The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him

Chapter 54


Bo Yang hurried all the way to the formation. He had already investigated that the passage would be opened tonight, so it was not surprising to see the passage opened when he arrived.

He walked straight over, crossed the passage, and soon arrived in the human world.

The Demon Realm is night, and so is the world.

It's just that the night in the demon world is always extremely dark and oppressive, while the night in the world is full of stars and moons, which is quite refreshing.

Bo Yang took a deep breath.

The air in the world is very fresh. Bo Yang breathed the air here, and felt that his mind was much clearer.

Forget it, forget what happened just now.

Bo Yang's current mood is like a tourist who leaves his hometown to travel elsewhere. Even if there are many unhappy things, he will let himself adjust when he sees strange and beautiful scenery.

Although the demons recovered quickly, Bo Yang was still very tired after spending a lot of energy just now to suppress the magic power of Lord Yongye.

He quickly came to the previous stronghold, found a random room and went in to lie down. Probably due to high mental tension, he tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep.

Suddenly there was a faint fragrance in the air, Bo Yang frowned when he smelled this fragrance, he let go after a while, and fell into sleep peacefully.

A slender figure appeared in the dark room.

The figure walked to the side of the bed and stared quietly at the person on the bed, and after a while sat on the side of the bed and stretched out his hand to hold Bo Yang's wrist, slowly injecting demonic energy into his body to soothe his damaged meridians.

Bo Yang hadn't recovered yet, he couldn't wake up like a dead pig.

After a while, after the restoration was completed, Mo Jun let go of his wrist, gently picked up the quilt that Bo Yang kicked off and covered him again, and then sat on the edge of the bed without moving.

He didn't know what Xie Zetian was doing in the human world, so he chased him hastily and wanted to chase him back. Then he thought, maybe Xie Zetian would be embarrassed, and he wasn't ready to face the victim.

Thinking of Xie Zetian's appearance just now...

The Demon Lord coughed, his face flushed slightly.

Forget it, let's not meet again, and come back after the things in the Demon Realm are over.

I don't know how long it took, the sky began to dim, and the eyelashes of the people on the bed trembled, as if they were about to wake up.

A human voice suddenly sounded outside the door, "This door has been moved."

"This is the room prepared for Mr. Xie!"

"Could it be that Mr. Xie is here?"

"Let's go in and have a look."

"Knock on the door first."

The voice was getting closer, and then someone whispered outside the door: "Excuse me, is Mr. Xie back?"

The person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

The person sitting on the edge of the bed disappeared without a trace the moment he opened his eyes.

Bo Yang was woken up by people outside, he thought he would not sleep well last night, but unexpectedly he slept soundly.

Am I just such a pighead who doesn't think about things? After such a thing happened, how could he still sleep like a pig without a string

Bo Yang sat on the bed and entered into deep reflection.

Someone knocked on the door again, "Is Mr. Xie in there? Are we going in?"

Bo Yang patted his face with his hands, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and assumed the posture of a superior, "Come in."

There was a moment of silence outside the door, and then someone said tremblingly, "When did Master Xie come back?"

"Last night." Bo Yang said, "Bring me a basin of water."

"Yes!" The people outside followed the orders and quickly brought hot water and towels for Bo Yang.

After Bo Yang washed up, he ate some breakfast and asked someone to get some spirit stones, then he left in a big way. From the beginning to the end, he didn't explain why he suddenly appeared and why he left. Anyway, with his status, he didn't need to explain, and the people around him didn't dare to talk too much.

"Xiaoling, tell me the location of the magic dragon." Bo Yang said.

Xiaoling said: "The book says that the magic dragon is in Shenglong Lake."

It is recorded in the book that the demon dragon devoured the beast monks around him, which was a disaster. Later, the male protagonist’s other flowery partner, Feng Ming, was abolished. She ate and passed Thang Long Lake on the way.

The main goal of the author is to let the male protagonist and Feng Ming enter the Dragon Soul Secret Realm to sublimate their relationship, find the blood ganoderma, and briefly describe the magic dragon, only saying that the magic dragon is powerful and escaped after being seriously injured by the male protagonist. According to the description in the book, the magic dragon's inner alchemy is very good for increasing the cultivation base, but it is only aimed at junior monks, Fengming's cultivation base is already high, and only the blood ganoderma can save it, so the hero did not chase and intercept the magic dragon.

There will be no description of the magic dragon later.

The male protagonist has not arrived at the golden alchemy yet, and the inner alchemy of the magic dragon is just right.

The male protagonist's blood ganoderma and other elixirs dare not touch, but the magic dragon is harmless.

As early as a year after being chained by the demon king, Bo Yang had the idea of a demon dragon, but unfortunately he had been suffering from being unable to leave the demon world. Now that he had a reason, he naturally went straight to his destination.

Under Xiaoling's guidance, Bo Yang soon came to Shenglong Lake.

Shenglong Lake is located between two mountains. The surface of the lake is clear and calm, and there is no danger at all. It is described in the book that the magic dragon always sneaks up on people when they are not paying attention, and nine out of ten they will succeed.

