The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 47


The harem left, only Qinghe was left, and Bo Yang's head hurt even more.

For the flowers and plants in his backyard, he can decide whether he favors them or not, but Qinghe is different. He is a beauty bestowed by the Eternal Night Demon Lord. If he keeps not favoring him, he will face two problems.

First, Xie Zetian is very jealous of the Demon Lord of Yongye, and he is unwilling to pamper the beauties he bestows. Second, he never stopped doing anything, anyway, it was a beauty that came to his door, so don't reject it in vain, he just pampered this beauty. But when he thought that he was bestowed by the demon king, he didn't know what monsters were in it, so he didn't dare to pamper her.

Neither the left nor the right, before Bo Yang could figure out why, it was getting dark.

He dawdled in the study for half an hour, and was urged repeatedly before he dawdled to his room.

In the room, Qinghe was waiting there obediently, with a smile like a flower, and a charming face.

As a womanizer who only likes beauties, how should I react when I see such beauty? Bo Yang lamented in his heart, but with a salivating look on his face, he slowly approached Qinghe, reached out and touched his face, "Your face is so slippery."

Xiao Ling was speechless, "Sir, can you change the sentence when you tease people, every time you say this sentence upside down, don't you bother?"

Bo Yang was also very speechless, "Molesting can make molesting new tricks? Besides, I don't really want to moles her. Do you think I'm really a big disciple in your heart?"

Xiao Ling: "You are not a big disciple, but Xie Zetian is a big pig's hoof, can you act like a big pig's hoof?"

"You you on the line!"

The two were arguing in their minds.

Qinghe spoke suddenly, "My lord, this servant has something to say."

Bo Yang waved his hand, "Speak up if you have anything to say, beauty, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

He thought the beauty wanted something.

"It's great to have your lord's words." Qing He bowed profusely, "What the servants said is what the king told lord."


The devil is big

Is there anything he doesn't want to say in person, and insists on letting a beautiful woman deliver the message in a tactful manner

"Go ahead." Bo Yang immediately became serious.

"Your Majesty said that in the future, I will delegate important tasks to you. I hope you can calm down and focus on your career, and don't be indulging in beauty and delay yourself." Qinghe said softly, "Your Majesty will give me My lord, let me supervise my lord, I hope my lord will understand."

Bo Yang: "..."

He knew that there was something wrong with the devil suddenly sending a beauty! Delegate important tasks? I can't believe it's such a heavy responsibility!

This beauty is straightforward enough, she actually said straight to the point that she is here to monitor Xie Zetian, so she is not afraid of my displeasure.

The other party has been open and honest, what is your reaction

Bo Yang thought for a while, but couldn't find a second reaction, so he let out an oh.

Qinghe glanced at him, and said respectfully: "It's late at night, please go to bed, my lord."

After saying this, Qinghe got up from the bed and walked to the side, walked out with a mattress in his arms, and spread the mattress under the bed neatly, as if planning to sleep on the floor.

Bo Yang was dumbfounded, "Qinghe, what are you doing?"

Qinghe said innocently: "It's a floor shop."

"Why are you laying the floor?"

"My lord, as I said just now, your majesty sent me here to supervise your self-cultivation, focus on your career, and don't be obsessed with beauty. Your lord will not forget it so soon."

Bo Yang: "..."

So, he can't pamper Qinghe anymore

Bo Yang was overjoyed for a while.

Probably he didn't speak all the time, Qinghe thought he was uncomfortable, and said seriously: "My lord, you don't have to blame your lord, your lord has said that as long as your lord can find someone he likes, marry a wife and have children with peace of mind, he will let you I'll leave, and he won't have another word if you want to go out and pamper anyone in the future."

Bo Yang asked a lot, "What about the people in my yard? Can't you favor them?"

Qinghe narrowed his eyes, "My lord, if you want to disobey the military order, you can pamper him."

Bo Yang: "..." Hehe, the Eternal Night Demon Lord's trick is so hot that he even takes care of my private life.

He was indeed worried about how to reject Yingying Yanyan in the backyard, and now the Demon Lord helped him solve it, haha.

