty, have you left the seclusion?" Bo Yang was both surprised and delighted, he was really happy that when the Demon Lord came out, he didn't need to take care of those government affairs that made his brain ache. It's not easy to be a demon king. Centralized rule will be very cool, but there will be a lot of government affairs. People like him who are afraid of trouble are not sensitive.

"En." Mojun nodded, approached him, and glanced at the military newspaper on the table.

His complexion has improved a lot, his skin is fair and rosy, and his aura is very strong.

The army stayed in the western territory, Bo Yang said to the outside world that he was repairing the army to appease the forces in the western territory, but in fact he was waiting for the demon king to recover his body.

Now it seems that the Demon Lord has really recovered.

Seeing that he was interested in the military newspaper, Bo Yang hurriedly told him about today's government affairs, and the Demon Lord nodded from time to time.

After Bo Yang finished talking about the day's government affairs, Mojun finally said a good word.

Bo Yang: "..."

Alright, let's not talk about the Demon Lord. But I've finished talking, should I be let go

Bo Yang didn't sleep much these days dealing with government affairs, so he really wanted to go back and rest early. Just thinking about how to say goodbye tactfully, Mo Jun suddenly said: "You came here in a hurry, you came to see me specially."

"Ah?" Bo Yang didn't react.

The Demon Lord glanced at him, his eyes were very deep, his eyes flicked slightly, and the long eyelashes trembled, which made people's heart skip a beat.

Bo Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly looked away.

"I've thought a lot these past few days. You rushed back from the human world to the demon world because of me, right?" The Demon King's voice was pleasant, with strong determination and confidence.

Bo Yang: "..."

Bo Yang finally understood what he was talking about, but it was because he understood that he felt a little silly.

What did Mo Junda start thinking about again

What do you mean I am for him

However, his hesitation fell into the eyes of the people in front of him, which proved the devil's great thoughts.

Sighing lightly, Lord Mojun said: "Didn't I tell you not to like me? As soon as I heard that I was going to attack the Western Heavenly Demon, I hurried back. Xie Zetian, your words don't count."

Bo Yang: "..."

Wait, things are not what you think!

Bo Yang recalled the day when the demon king asked him why he came back. Bo Yang didn’t answer well. Later, the demon king changed the subject. Bo Yang felt that the matter was over. Unexpectedly, the demon king kept it in his heart and was still thinking about it. Think about it.

I don't know why he figured it out.

No matter what he figured out, Bo Yang didn't want to know, and quickly denied it, "Your Majesty, that's not the case. The reason why I came back in a hurry was to report about the Wuyunmen."

"The matter of Wuyunmen, Lou Jianfeng, has been passed on to me. How can you come back from the human world all the way, and even go to the Western Demon Realm to tell me?"

Come back for a report? Who are you kidding

This little thing can't even find an excuse.

Mojun thought sadly, it turns out that Xie Zetian is not kidding, he really likes me.

Bo Yang: "..."

"The reason why you rushed back was probably because you heard some rumors, knowing that the Western Heavenly Demon has obtained a treasure, and you have nothing to fear, and you also know that I have gone mad and am injured, so you are afraid that something will happen to me, right?"

The voice of Eternal Night Demon Lord was very firm.

Bo Yang: "..."

I didn't know how to answer. Yes, the matter of Wuyunmen is not urgent. According to Xie Zetian's personality, it is impossible for him to rush back from the human world to inform Yongye Mojun about this matter. But when he rushed back, he always had to give a proper reason.

Of course, it cannot be said that it is to save the hero.

Fortunately, he hasn't thought of the reason yet, but Eternal Night Demon Lord has already helped him think of it—because of love.

Bo Yang was in a mess, he almost forgot that Yongye Mojun misunderstood him for liking him.

Thinking according to the logic of Lord Yongye, Xie Zetian was saddened by being rejected before, so he asked himself to go to the human world to do a task, but his heart is still tied to Lord Yongye, and he was worried when he heard that he was going to attack the Western Heavenly Demon. When he came back, he not only helped to conceal the devil's physical condition, but also tried his best to help him with government affairs.

Isn't this what love is

There is nothing wrong with this logic!

But Bo Yang has never paid attention to the affairs of the demon world at all, and he doesn't know that Lord Yongye is attacking the Western Heavenly Demon, let alone that the Western Heavenly Demon has a treasure in his hands.

But at this moment, Bo Yang could only keep silent.

He found that the Lord Demon Lord is usually high and cold, but actually has a kind of inexplicable self-confidence, and he has a big brain.

This contrast surprised Bo Yang.

His silence made Yongye Mojun more affirmed his thoughts, and sighed again, "Xie Zetian, you have to learn to control your emotions, there are some people you will never be able to stay together for the rest of your life."

Bo Yang dead fish eyes: "..."

No, I never wanted to be with you.

The Demon Lord spoke earnestly, and analyzed again, "I know you like men. A man as good as me, who has been with me for a long time, will naturally like me, but my goal is to unify the two realms of humans and demons, and ascend to the upper realm. Love and love will only hinder my plan, do you understand?"

Bo Yang continued to stare blankly: "..."

Lord Mojun, where did you get the confidence to think that if you stay by your side for a long time, you will fall in love with you

Bo Yang complained wildly in his heart, but still maintained a shocked expression on his face.

What can he say? He can't deny it.

Said Lord Mojun, I ran all the way back to save another person, so I was not beaten to death on the spot.

Bo Yang endured and endured, and said aggrievedly: "Your Majesty, the reason why the subordinates rushed back is for the sake of loyalty, and there is no other meaning."

Great Mojun, I really didn't fall in love with you.

Please wake up!