Bo Yang let go of the aura around him, and slowly approached the lake, pretending to be a dusty monk, bending down to get water to drink.

Under the calm lake, a pair of huge eyes stared at him without blinking.

Bo Yang didn't seem to realize it, and after drinking the water, he picked up the water and slapped his face.

At this moment, the ferocious beast that had been hiding in the water for a long time suddenly rushed out of the water, and bit its ferocious head towards Bo Yang.

The people by the lake raised their heads with a look of panic on their faces.

Complacent, the Demon Jiao swallowed its prey whole in one gulp.

After swallowing, it retracts into the water, preparing to slowly digest the prey in its body. There are very few monks and beasts that have come to the lake recently, and it has been hungry for almost a month. The arrival of this monk was like a timely gift, with thin skin and tender meat, which looked extremely delicious.

The magic dragon sank into the water, curled up and prepared to digest.

However, after a while, it realized that something was wrong with its body. Its body, which was always as hard as iron, seemed to be wrapped in a mass of knives, constantly cutting the soft and tender flesh inside.

The magic dragon soon rolled on the bottom of the lake in pain.

Suddenly, the calm lake was surging with huge waves.

After about a stick of incense, the demon dragon soared into the sky from the bottom of the lake, its huge body flew into the air, and then exploded in two with a whining sound.

Bo Yang held the inner alchemy the size of a pigeon egg and hung it in the air.

He is the majestic four protectors of the devil world, and he is an unscrupulous existence wherever he goes.

After getting the inner alchemy, the second stop is the small town of Tengyunzong.

To meet the leading actor, there are currently two ways. The first is to go up the mountain to meet him, and the second is to let him come down to find himself.

The first method, he had to work hard to sneak into the mountain, and if he did not end up well, he would be chased and killed. No matter how he looked at it, the second method was more comfortable.

But how to let him come down the mountain to meet himself

Bo Yang thought about it and made a plan. He first wrote a letter asking the hero to go down the mountain. If the hero didn't come, he would find a way to sneak into the mountain.

Bo Yang understands the male protagonist. The male protagonist Zhou Ying is a man with a very adventurous spirit. Generally, when encountering dangers or challenges, ordinary people would shy away, but he will face up to difficulties, so his achievements are greater than everyone else.

Bo Yang wrote a letter, in which he told the male protagonist bluntly that he was the one who gave him the Tianyang Pill last time, and this time he brought a elixir to increase his power, hoping that the male protagonist could come down the mountain to meet him.

If ordinary people saw such a letter, they probably wouldn't believe it, but last time Bo Yang did give Zhou Ying a bottle of Tianyang Pill. He must have taken the elixir. On the other hand, Zhou Ying's character is very adventurous. If he judges that Bo Yang contacted him before to get the Dragon Yin Sword, then he will judge that Bo Yang is safe and someone who can be contacted. It's just a foundation-building monk.

He spent some spirit stones to ask a certain disciple who was out shopping to hand over the letter to the male lead. The letter has been specially processed, and if others force it to open it, it will be destroyed.

Bo Yang was waiting in the tavern at the foot of the mountain, that was the first place where he had direct contact with the male lead. At sunset, he finally saw the male lead in disguise.

The male protagonist still has a mustache, wears common people's clothes, and looks like a fool. Bo Yang still used the same appearance he used when he met him last time, he even sat at the table where he met last time, ordered two jugs of good wine and a plate of side dishes, and waited quietly.

When the male protagonist Zhou Ying saw Bo Yang, a smile appeared on his face, and he came to sit beside him with brisk steps.

The male protagonist is more familiar with himself, poured himself a glass of wine, and said: "The last time I said goodbye in a hurry, I didn't even know your name, so I specially asked me out today, or you tell me your real name, or I won't give you your name." know how to call you."

Bo Yang admired his courage and smiled slightly, "You can call me Mr. Xie."

"Is your surname Xie?" the actor asked curiously.

Bo Yang nodded slightly.

In fact, he didn't expect to meet the male lead so smoothly, he even thought that the male lead would send someone to test it first, and then do other actions, or reply a letter first, and then make an appointment for a time and place. But I didn't expect the male protagonist to come directly according to the time and place written in the letter.

This was beyond Bo Yang's expectations, Zhou Ying may have more confidence in himself than he imagined.

So why

"You came out like this? Do you know that I did all this for the Dragon Chanting Sword, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Bo Yang asked curiously.

Zhou Ying smiled and shook his head, "You won't."

The decisive tone made Bo Yang very surprised, "Why?"

"First of all, you know that in order to take out the Dragon Chanting Sword, you have to wait for me to reach the Nascent Soul Stage, but now I am only at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, killing me now will only destroy the Dragon Chanting Sword, so you will never kill me." Welcome to say.

"Then I might arrest you and torture you." Bo Yang said.

Zhou Ying shook his head again, "You won't."

"Why?" Bo Yang was even more curious.

"Intuition." Zhou Ying blurted out.