Bo Yang was not grateful, on the contrary he was very upset.

There's nothing he can do to be upset, whoever told him that he is a cowardly dog, dare not provoke the devil.

You can't resist it, you can only accept it.

Bo Yang coughed, "Okay, it's getting late, go to bed."

Qinghe kept her promise, when she came out of Bo Yang's room the next day, she seemed to have become a celebrity in everyone's eyes, and was flattered wherever she went, and Qinghe also gave full play to her role, and immediately entered the favor. The character of Ji slid over and beat the people in the entire backyard, beating everyone into obedience.

After a period of time, Qinghe gained a firm foothold and controlled the entire backyard with powerful means. From then on, Bo Yang no longer worried about people being afraid of his bed in the middle of the night. Other disturbances, unless he has a crooked idea to pamper others or something.

He was really upset at the beginning that the Demon King sent Qinghe over, but Qinghe was really awesome, managed the harem well, and even guaranteed daily tasks.

There are also inconveniences, for example, he wants to investigate the news about the male lead, and arranges to go to the world, and he can't show his character to his heart's content.

Xie Zetian is arrogant and arrogant, and Bo Yang is a coward. The difference is a bit big. Before Qinghe was not here, he could recover his true colors in the mansion by himself, even if he picked his feet, no one cared. Now that there is Qinghe, Bo Yang is worried that she will make himself too OOC The place passed to the demon king, which aroused the suspicion of the demon king.

And at this time, the Eternal Darkness Palace has almost filled up the vacancies. This time, the Demon Realm has undergone major renovations. Those who should be promoted will be promoted, and those who should be degraded will be degraded. Bo Yang.

Zhong Shuo, Hua Feihua, etc. all have rewards and clear responsibilities, only Bo Yang's position remains unchanged, and it seems that the demon king no longer intends to promote him.

Bo Yang didn't care about his fame and status at all. What Bo Yang was anxious about was that he had mentioned returning to the human world before but was rejected by Lord Mojun and asked him to stay at home.

He stayed in the Demon Realm for another period of time, not knowing what the male lead in the world was like. According to his speculation, it is impossible for the hero to reach the Nascent Soul stage so soon, so he is still safe for the time being.

After waiting anxiously, the Eternal Darkness Palace finally sent a message calling him to have an audience.

Bo Yang rushed over immediately, he didn't know what the Demon Lord Yongye called him to do, but he felt that it was necessary to communicate with the Lord Demon Lord about going to the human world again. So when he heard the news of the summoning, he immediately rushed to the Eternal Darkness Palace.

The guards in the Eternal Darkness Palace seemed to have a lot of new faces. When these people saw Bo Yang, they immediately saluted respectfully.

Bo Yang hurried all the way to the main hall, and happened to meet several generals from the devil world coming out, and hurriedly saluted Bo Yang.

Bo Yang nodded slightly, as a greeting.

The few people left together, and faintly heard them saying something like "I don't know who to take the post of commander-in-chief of the Guards Army".

Bo Yang didn't take it seriously, and walked straight into the main hall. In the main hall, Lord Yongye was reading and approving official documents, and when he heard the voice, he said without raising his head, "Here you are?"

Bo Yang hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down on one knee, "Your Majesty, I don't know why your Majesty called your subordinates here?"

Eternal Ye Mojun put down the pen in his hand, raised his hand and said, "Get up first."

Bo Yang didn't like kneeling either, so he stood up.

Eternal Ye Mojun coughed and said, "Have you received what I gave you?"

"Received." Bo Yang said quickly.

"Are you satisfied?"

Can I say dissatisfied

Of course it can't.

So Bo Yang said out of conscience: "Thank you, Your Majesty, I am very satisfied."

After hearing his words, the Eternal Ye Mojun had a half-smile expression on his handsome face, "Including the beauty I gave you?"

Knowing that you still ask

This man's eyes are really bad.

Bo Yang muttered in private, but on the face he said gratefully: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the beauty is indeed overwhelming, I like it very much."

