The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 49


When hundreds of people gathered on the field, Bo Yang stepped forward and reprimanded them directly.

"Listen up, I will be in charge of the entire Guards from now on. Zhong Shuo is your commander. I know you are not convinced. It doesn't matter if you are not convinced. He is gone. I am your leader. You have to listen. Mine, do you hear me?"

Everyone answered in unison.


Is there no objection

He acted arrogantly again, and the guards only answered with one word—yes!

Bo Yang felt frustrated again.

But he regained his energy soon, it doesn't matter, there will be a long time to come, and he will definitely get rid of this position.

He dismissed them, and the adjutant stepped forward and said, "My lord, there are still some things that need to be done in the Commander's Mansion. Come with me, my lord, and we will point it out for you."

"You can figure it out for yourself, just let me do things when I come here, I haven't had any flower wine yet!" Bo Yang threw down a sentence, and walked away swaggeringly while the two looked at each other.

After leaving the Commander's Mansion, Bo Yang didn't know what to do, so he just wandered around on the street, and finally met Zhong Shuo again on the street.

"Are you here to check the defense?" Zhong Shuo asked.

Bo Yang: "..." It's not that I didn't.

Zhong Shuo was very happy, and grabbed him, "Walk, walk, I was looking for you, hurry up and follow me to see the defense of the Guards."

"No..." Bo Yang still wanted to struggle, but was dragged away by Zhong Shuo. Zhong Shuo was so strong that Bo Yang couldn't break free at all, so he was forced to drag him to the nearest stronghold.

Faintly, he heard a few guards talking behind him.

"Master Zhong and Mr. Xie have such a good relationship. When we meet Mr. Xie in the future, it's like meeting Mr. Zhong. We must listen to him."

"Master Xie came to check the defenses after handing over today, very diligent."

"Your Majesty favors him very much, and entrusted him with the position of commander of the Guards. We must be vigilant in the future."

Bo Yang who heard their conversation almost burst into tears.

I want to grab their shoulders and shout: "No, listen to my explanation! I don't want to be a leader! How much you oppose it!"

However, no one else could hear his call.

The next day Bo Yang went to see the Demon Monarch of Yongye, and the Monarch had a gentle face, which could almost be described as amiable, which made Bo Yang quite flattered.

The Demon Lord only asked about the handover of the guards, but Bo Yang told the truth, saying that the handover had not been completed. As a result, when Bo Yang went to the Commander's Mansion, an order from the Great Demon King came from the back, telling the guards to obey Bo Yang's order and hand over as soon as possible.

Now everyone knew that the Demon King valued Xie Zetian very much, and the guards didn't dare to neglect him a little bit, so they almost offered Bai Yang as a bodhisattva.

Bo Yang was speechless and deeply frustrated.

It went on like this for a period of time, and Lord Mojun called him into the palace every now and then, and asked him about the handover, Bo Yang always told the truth, until recently the basic handover was finally completed, and the Mojun didn't ask him any more.

This day the Demon Lord called him into the palace again, when he arrived at the Eternal Darkness Palace and hadn't entered the main hall, a man suddenly appeared beside him, apparently dressed as someone from the palace.

"Thank you, my lord, for this way."

Bo Yang said: "Your Majesty summoned me to have an audience, we will talk about things later."

That palace said: "It is exactly what the emperor ordered, please thank you, my lord."

What the hell is the devil going to do

Bo Yang was full of doubts, and walked forward behind the palace man, and arrived at the side hall next to the main hall in a short while.

The side halls are spacious and spacious, they are well cleaned, and the decorations are very gorgeous.

There are a few servants in the palace, their appearance... They are tall and thick, very ordinary, and they are also very old. In short, they are not the ones that Xie Zetian will molested.

"I have seen Mr. Xie."

Bo Yang looked around, "What did you bring me here for?"

The palace man who brought him in said respectfully: "Master Xie, Your Majesty has said that Lord Xie will often patrol to protect the safety of the Eternal Darkness Palace in the future, so he specially ordered the servants and others to clean this palace for Lord Xie to live in."

It turned out to be a gift for myself.

Bo Yang was a little surprised.

Lord Mojun is really interesting, the spare room he lived in before was relatively small and out of the way, but now he actually built a palace for him to live in.

Bo Yang was flattered again.

Lord Mojun is too kind to himself, right? When Zhong Shuo was the commander of the Guards, he didn't have this blessing.

The commander of the guards is indeed responsible for guarding the safety of the Eternal Darkness Palace, but living in the palace always feels weird.

After the palace man finished speaking, he asked again: "Master Xie, are you still satisfied?"

Bo Yang: "Satisfied, very satisfied."

I have already given up a palace for myself to live in, so what is there to be dissatisfied with? Do you still want to live in the main hall? That would be total court usurpation.

The palace servants took him around the palace and gave him a general introduction to the situation in the palace. Bo Yang nodded one by one, expressing that he remembered, and then he went to the main hall to thank the Demon King.

Of course, others have prepared a palace for themselves, so they should be thanked.

Going to the main hall, Bo Yang found that Yongye Mojun was still reviewing official documents. Yongye Mojun was very diligent, especially recently, he was either at work or on his way to work.