Zhou Ying's words were far beyond Bo Yang's expectations. He never thought that Zhou Ying would say the word "intuition". They had only met him once. Where did he get the confidence that Bo Yang would not hurt him

Before he could figure out why, Zhou Ying continued: "I don't know why, but I feel very kind when I see you. It seems that we have met before. I think you will not only not harm me, but also help me." .”

Bo Yang was speechless for a moment, he chuckled and said nothing, secretly surprised at the sharp intuition of the leading actor Zhou Ying. In a sense, he was right to feel. To say that the person in this world who is absolutely impossible to harm the hero is probably Bo Yang.

Being so trusted by the male protagonist, Bo Yang was a little moved, but thinking of the plot where Xie Zetian and Zhou Ying were destined to kill each other, Bo Yang felt complicated.

After a pause, Bo Yang said meaningfully: "Young man, I want to tell you that when doing things, you must not only rely on intuition, but evidence, because feelings can deceive people, and only evidence can not deceive people."

Zhou Ying didn't take it seriously, "Mr. Xie is just joking. By the way, sir, you said you have some medicine for me. Is it true?"

There was expectation in Zhou Ying's eyes.

Bo Yang was a little speechless, this person is really courageous, he clearly knows that he will be killed as long as he upgrades to the Nascent Soul stage, and he is still keen on practicing and upgrading.

The male lead deserves to be the male lead, he is so courageous that he defies the sky.

"If I didn't come to deliver the pill today, would you still come out to see me?" Bo Yang asked casually.

Zhou Ying thought for a moment, then nodded, "I regard Mr. as a friend, and I am very willing to meet friends."

Bo Yang: "..."

Bo Yang sighed in his heart, this child trusts him so much, don't hate him later.

"Then I'm really honored." Bo Yang picked up the jug on the table and poured him a glass of wine, and handed the glass of wine to Zhou Ying.

Zhou greeted him with a glass of wine.

Bo Yang poured himself another glass, raised the glass and said, "Come on, let's have a drink."

"Meeting is fate, we will not return today if we are not drunk." Zhou Ying also raised his glass and said.

The two clinked their glasses, and each finished the wine in the glasses. Bo Yang sipped his wine slowly, staring at Zhou Ying.

"What are you looking at me for?" Zhou Ying felt a little strange.

"Wait." Bo Yang put the wine glass on the table, and said a word lightly.

"What are you waiting for?" Zhou Ying asked.

The corners of Bo Yang's mouth curled up slightly, "Do you feel unwell?"

Hearing what Bo Yang said, Zhou Ying frowned, then covered his forehead and said, "Strange, why is my head so dizzy?"

After saying that, his eyes widened suddenly, as if he understood something, he seemed to want to stand up and walk out, but unfortunately he moved and lay down on the table, unconscious.

Holding the wine glass, Bo Yang sighed and said, "Son, don't blame me, I can't help it."

He helped Zhou Ying up and led him to disappear into the tavern.

An hour later, Zhou Ying woke up and found himself in a strange place. Looking around, I found myself in a house.

The surrounding area is very quiet, the house is dilapidated, one wall has collapsed, and only the other three sides are sheltered from the wind and rain, and the things inside the house are also in a mess, probably not wanted by the previous owner. On the whole, the house looked like a ruin.

At the gap in the open wall, a familiar figure stood quietly with his back facing him.

"Mr. Xie?" Zhou Ying sat up from the ground, "Where are we?"

At this moment, he already sensed that something was wrong, but he probably still didn't believe that Bo Yang would harm him.

Bo Yang turned his head, "Good question, where are we now?"

Zhou Ying blinked, his blank face gradually became serious, and there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

"Mr. Xie, I don't understand what you mean."

It seems that he has reacted.

Bo Yang slowly walked up to him, bent down, and stared at him, "I told you, don't rely on your intuition, do you really think I won't hurt you?"

Zhou Ying stood up, forced a smile and said, "Mr. Xie, what do you mean?"

"That's what you understand." There was a hint of arrogance in Bo Yang's tone, and that arrogance instantly made Zhou Ying feel that this person was a little out of reach, different from what he imagined. This man's temperament is ethereal and noble, and his gestures are full of nobility. Even if he is in the first great Tengyun sect, he has never seen such a character. Perhaps it was because this person's temperament and appearance were so outstanding that he relaxed his vigilance.

"You really want to kill me?" Zhou Ying asked again, still not convinced.

Bo Yang laughed loudly, "Boy, what do you think?"

"But now I haven't reached the Nascent Soul Stage."

"So I won't kill you now." Bo Yang gently pinched his chin, with a cruel smile on his lips, "However, there are many things in this world that are more terrifying than death, and you haven't understood them yet. "

Zhou Ying's complexion finally changed, "What exactly do you want to do? You are not here to deliver pills?"

Bo Yang let go of his chin and put his hands behind his back, "I am indeed here to deliver you the elixir, but there is no such thing as a wasted lunch. If you want elixir, you have to exchange it with other things."

Zhou Ying took a step back and put his whole body on guard, "What do you want?"

Bo Yang was silent for a moment, and said word by word: "Biyunzhu."