Eternal Night Demon Lord seemed very satisfied with his answer, "Just as long as you like it."

You gave me a beauty, but you didn't let me touch it, not only didn't you let me touch it, but the beauty didn't allow me to touch other people, what exactly do you mean

If Baiyang was still the old Xie Zetian, he probably hated Yongye Mojun to death. Although Bo Yang was very glad that Qinghe came to the mansion so that he didn't have to pamper other beauties, but Qinghe was the eyeliner of Lord Yongye, and it was uncomfortable to be watched every day.

"I know you resent me in your heart, and I'm doing it for your own good." The demon king seemed to know what he was thinking, and said seriously, "You said you wanted power and power, and I'm helping you."


Bo Yang raised his head in surprise.

"You will be the commander of the Guards." Eternal Ye Mojun said calmly.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord actually asked him to be the commander of the guards

Zhong Shuo, Hua Feihua, Lou Jianfeng, and Xie Zetian, the four guardians of the Demon Realm, these four have a very high status in the Demon Realm. Each of them has a position as a law protector, but this position is only a virtual position, regardless of real power, it mainly shows their status.

They also have other positions under the false position, for example, Lou Jianfeng has mastered a dark guard and is in charge of the affairs of the demon world in the human world. Hua Feihua controls the intelligence network, Zhong Shuo controls the military power, and only Xie Zetian's subordinates have the least real power. This is why Bo Yang feels that Yongye Mojun doesn't like Xie Zetian.

Xie Zetian only has a Flying Eagles team in his hands, and everyone in the team is an elite team, enough to make one out of ten, but after all, the number is too small. Before that, the Eternal Night Demon Lord gave Bo Yang a dark guard team, which was placed in the world by Bo Yang to collect news of the boundary markers, so in the demon world, Bo Yang only has a flying eagle team, which is the weakest of the four.

Now the Eternal Night Demon Lord wants to give him the position of commander of the Guards, which means that he will hold the power of the Guards in his hands. This position is very important, and it is a fat job that everyone covets. Entrusting such an important position to him is enough to show his trust in Xie Zetian.

With this position, Xie Zetian's strength will be greatly increased.

If the former Xie Zetian heard such news, he might be overjoyed, but for Bo Yang, this is not good news.

What is the Commander of the Guards? The duty of the guards is to guard the Demon City and the Eternal Darkness Palace, and to protect the Demon King personally. That is to say, once he takes this position, he has to be stationed in the Demon City and can no longer travel freely.

In this way, he will not be able to freely enter and leave the human world, so how can he do it

Absolutely, absolutely not!

Thinking about this point clearly, Bo Yang quickly said: "Your Majesty entrusts me with such an important position, and my subordinates may not be able to do it, so please ask your Majesty to hand it over to someone else."

Bo Yang's refusal was probably beyond the expectation of Yongye Mojun. Finally, a surprised expression appeared on his usually indifferent face, and he raised a sculpted eyebrow, "What did you say?"

Bo Yang said: "This subordinate would like to ask Your Majesty to take back your order."

The Eternal Ye Mojun did not speak, but stared deeply at Bo Yang, as if studying whether his words were true or false. After a while, I could probably see the sincerity on Bo Yang's face. He really wanted to refuse the job, so he frowned slightly, "Why?"


The reason... is very simple, because he doesn't want to stay in the Demon Realm, but wants to go to the Human Realm.

But it is definitely not possible to say this, Bo Yang said: "The qualifications of the subordinates are dull and cannot be reused. The position of commander of the Guards is extremely important, and the subordinates think that they are not competent."

The Eternal Ye Mojun's face became a little better, "I said you can do it, you can do it, could it be that you are doubting me?"

Why are you so domineering, you give me something and I don't want it

Bo Yang slandered inwardly, and continued: "I think Hua Feihua is more suitable than me."

"Hua Feihua has other things waiting for him to do."

Bo Yang racked his brains, "Your Majesty, I..."

The Eternal Night Demon Lord waited for him to speak, after a while, Bo Yang still didn't say the reason, his face gradually darkened, "You don't want to do it?"