Bo Yang, who had not crossed over before, would have seen this scene and felt that this man was an ambitious conspirator. No matter how he got up early and stayed late, it was because of his own ambition. He wanted to rule the world, so naturally he didn't like him much. Now that we have been together for a long time, I feel that such a boss is rare.

The so-called ass decides the head. In the past, he viewed the entire Demon Realm and Eternal Night Demon Lord from the side of the male protagonist and the cultivation world. Now that he is a member of the Demon Realm, he found that Eternal Night Demon Lord is A very good king.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord has ruled the Demon Realm for three thousand years. He has been conscientious and conscientious, thinking of the people of the Demon Realm, stabilizing the border, and bringing benefits to the people. Not to mention far, not long ago, he was able to find out the careerists and conspirators with the smallest cost of troops, stifle the crisis in the cradle, and exchange for the long-term tranquility of the border, which is already a rare feat.

On the other hand, all the demon kings in the past have wished to unify the two worlds of humans and demons, but unfortunately no one has achieved it. Only the Eternal Night Demon Lord can open the enchantment channel, and even send people to develop power in the world, turning the world upside down, these methods are not unreasonable.

Thinking about it this way, Eternal Night Demon Lord is really amazing.

"I saw the palace just now? Are you still satisfied?" The cold voice of Yongye Mojun sounded from above, and Bo Yang quickly said: "Satisfied, very satisfied, thank you, Your Majesty."

Hearing his satisfaction one after another, a smile appeared on Yong Ye Mojun's handsome face, "The time is relatively short, and the arrangement is not very good. I remember that you prefer gorgeous things. I will order the palace people to find some more in a few days." Rare treasures are placed inside."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Hearing what he said, Bo Yang quickly cupped his fists and said, "I don't think it's necessary for Your Majesty to do this, the palace is well decorated enough."

In the novel, Xie Zetian is indeed a person who seeks pleasure and must use the best things in his hands, but Bo Yang is not. Even he wouldn't dare, now that he is in the Eternal Darkness Palace, but not in his own home, if the requirements are too high, and the place where he lives is too gorgeous, it is hard to keep the suspicion of usurping the host, and also think that he has lived a long life

Eternal Night Demon Lord seemed a little puzzled.

Bo Yang quickly explained: "Your Majesty, it is too much kindness for me to spare a palace for me to live in. If the decoration is too gorgeous, I am afraid that people will criticize me."

Eternal Ye Mojun sneered, and Bai Yang's face was covered with strong self-confidence, "Who dares to criticize?"

Bo Yang: "..."

Indeed, what the Demon Lord said is the imperial decree, who dares to say that he is not

Bo Yang didn't want to live in the palace, and he didn't feel comfortable being too close to Lord Yongye.

"Your Majesty, there has never been a precedent for the commander of the Guards to live in the Palace of Eternal Darkness before. Is it not in compliance with the rules for me to live here?" Mo Jun Da, let's meet each other during the day, let me go back to sleep at night sleep well.

The Eternal Night Demon Lord didn't hear his voice, so he waved his hand, "It's different now, you are the only one in this world who knows about my physical condition, I'm worried that something will happen again at night, so you have to stay by my side."

I see.

Bo Yang was stunned.

Eternal Ye Mojun's obsession, at present, only God knows what he knows, and the time of this attack is not fixed, so it is only natural that Eternal Ye Mojun wants to find someone to keep by his side.

No wonder he wanted to find a palace for himself next to the main hall.

He was still wondering if the two palaces were too close to each other, and it only took two steps to get there. This was the original purpose.

Eternal Ye Mojun said so, and Bo Yang, as a loyal subordinate, naturally couldn't refuse, so he said: "Then this subordinate thanked you, Your Majesty."

"You don't have to thank me, you deserve it." Eternal Ye Mojun glanced at him.

The meaning in that glance was so profound that Bo Yang couldn't fathom it.

So Bo Yang moved into the Palace of Eternal Darkness the next day and started his life in the palace.

It is said that he is the commander of the Guards. Firstly, he is not in control of the current situation, and secondly, he has no intention of being the commander, so he idles around all day long, even picks and chooses, bosses around, and hopes that the people below will be punished. No more, report him to Eternal Night Demon Lord, and then Yongye Demon Lord will fire him.

But the more he is like this, the more respectful the people below are. Regarding his negligence, the Eternal Night Demon Lord has nothing to say, he turns a blind eye and doesn't even mention it.

Bo Yang was idling around under his nose all day long, and Lord Mojun didn't say anything, so what else could others say? What dare to say

No one can match this grace.

After a long time, the Eternal Night Demon Lord probably couldn't stand it anymore, so he specially invited Bo Yang to say, "I don't think you have done anything all day, are you very free?"

Bo Yang said indifferently: "Everything is handled by the adjutant, and I don't need to do anything. If I do everything myself, why do I need my subordinates?"

The words are plausible and quite rascal.

After finishing speaking, he waited for Yongye Mojun to get angry, but Yongye Mojun paused and said, "You have a reason for what you said."